Isekai Rohan

423 Nova Regenon

Nova Regenon frowned disapprovingly.

"Even in her final moments, she shows such a lack of character. What a fucking disgrace, I should've ended you the moment you left my womb." In her moment of weakness, as a mother who felt nothing but joy and love. She had ignored the signs of wickedness and cowardice. Listening to her husband's wishes to give Emilita the chance to grow and prove herself strong. She now felt angered, that such a smudge upon her legacy existed and continued to taint her lineage.

"M-mother. You've already sent father to his death, and now you wish to lose another member of your family?"

Nova's sharp gaze instantly frightened Rima a step back. "Your father was a fool. Brainwashed by the sheep, believing her divine-eminence Marea of being fake and fiction. A tale to ensure the royal family held power over the people. A fucking fool who refused to come to terms with reality.

And right now, Rima my dear. I'm starting to believe that it isn't just Emilita who suffers from his rancid bloodline, but you as well. So do me a favour and prove me wrong, prove to me that you're indeed my daughter."

Her husband, actually had the closest shade of white hair she could find within the nobility. As she was sure of her own royal-bloodline's purity, she had no doubts that it must've been her deceased-husband's seed that gave her second daughter such tainted and vile features.

Seeing her two daughter's continue to hesitate, spurring their minds into concocting as many excuses and reason as to why they shouldn't kill each other. Nova smashed her glass across the floor before pulling out her divine-spear. One she had inherited from her mother, who in turn inherited from hers.

[Holy Testimony] !

100 white, brilliantly holy spears materialized. Forming a circle that surrounded the two young girls, pointing their deadly edges at them.

"Fight or I will end you both, I have still centuries left to my life, and I will have more offspring if I have too!"

By now, tears were streaming across both girl's cheeks. Rima, held strong as she pointed her sword towards Emilita. The younger, wailed and cried as she plucked her weapon back off the carpet.


Rima's training spurred her body into action, against the desires of her heart. Her blade instantly ruined Emilita's grip upon her weapon. Severing her tendons, causing the sword to once more fall. Next, she left dozens of light-wounds and cuts across her body, ensuring she had no ability to fight in any capacity as her strength left her.

Falling down to her knees, Emilita gazed up towards her beloved sister. Tears, snot and drool ruined her face as she pissed herself. The fear of death filling her mind, as her instincts told her to utilize necromancy for survival. And yet, even as she stood upon the verge of death, she refused to summon the undead. "I'm not evil! I'm not vile or wicked! I am the second princess, Emilita Regenon!"

With her sword placed besides her dainty neck, Rima couldn't help but lose her vision to her own tears. The girl had once heard of stories, the bravery and courage of Nova Regenon, who bested 10 of her own siblings to acquire the throne. Something that was considered to be legendary, and still propagated to the youth. Never expecting such a fate would befall herself, as she only had a single timid-younger-sister.

"What the fuck are you waiting for? My permission? I already gave it. Do it!" Nova poured herself another glass of wine, as she continued to watch the performance before her. Seeing as Rima continued to stand there, stalling for time. She slammed her fist upon the coffee-table. Her holy spears inched closer, enclosing upon the two.

Rima resolved her heart. Took two steps back before she funnelled great amounts of [Divinity] into her sword. Performing a perfect cut, the mana from her weapon extended out and sliced through Emilita's neck. Entirely passing through and even destroying the furniture behind her.

Rima's intention abundantly clear. She sheathed her weapon before saluting her mother.

Nova, mouth agape. Marched over to her eldest daughter and backhanded her across the face. Sending her flying across the floor. As for Emilita, the girl had fainted from the fear of death. Rima, with her heavenly sword-skill and ability to harness mana. Sent her magical attack exactly through the girl's neck with zero [Intent] of harming her. 

"Fucking pathetic, the both of you."

Thus, the two sisters now laid there both passed out as Nova called upon the guards.

The doors to her room quickly burst open as Ruby ran over to Emilita, quick to embrace the girl before checking her pulse. Ensuring that she was still alive. Larmiel was kneeling besides Rima, and although he felt greatly tempted in crying. He held his emotions back and held his composure before the queen.

"Larmiel. Lock the two within the same room. They aren't to leave until one of them dies."

The young-elf saluted, accepting his orders.

"Also. I'm going to go for a walk. Tell them, by the time I'm back. I better have a worthy heir, or I'll kill them both personally." Finishing her piece, Nova wondered off into the darkness. Leaving the kingdom behind as she went on another one of her random vacations.

Larmiel, now had to wonder just how exactly long did the two sisters have left. As the queen had vaguely quoted "walk." 

Considering the elven-queen's variant of a walk, it could be months, years, or even centuries before she decides to come back. And where she was heading? Only Goddess Marea knew where.


2 years, into their forced isolation with one and another. The two sisters were still very much alive and well. And with no signs or indications of their elven-queen returning. Larmiel and Ruby hatched a plan of their own. One they enacted upon through the night.

"Your Highnesses, Rima, Emilita.

Listen to me. My family has served your bloodline for as long as it has existed. And, although I have pledged my loyalty, and should follow all orders bestowed upon me. I do not wish to see you two sisters kill one and another. I believe that you both, who carry the bloodline of the high-elves, should both live and continue to exist. 

We're going to sneak you out of the palace, many likeminded vassals of my family has already agreed to help. They will personally escort Emilita to the lands of the exiled, there, she will be safe from Her Majesty's reach and influence."

Emilita's eyes opened up in horror. As she was practically being exiled to the very lands her family had been sentencing criminals and enemies into. A land filled with people who most likely hated the royal family, thus in extension, her included. Understanding her worries, Ruby made her voice heard.

"It's okay Your Highness, I will be besides you and a squadron of trusted knights. When we reach the land of the fallen, we will pretend to be likeminded, and sympathetic of their desires. We will fabricate the story of your exile. So please, be brave, be strong and build up your own kingdom. And in due time, under your guidance, they will change their ways, change their hearts and one day forgive the cousins in Via Marea.

And when that day comes, you can reunite with Her Highness, princess Rima again..."

Rima nodded in understanding. She also had similar thoughts in mind, albeit being unable to act upon it due to their isolation.

"Emi. Go, be strong. Don't worry about me.

I will use this window of opportunity to sharpen my swordsmanship. And when mother returns, I promise you that I'll be strong enough to face her. Things will be alright, so lets both be patient and grow our kingdoms to be the strongest." Leaning in closer to her ear, Rima whispered.

"Also, I've known about your talent for necromancy for a long time. I don't see it as evil, or wickedness. I believe it to be god-given, as such, you should use it. Use it proudly little sis." Rima landed a kiss upon her forehead as the two royal-elves hugged. After a dozen seconds,  Larmiel and Ruby pulled them away, quick to spurring them down many hallways and corridors. Out into the awaiting carriage that was disguised as elven cargo.

Rima gazed out of her window, watching as the horses spurred out of the palace. Her will, and resolve strengthening, as she now had to pretend to be aggressive towards the exiles. All to make Emilita's story believable, all to protect her.

Hopefully, none of the noble households would take it too seriously, and go as far as causing conflict.

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