Isekai Rohan

424 Underground Dungeon

Having spent the night within one of many rooms, Asai was the first to awake as his body unnaturally recovered much faster than others. With so much energy available to him, he simply felt that he couldn't sleep any further. Something that was thanks to 

[Heavy Sleeper]

Health, Mana, Stamina and physical wounds recovers faster +5

Looking around, Robin was peacefully sharing a bed with Rosemi, using her breasts as pillows. Miku and Mizumi flanked Asai's sides, as he gently lifted off their arms to get out of bed. Glancing over to the barrel in which Caronia had claimed for himself. Solo-consuming the alcoholic beverage before sleeping within it, home-sweet-home. Asai went on over to peek in to find it empty.


Seconds passed without any response within his mindscape.

Head out of the room, he focused his senses with mana. Picking up only the sound of gentle-breathing from the ladies behind him, and the occasionally echo of wind. Something he believed to be the product of the underground-guardian that continued to spur through his tunnel-systems.

Venturing forth on his lonesome, he soon entered through a particular set of doors that revealed a great hallway. Within the middle, was dwarven king Caronia, kneeling before a golden dungeon portal. Behind the portal, appeared to be gates. And through the cracks and fractures of the mighty iron gates, was both fresh air and sunlight.

"Good to know..."

Approaching the dwarven king who ignored his approaching steps. He gazed upon the portal, as it was the first time he had ever seen a golden one. "Caronia, can you tell me about the colours? and their significance?"

"Aye, son. I can. Black is for the usual everyday dungeons that leads to a realm filled with a world that consists of its own eco-system. A black portal, tinted with grey, something you had to look closely for. Indicates challenges, or even the presence of a divine-being, telling you that you're being watched. Whether or not they intervene, to either turn your life into living-hell or to assist you, that's up to your luck.

White portals, something I've never had the honour of finding. Are rumoured to be portals that lead to the realm of the gods and goddesses themselves. Mythical crap that is. Goddess knows who started such a tale.

As for this golden one... It is a dungeon, meant for only a single challenger. My grandfather once challenged one... Never saw the light again he did. Many people, seeking fame and glory, to be crowned as legendary heroes. Would enter these, back in my day..."

Also inched closer, stretching out a hand to touch it. Only to find it unresponsive, as if there was a layer of glass preventing any external factors from entering. 

"So, there's someone inside this very dungeon right now?"

"Indeed so..."

"Your grandfather?"

"HA! That's a good one. Although, the passage of time moves differently in dungeons, I doubt even one of my kind could survive for this long. I'm telling you Asai, I don't recognise shit, even after being summoned so many times. I don't recognise crap anymore. Time has ravaged and changed everything I had known and loved..."

"But- these tunnels still exist don't they? And you've already confirmed of their dwarven origins."

"Aye, you're correct there actually." Caronia itched his head, somewhat feeling hopeful that perhaps, just perhaps, his kind hadn't completely died out.

"What happened to your people anyway? Why are there no more dwarves, to roam the lands, to continue your legacy?"

Taking a deep breath, and feeling his dry throat thirst for more honey-ale. Caronia licked his dry lips before finally breaking his gaze away from the divine portal.

"I can't tell you. If I do, you will never be able to call upon me again. Just- just know that I went against my goddess' orders..." The pressure and responsibility of a monarch. A single wrong move, and the man had to experience the downfall of his people and kingdom. Such memories still haunted him till this day, filling him with regret.

"Asai, as a friend, and as fellow monarchs. Please, continue to call upon me and my lads to battle. Although it isn't set in stone, my people believe that if we please her, with enough glorious victories, perhaps she would forgive us one day. And we'll once again roam these lands..."

"What- Will your kind just pop out of no where? Out of a portal? Or will you emerge out of eggs?" Asai tried to imagine it. Imaging God simply creating and crafting new life forms out of thin air, painting them into existence with his heavenly-brush. Or, perhaps eggs would turn up one day, out of nowhere. Dozens upon dozens that would hatch new baby-dwarves out to populate the lands. Or perhaps they'll crawl out of the ground, like zombies and skeletons do?

"Asai, I don't know what the hell you're thinking, but please stop. It's creeping me out!"

Robin Sol, Rosemi de Lumix, Mizumi and Miku finally caught up with the two men. Although still trying to rub the sleep out of their eyes as they entered. Upon seeing the golden portal, goose bumps and chills assaulted their bodies. Miku, instantly found her memories being flooded with her experienced death, as her arms instantly wrapped around her own body for comfort.

"Don't worry. We won't be entering. Our current goal is to make it into Morrisen, to join my vassals in attacking a criminal organisation who calls themselves Orca-" The ladies relaxed, as they sighed in relief. "-We'll come back for this portal later. Loha knows what kind of treasures and rewards we would get from one such as this."

Asai rubbed his chin, as he imagined up what sorts of legendary or heavenly weapons he would receive from a golden-portal. Whilst the other's now made mental notes to themselves, that Asai was for sure completely addicted to throwing himself into the flames and nightmares. That he was truly, a fucking [Masochist]

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