Dwarven king Caronia, for the remainder of the tour through the underground ruins, which was a hybrid between a mine and a home for its workers and people, was lost entirely to his thoughts. Mumbling away as she continued to march through the familiar halls. Soon leading the party into an open cavern that had a dozen carts, attached to one and another, laid upon a mine railway.

Asai being the only one to recognise the tracks as a means of transportation was greatly surprised. And as much as his mouth itched, in desires of informing the others, he left the honours to his benefactor Caronia.

"Behold! humans! This was something designed and crafted by master-engineers back in my day. You see the two orbs placed at each end of the train? You power the device with your mana to make it run. Simply power the orb towards the direction you want. As for how it was invented... Don't ask me, figure it out yourselves, bah!"

Caronia glanced over towards Asai, solemnly inspecting his party as he weakly smiled before vanishing, returning to the ring.

"As expected... Seeing the hard evidence of your kingdom and people's downfall must've been hard on him."

Robin trotted over to hold the duke's hand. "Asai~ If you want, if I ever meet the goddess, I'll ask her to restore the dwarven people."

The man chuckled, as he played with her soft fingers. "And how exactly would you meet a goddess? You still owe me the other favour."

Robin tilted her head to a side. "Firstly, I heard Caronia's explanation on white coloured portals. Secondly, what favour?"

"The moon. You still haven't killed the moon for me." Seeing her pout, as he was clearly teasing her prior naivety, Asai leaned down to lay a kiss upon her lips.

"You two love-birds, are we going or not?" Mizumi and Miku were already riding within the carts. Whilst Rosemi was examining and inspecting the head and tail carts, which both held marbles.

"I see... This is just like that stone-boat that required mana to sail across the lava." 

Miku shivered, as Rosemi's comment reminded her of unhappy thoughts. Being urged by the others, Robin dragged the man over before entering the head cart. Thankfully, upon the marble the size of a football, was labelled. "North." Thus, saving them from making any mistake in deciding upon their direction.

"Do it Robin." 

Having received the green light, she gently leaked her mana into the core. Slowly rising the input, trying to feel out its optimal threshold. 

"This is nice... It's kind of like one of those mini rollercoasters, designed for children." As he had such thoughts, the train began to pick up speed. 10mph soon became 20, and then 30 before capping out at 40.

Everyone but Robin was now seated deeply within their individual carts, as the iron containers rattled and rocked whilst zooming north. Just barely making out the the objects that was zooming past them. Asai noticed many tunnels branching out from this one rail-system. 

"Those must be where the mineral veins are. Good to know..." His teeth, continuously rattling as he held on. The duke made a mental note to report this mine that has fully recovered its deposits to the kingdom. In addition to a firm warning, in remaining within range of the dwarven architecture, and away from the boundaries of the underground-guardian.


A couple dozen minutes later of the nauseating experience, Robin lowered her mana output as the end of the tunnel soon became apparently clear, especially with the sunlight beaming through. Quick to hop off the horrible vehicle, everyone but Miku appeared fine. As the young dhan immediately wobbled over towards a side and puked, motion-sickness greatly assaulting her. As for the other ladies, they appeared to have greatly enjoyed the ride. Perhaps it was simply something they were accustomed to, being members of nobility, and having ridden horses that weren't exactly the most comfortable form of movement.

Ignoring the spacious cavern that was littered with old and decaying mining tools, Asai immediately went towards the light. Somewhat covering his eyes as he did so, before they finally adjusted to natural light, over ores and magical crystals.

Now laid before him, was a view straight out of a fairy book. Trees with humongous trunks, as tall as apartment buildings filled their vision entirely. Heading out just a little further, they soon found that they were upon a cliff, overlooking the vast green below.

"Incredible... We're so high up and yet, the trees are still taller than us." Commented the duke, who took in the deliciously fresh air.

"Yeah, those trees. People could probably carve out homes inside right?" Rosemi clutched onto her man's arm, shoving it into her cleavage as they both enjoyed the vast view below.

"Okay, I agree. It's a beautiful view. But, how do we get down?" Mizumi and the pale Miku, shifting their gazes all over. The usual mountain path, or tracks had been entirely lost to time, and the plants.

Asai, now having thoughts of crafting make shift parachutes from his large supply of ropes and materials. Sinisterly grinned, as she imagined out the entire process. 

Feeling a chill, and a threat upon their safety, Robin quickly suggested flying as she could carry them one after the other. Which was quickly voted upon, receiving high praise as the women left him to his own suicidal-devices.

Seeing no one wanting to join him on the jump, he gave up on the notion of jumping. "What do you want bird?"

Cotton, uncharacteristically, was looking all smug. Jumping off Robin's head, it slowly glided over towards the man, headbutting his stomach before fading. "Huh?"

Robin, suddenly surprised, pointed towards him. "Asai! Look at your back!"

Cotton's usually small, soft and smooth wings were now enlarged and gently flapping from his back. Seeing the sudden change, he quickly checked the skill to see if it had upgraded from usage.

[Summon Bird]

Summons a baby bird [Cotton] to caster side. Grants target [Glide]

"Nicely done Cotton. I knew you weren't useless all along!"

Somewhere within his mindscape, the human could've sworn he could hear tweeting, really angry tweeting that is.

His wit instantly coming up with their next course of action. The duke had his four clones summon their own birds, and attaching them upon the backs of his party members. Although not appearing as pristinely white as the original, the cloned birds still granted wings, albeit grey.

Robin raised an eyebrow, as she could rely upon her own wings. Asai knew this, but he simply didn't care. As he didn't want her to feel left out.

Still, calling upon her own wings, Robin now appeared like a true seraph, with 6 wings emerging from her back.

"I hope you guys aren't afraid of heights."

Saying his piece, Asai started to run, increasing his speed like a kite before diving off the cliff. Shortly joined by Robin who was already experienced with flight.

Rosemi, glanced back before diving herself. "Don't get cold feet now!"

Mizumi and Miku quickly followed suit. And whilst they were greatly worried with being unable to control their new temporary limbs. The shadow Cottons were actually managing their flight and speed for them. Something they greatly appreciated.

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