Isekai Rohan

398 Rosemi de Lumix

Upon returning to the royal palace, Asai de Trichia and Robin Sol met Rosemi de Lumix waiting outside the duke's allotted room. 

Her arms crossed under her chest, and Mizumi who was standing behind her in [Hide] who awkwardly dodged Asai's gaze. Somewhat put the two on the spot. Robin's grip upon the man's hand tightened, threatening to broke his bones.

"Come inside you two, we need to talk."

Following the blonde beauty in, who was dressed for battle. Asai once more tried to catch Mizumi's attention, but the dhan quickly manoeuvred herself behind Rosemi who had seated herself upon the sofa, her legs crossed over whilst her arms remained folded.

Asai and Robin sat upon the opposing sofa.

"Duke, Asai de Trichia. Do you have anything you wish to inform me?" Her ocean blue gems sharply gazed into his.

Asai nodded, before casting [Overhaul] returning to his human form. Taking a deep breathe to prepare himself, he ignored the dhan and gently looked into Robin's and then Rosemi's eyes with a smile.

"I was going to find you later today, but I guess now is also a good time.

Listen Rosemi, After the war with the dekans are over. And there are no more national threats to our kingdom and home. Robin and I will be getting married. She's already accepted my proposal, and therefore we're now considered to be engaged to one and another."

With Asai's sharp eye-sight. He saw how Rosemi's breathing was becoming deeper, and more sporadic, as if she was trying to stop herself from breaking. Her bottom lip trembling as her arms tightened around herself.

"Lady Rosemi de Lumix. I owe all of my success in this life time to you, if not for your intervention, I'm sure I would've been rotting away in some dark cell or sent to the arena to battle until the last of my days.

And as much as I owe you, and am eternally grateful for your presence in my life. I love you as much as I love Robin. And I understand how greedy I'm being by saying this, but you're both equally as important, and I want you in my life as much as I want to be in yours.

Rosemi de Lumix, will you marry me?" "Fuck, please say yes!"

When Asai proposed to Robin, he was certain the girl would accept his feelings. However, now that it came to Rosemi who he considered to be strong-willed, free-spirited and being a daughter of a mighty duke. She honestly didn't lose much if she decided to find a man who she could monopolize to herself. As such, now it was Asai who was nervous and somewhat shaking as his heart thumped away. On the verge of either happiness or pain.

"Duke, Asai de Trichia. You... You better treat us fairly. If you neglect me just because Robin loves you more, I'll personally tell Victoria all about your debauchery and your speech to Queen Emilita. I'm sure by then, she would be more than happy to put a strap-on and fuck you like a cock-sleeve.

Do I make myself clear?"

Rosemi, both somewhat mad, crying, sad, happy and relieved. Spoke whilst her words vibrated and croaked.

Seeing her in such a state, Asai was about to apologise.

"I'm not hurt, I'm not crying because I'm mad at you for desiring multiple wives. Don't get me wrong, I know full well how incredible of a man you are. You're destined to be a king, and even perhaps an emperor if your ambitions even went that far.

I'm happy that you considered me to be one of your potential wives, I'm just- These tears are just happy tears, because I've been trying so damn fucking hard to get you, to make you fall in love with me, to express your feelings. Yet, you were so stupidly stubborn...

You had me worried, that my charms weren't good enough for you. And that I was merely another means to an end."

Rosemi arose from her sofa, seating herself upon his lap she hugged him tight, throwing his face into his soft bosom.

"Asai de Trichia. Yes, I will marry you. Just promise to treat me right."

Robin who was equally nervous and scared, now managed to sigh in relief. And whilst Rosemi took Asai's lips, Robin sturdily held Asai's hand. Happy that there'd be no heartbreaks today, and that they would still be able to party together.

When Rosemi managed to calm her emotions down, she sprung back and gazed into Asai's black eyes.

"Y-You're going to marry Victoria as well right? You know that you have to right? She's already let it slip that you took her purity. The queen's virginity at that! Please tell me you'll be taking responsibility for the baby in her belly!" "If you don't there will be high chance of another civil-war or an uprising. The queen of a nation tainted by a man who then fled to another kingdom!? AAAAAAAAAH"

Asai nodded strongly.

"Of course. That was the plan."

"Oh, holy crap, thank goddess!"

Rosemi, relaxing after receiving his answer, now felt happier than ever. As the two girls were childhood friends, who always gossiped and spoke about finding the best and most capable man to marry. She was honestly thrilled that they both managed to find who they were looking for. There was no doubt within their minds that Asai was the best catch within their generation.

"So, Robin, then me, and then Victoria... Will I be expecting more sister-in-laws?"

Asai shook his head. Causing Mizumi to stumble back, not for her sake, as she never once thought he would even want to marry her. Satisfied with being a mistress, but she thought the man would marry Kozumi at the least. To solidify his rule over Par'Talucca.


Within the mind of the dhan, she now figured out who she had to convince. "Robin Sol, Rosemi de Lumix and Victoria Del Lagos. I need to convince these three women to then convince or sway Asai into marrying Kozumi! She's a princess! Practically the queen as she's the eldest-surviving member of the royal family! AHHHHHHHH!

Mizumi quietly left the bubbly-rosy atmosphere. Finding Miku within her room, she began to explain to the blue headed girl what had transpired, and what they now needed to write back to both Kozumi and Victoria.

"Miku! this is for the sake and future of our kingdom! For Par'Talucca!"

Miku nodded in surprise, as she scrambled to her desk for pen and paper.

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