Isekai Rohan

417 Queen

Having sprinted for goddess knows how long. Rosemi de Lumix, Mizumi and Miku were gasping for air, even if the oxygen tasted like foul-odour. Spurring themselves onwards, mana surging consistently into their legs and lungs. A lesser person would've already succumbed to the sudden high-intensity-workout they suddenly found themselves in.

[Rosemi de Lumix: Lvl 85]  [Miku: Lvl 85]  [Mizumi: Lvl 84]

Any lower in levels, and most definitely one or two of them would've already perished.

As for the hundreds of baby-spiders that were chasing them. Mimi remained behind utilizing [Sealing Square] to hold them back. However, even with her repeated sacrifices as Miku simply summoned her once more. As the small group sprinted through the tunnel system. Through the honey comb like holes and gaps scattered across the walls and ceilings. Hundreds upon hundreds more surged in to feast, which led to Mimi once again sacrificing herself to hold them back.

Something that was highly effective, but came at great costs as the host, the caster who had to carry the burden was now greatly weakening as her mana stores bottomed out.

Miku's expression now greatly pale and sickly, couldn't even drink a mana potion anymore, as its diminishing returns were exhausted entirely.

"S-should I just sacrifice myself? A-after all... I'm so useless."

Such thoughts were dominating her mind and resolve.

As if she could tell her thoughts and feelings. Rosemi held the purple-headed girl's hands tightly, forcefully dragging her onwards as they maintained their running speed.

Thankfully, it wasn't long until the path they were in opened up, revealing a sudden long drop down. Without hesitation, Rosemi yanked the girl down with her, as they both fell swiftly down and penetrated the water-surface safely. Mizumi, having thought they had become crazy, only needed to turn around and witness the thousand strong swarm that was relentless for her flesh, to motivate herself into following her companions. Jumping down as she prayed for the best.

Perhaps if this was Earth, and these were ordinary human beings, their limbs, bones and bodies would've been greatly injured from such a fall. As they had practically leapt from a waterfall, down into the water. However, with their heightened bodies amplified by stats that granted: strength, increased-health-pool, physical-defence, endurance and vitality. All factors that strengthened their bodies against hostile physical forces. 

The girl's safely emerged, clambering up and out of the body of liquid. In which they soon found out to be a mixture of dirty-water and blood.

Miku couldn't help but keel over and vomit, as she had accidentally swallowed copious amounts of the sewage water. Rosemi, thankfully was a noble, and had access to a [Storage] ring. Although being quite restrictive in item slots, she still had a few towels available to her usage. Handing them out, to wipe their faces of the horrible crap. Allowing them to freely breathe, talk and see again, without accidentally tasting more of the vile substance.

"If we're going through such a nightmarish experience over here. I can only imagine how horrible it must be for Asai and Robin... Please stay strong guys, we're coming!"

The girl's glanced up, glad to see that the baby critters were unwilling to enter this location. However, their joy quickly turned to horror.

"Why aren't they following us anymore?" Asked Miku.

"Because this is out of their territory..." Mizumi pointed up higher, in which they others were quick to follow. Arching their necks further up, and towards the ceiling. Revealing a spider with 16 eyes, its body being larger than an elephants. It clung to the ceiling as it cleaned its face, its frontal claws grabbing the baby-critters who had strayed too close. Nabbing them as snacks to munch upon.

Before it suddenly realised it had guests. 

"Food, entering my nest and serving themselves up for me to dine upon? How nice of them! ❤"

Slowly descending upon a single thread, it landed before the ladies who found no way out. chittering and clattering as it gloated in joy.

"Miku, stay in stealth if you're out of mana. Mizumi, on me." 

Miku shamefully entered the sewage, submerging herself up to her neck, hoping that it would be enough to be ignored. As she prayed for her mana regen to miraculously work.

Rosemi de Lumix, her usually beautiful blonde hair now covered in red, took point, with her beloved blade radiating with [Divinity]

Mizumi stood just off-flank. Any windows of opportunities the knight managed to find and expose, she would be sure to act upon. Her katars glistening and dripping with [Darkness] as she dipped into [Hide]

The two, with great amounts of mana and adrenaline coursing through their bodies via their hearts that pounded and slammed against their rib-cages, bravely engaged upon the massive spider that had peripheral vision that nearly granted it 360 vision.

Being unable to attack its face or main-body, Rosemi casted [Rush] slamming herself into its legs, somewhat destabilizing it as its massive weight and mass shifted. Mizumi equally entertaining the same intentions, cast [Death Call] upon the legs that added to the destabilization. Like woodmen, they chopped and hacked away through the tough exoskeleton. 

All the while, dodging its strikes and bites. Evading the sharp teeth whilst throwing one and another out of harms way, when the mother-spider decided to fire its webbing. Screeches and roaring soon rumbled throughout the cavern as the little humans were too small and nimble for its long legs to precisely strike.

It was only then, did it remember that there was a third. It's many eyes scanned around, before swiftly noticing the head bopping within its personal bath tub.

Leaping up and away from the two fighters, she scrambled across the walls in an attempt to place itself just above Miku who was now helplessly trying to swim back to the shore. Thrusting through the water resistance that was thicker than usual.

At such a height, Rosemi was entirely incapable of reaching it. Whilst [Death Call] wasn't strong enough to pull the creature. Only tickling it with the magical-telekinesis that tugged at it.

The dhans:Avenger class being designed for humanoid combat, greatly failed in effectiveness against such a large monster. Something, Craut had become aware of since the dawn of man. Thus, creating the dekans, who excelled against all races and species.

Miku, swimming towards the girls who were equally running towards her, hoping to protect the dhan. All felt their hearts thump as their muscles fatigued from the long exertion from both running and fighting at speeds impossible for the everyday human, without mana.

"Goddess Loha! Please help us!" Shouted Rosemi.

The rumbling from the large spider's claws and feet as it thrust itself into the walls suddenly stopped, as it was now lingering above them all. It drooled in delight as it realized how superior it was, if it decided to maintain its advantages.

"This! This is why spiders stand atop the food chain, higher than you two-legged creatures!" It screeched, as if the humans could understand it.

Out of nowhere, the wall it clutched upon exploded. Great amounts of [Chaos] deleted the material, revealing 10 brilliantly holy swords to surge through and striking its exposed underbelly. The sudden shock caused it to automatically leap upon its previous webbing that lingered within the middle of the cavern.

Rosemi's heart filled with joy and hope as she saw Robin Sol, deftly flying in, scooping down towards them with Asai de Trichia in her arms. The two greatly exhausted, crashed into the ground, rolling.


Happiness filled her soul, before quickly turning into terror. As the colossal beast from before smashed through the tiny hole Asai had made. Having no way of seeing, the rock-wurm flew into the massive-spider, taking it with him as it rammed into the opposing wall and continuing its digging in search of the invaders who had suddenly fell of its radar. As for the queen-spider, it flailed, screeched, scratched and bit as much as it could, but everything was useless against such a divine-beast.

Asai, who was laying upon his back, looked around to see the others happily breathing sighs of relief, whilst Miku was crying out of shame.

"Did I miss something?" Asai glanced up, watching the other ends of the rock-wurm continue surging into its new tunnel, and away from them. "Thank goddess..."

Rosemi, Mizumi and Miku all threw themselves upon the human and half-elf. Hugging each other, as they managed to survive another crazy ordeal.

"I-I knew you two would be okay!" Rosemi, finally relaxed her mind, as she fell asleep within his embrace.

[Asai de Trichia: Lvl 97]  [Robin Sol: Lvl 91->92]  [Rosemi de Lumix: Lvl 85->88] 

[Miku: Lvl 85->88]  [Mizumi: Lvl 84->85]

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