Isekai Rohan

397 Robin Sol

Ignis: Montt

Having spent the night comforting Miku, in both mind and body, Asai upon awaking decided to summon Baroness Robin Sol.

Whilst he was waiting within his allotted room. He decided to dress more casually, a white silk tunic, black fitted pants and a clean pair of leather boots that went up to his shins. Any more layers, and he would have to worry about constantly sweating, due to the natural temperature of Ignis.

As the man had spent the night prior soothing Miku's worries and fears. It was only then did he realised that Robin equally went through traumatic and nightmarish scenarios because of him.

Robin, was barely an adult when she first started partying with the man. Thrown against a horde of lycans, and then instantly sent in advance solo to fight Baron Bralcom Fowl and his sloppy attempt of annexing Trichia Barony at that time.

And although she had a moment of respite, being the little beach visits. Asai had never taken the time to truly speak to her, heart to heart, or warrior to warrior. At that time, Asai himself was consistently busy, and overwhelmed as he threw himself into battle after battle. And as much as he ignored his own mental health, focusing on dissecting and analysing battles over the effect on his mental health, due to the prolonged exposure to death and slaughter. Asai had also ignored Robin's mental health, and in turn, the half-elf also ignored it. Driving her priorities towards only gaining strength and ability, anything, that would increase Asai's survival rates.

Because of this realization, Asai decided to summon the girl.

Robin entered, and as ordered, she wore her white elven-dress, that exposed her smooth shoulders and arms. The cut finishing just after reaching her thighs. Since it was so humid and hot, Robin decided against wearing any shoes at all, and just relied upon [Winged Foot] to keep her feet clean and off the ground. With Rosemi's assistance, her long hair was now styled adorably behind her, a single braid left lingering upon her chest, as her golden eyes gazed towards Asai's aesthetics.

"You know, we're here on official business right?" Robin couldn't help but question Asai's sudden decision to be so inefficient.


"You know, there's a war raging up north right?"


"And so, rather than increasing your friendship with Queen Emilita, you decided, your time would be better spent sight-seeing?"

Asai nodded. He slipped past the coffee table and took Robin's hand, pulling her out and towards the city.

"Let me confirm one last time. We're not going shopping to buy rations, supplies, weapons or armours. And, we're not searching for dungeons and monsters to kill?"

Asai's ears stretched and became long and pointy. The black pigmentation in his chair, diluted and changed into white, matching Robin's. 

"Exactly Robin, lets just enjoy ourselves for once. No one in this kingdom knows who we are, so lets let loose and have some fun."

"W-who are you? And what did you do to my Asai?" With great scrutiny, she pulled his arm up and bit into his forearm. Enough to draw blood, and to leave her bite mark upon it. Her gaze going up, seeing the man find pleasure in the pain, and the little rising tent. Relinquished his arm in satisfaction. 

Asai de Trichia, utilizing [Overhaul] to disguise himself as an elf, whilst Robin Sol, naturally being a half-elf, equally sporting somewhat pointed ears. Now perfectly blended in with the local citizenry of Ignis. The only difference now, was perhaps their skin tones weren't as pale. Yet, no one really cared or looked their way. For life for the common people were too busy to care about the little details.


Sight-seeing around Montt, and paying a local dark-elf to act as a tour guide. They were swiftly taken around to see multiple landmarks, such as:

When he found the chance to ask around, Queen Emilita supposedly funded the entertainment for her people, as life was especially stressful in a land that was so closely described as hell. Something to keep their minds of the more depressing notes of life, such as their ancestors being exiled here to begin with.

However, even after an hour of relaxing and waiting, only Robin had managed to catch a mighty Salmon that was almost the size of her. The half-elf deciding to share it with the people who were quick to accept and to prepare the sashimi, soon found themselves bustling around, dipping their feet into the cool water as they ate and drank at Asai's expense. Something he didn't mind, since he still had more money than he could ever spend.

Whilst Asai was mostly ignored, Robin was soon dubbed Lady Luck. Something Asai had managed to figure out was due to his inherent bloodlust and killing intent, scaring away his catch. Whilst Robin, was brimming with divinity and holy energy, something that the fish which were considered monsters found to be delicious, as the little worms were brimming full with mana.

And whilst Asai was extremely tempted in acquiring more skills from the adult students and researchers. He prioritized his time and energy all upon his most beloved Robin Sol. The half-elf, who noticed this, happily clung to his arm. Enjoying his reactions and expressions as he saw different forms of spells and their utilizations. And as much as she wanted to tell him to let loose, she decided that, just for this day she would be entirely selfish and have the man to herself.

Having returned late into the evening, to the heart of Montt. The two were now sitting side by side within a private balcony that oversaw the city itself down below. The restaurant served mostly seafood, since crops were hard to grow in volcanic lands. With a wide variety of multi-coloured fish sashimi and sea-weed. The two dined and drank as the sounds of the city bustled below.

If anyone from Trichia had been witness to experience the multitude of expressions, smiles and laughter that Robin went through today. They too would cite Robin's earlier words. "Who are you? And what did you do to Robin?"

Her usually stoic-poker-face was no where to be seen today. Having honestly let herself loose, relinquishing all thoughts of battle, tomorrow and her future. Focusing and enjoying only the present. Robin Sol, since her alleyway-days, enjoyed life.

"Baroness Robin Sol."

Her petite ears perked up, as she sipped upon the fine-elven-wine. "What's with the formal speech?"

"Baroness Robin Sol, I've spent a great amount of time thinking about this. And, I've decided, once the war is over and there are no longer any threats to us and our home. Lets get married."

Robin, caught off-guard, chugged the rest of her drink down before gazing her wide-opened eyes towards his sincere smile.

"I'm serious. I want to marry you Robin. I want you in my life and I want to be in yours, now and forever. Until the end of days."

The half-elf kicked her chair back, before throwing herself into his chest. Headbutting him and taking the wind out of his lungs.

And as much as she wanted to talk, her tears, her rumbling heart and shaky vocal cords refused her. "I-I thought you'd never ask!"

Robin, in all the years he had known the man. Had always believed herself to be just a tool, a sword or a shield for him. She believed he would end up marrying Victoria or Rosemi at the end of the day, not someone like her who had no backing, no family and lineage to speak off. Not someone he picked off from the dirty slums of Einhoren. How, how could she have ever known his thoughts.

"Robin Sol, will you marry me?"

Smudging her tears all over his tunic, she gazed up to check his expression. Finding him to be entirely sincere, without a hint of laughter. She finally spoke.



If the element was imbued in [Food] then it became extremely attractive to beasts/monsters that are mostly the opposite element.

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