Isekai Rohan

416 Arson

Arsonist Asai de Trichia.

Proudly gazed upon his work of art. Golden flames spread like a virus, transferring, consuming and blazing all that was in reach. The fire climbed, as it slowly followed through the nests, cocoons and intricate architecture of webbing. Egg-sacks crumbled as the insects within perished before the mighty heat.

The human and half-elf gazed on as the spider-web melted away, just as cotton-candy would upon entering a boy of water. And although there was a large amount of smoke, slowly filling out the cavern. There were enough tunnels below, between and above to allow the airflow to ensure the duke and baroness's front row seats remained premium.

What became increasingly interesting to Asai, was that the spiders were suicidal, and charging into the fire. Dozens spat their webbing upon the hostile fire that was imbued with [Divinity] in an attempt to quell the ferocious and hungry beast. And once realizing their webbing to be entirely useless, they threw themselves as if to smother the flames with their very own bodies.

And whilst this barely effected the fire at first, when hundreds and more continued to throw themselves in. The blazing-divinity struggled to consume and burn so much material all at once. Especially when, the natural occurring liquids from their corpses smothered the flames, weakening them. And only then did Asai exclaim in surprise as he realized the spiders were operating with a hive-mind, like ants.

Still hidden within their individual stealth skills, Asai decided to deliver upon the eight-legged creatures an additional house-warming gift.

[Solace] appeared within his grip. Seeing the cruel spear, Robin flew higher to ensure there was enough space between the ground and them. Honestly, Robin felt quite weird. She was literally hugging the man around the waist from behind. As if she were a claw-machine, just lingering there as he enjoyed his newfound candy.

"[Solace] A befitting gift for you fuckers if I say so myself." 

Surging his mana, filling the jet-black spear with equally black energies, up until it started to vibrate and even holding it proved tough as his palms itched. Feeling the pins-and-needles assault his hands, the duke released his chaotic spear.

Without the usual force and velocity from being fired like a true spear, the weapon simply fell as a single weapon, as if it was a missile. Exploding upon landing and releasing [Chaos] that incinerated both monsters and flames. With such explosive-energy releasing, the air-pressure sent the two higher above as Robin fought against the air-currents once more.

The underground system rumbled and shook whilst the ground below was engulfed in a dome of darkness. After a dozen seconds later, the lingering mana particles and dust finally dematerialized, revealing the ground below to be spotless and clean. Albeit still crudely surfaced.

[Asai de Trichia: Lvl 96->97]  [Robin Sol: Lvl 90->91]

"Nice, we finally levelled up again."

Glancing towards Robin, he noticed she was staring intently towards the large tunnel, in which they had come from previously.

"What is it?"

"I-I'm not sure..."

An eerily familiar rumbling occurred, as the cavern gently shook and vibrated. 

"Robin, fly. Fly now!-"

[Rock Wurm: Lvl 99]

The rock serpent, greatly angered by the aggressive-announcement Asai had just dropped. Ruthlessly shot towards them, this time, its maws were open. Revealing a dozen more rows of teeth, biting, chewing and destroying all matter that fell within its clutches.

Robin, needless to say dipped, utilizing gravity to drag her down before gliding into one of many tunnels randomly. Hoping that the smaller tunnel that was dug by the spiders would prevent it from chasing.

However, such a desire was quickly replaced with high-focus on flying. Dodging and evading the sporadically placed webs that weren't within the flame's influence.

[Holy Testimony] repeatedly flew ahead to cut both spiders and webbing. Whilst behind, the rock serpent ate and demolished its way forward. Expanding the tunnel size to fit its body, as it continued to chase the two trespassers. Fulfilling its heavenly duty and obligation to the divine-beings.

"Hey! Cousin of Thrud, I apologise! I mean no harm! I was actually doing you a favour by cleaning your sewage system!"

The human and half-elf now continued to flow through a myriad of tunnels that zig-zagged, bent, split and turned. As if they were the fighter-jet in a bullet-hell game. Zipping and dodging whilst Robin focused her skills on slaughtering their spiders at the front. Asai kept repeatedly dropping [Solace] as if they were bombs to slow the rock-serpent down. Albeit barely.

"What the fuck!? It's eating both [Divinity] and [Chaos] explosions as if they were different flavoured candy!"


"Robin, I don't mean to rush you but can you fly faster please!?"

"I-I'm trying!!" 

[Winged Foot]

Increases movement speed by 40%


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

[Holy Testimony]

Manifests 10 astral swords at target. Each sword deals 35% of normal attack. Swords nullify foreign mana.

[Saintess' Faith]

Increase Holy elemental damage by 25% for you and 15% for your allies.


Enables flight for [Robin Sol] Sustained Mana: [10]

Robin Sol, was currently burning through her mana stores aggressively. Utilizing and funding multiple skills concurrently as she concentrated to her utmost to upkeep them. Even casting [Detect] every 60 seconds, to reveal the spiders that were more clever with concealment. Without turning back, she focused on the front. As the consistently horrible explosions, crackling and screeching that was roaring from behind her was enough to urge her onwards.

Wracking his brain for ideas, he threw whatever he could into the giant maws. Hoping to appease its anger or hunger.

The random items being: Tents, beds, whiskey, Robin's underwear, a dead-lycan's corpse, [Cotton], 25 undead skeletons and even [Phantom Menace].

Everything was instantly slaughtered, destroyed and ripped to shreds. All things magical was equally absorbed, as the rock serpent seemingly ate anything and everything.

"Fucking hell! This thing isn't no border guardian! It's a world-eater!"

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