Their morale and stress levels refreshed, the knights marched onwards, deeper into the woodlands.

And whilst the men were happily advancing, Bethel couldn't help but question.

"Why aren't they stopping us? According to the information, we're apparently really close to their base. If they were able to set up an ambush for us with goblins, surely they should've sent more people to greet us?"

"Maybe they've already packed their things and left? If a force of trained knights sent from a duke were to invade a criminal gang that was filled with thieves, surely they would run and hide no?" Mel's eyes glanced around their surroundings, continuously watching the treelines above.

"Good point..."


During the hour long march south, unbeknownst to the unit. They had passed under multiple layers of security. Multiple tree-houses that were hidden from view, and dozens of empty cages that were used to hold beasts such as goblins and vargs. 

Having skipped through multiple bases, they soon arrived at the entrance to their main base. Decently built cabins and houses from timber filled the open space. Catching glimpses of ladders implemented directly upon the trees, Bethel finally caught sight of the hidden system above. Treehouses carved into the trees themselves, and vines and ropes that were used to move throughout the treelines without even needing to descent.

Snapping her out of her admiration for their ingenuity, the ground rumbled and shook. Threatening her balance and stability as the entire group paused in their advance. Without orders, they formed a double-layered line in preparation of the enemy.

Noticing multiple points of shuffling and movement throughout, Bethel realized that their enemies were preparing themselves.

"Knights. Consider yourselves lucky. I'm sure by now you lot must be bored with fighting little imps and goblins. Consider yourselves fortunate! You have the rare chance of proving yourself courageous, proving yourselves honourable, powerful, and worthy of serving the duke of war!

Thus, I ask not of you for sacrifice, but for you to prove to me your will. Show me, the latecomer to Trichia, show me exactly how strong the feared elites of Trichia truly are!" "I may or may not have stolen a few lines from somewhere, but no one will know right?"

""Hoorah! For Trichia! Hoorah!""



60 knights shouted in unison. Roaring and booming their voice into the hostile base and stirring up their fear.

Appearing out of many trapdoors and wooden-windows. The members of Orca launched their assault by firing a hundred arrows. Hoping to turn the 60 or so intruders into pin-cushions. 

Seeing the large volume of projectiles fly at them, the men raised their shields. However, because of their disguise, their usual tower-shields had been replaced with shields typical of adventurers. Thus, the mismatched circles and kites were bound to fail, in regards to deflecting the rain coming at them.

Bethel launched herself over the line of knights. Her great sword brimming with [Blazing] she cocked the weapon back as if she was playing baseball. Timing herself, she swung her weapon unorthodoxly. Rather than slicing through the air, she utilized the flat surface of her weapon to drag through the wind-resistance, causing a gale of her own that was imbued with fire, which shot out and met the rain of arrows. Blasting, incinerating and breaking their flight entirely.

The knights cheered as their morale rose evermore. With such a powerful commander to lead them, they had no reason to despair.

"Mel! On me! Knights, listen to Olivia!"

Bethel started dashing towards the left flank, in which the woman from the pictures appeared, accompanied by her own elites that could afford quarter-plates. "Jasmin the banshee!"

Whilst from the right flank, emerged a grizzly woman named Reaper. Leading a large force of fighters herself, who forced the knights into shifting the battle-front in accordance to the new arrival. As for the archers hidden away, they began their own descent down to join the fight. Seeing a third force emerge, the two twins took it upon themselves to meet them.

"Are you ready sis?" Oliver's sword began to radiate with [Divinity] Whilst his [Courageous Aura] filled the men with willpower. The will to fight a force larger than their own, as even dozens of tamed-vargs soon appeared, charging towards their location. "What the fuck kind of criminal organisation is this strong!?"

Olivia nodded in confirmation, as a thin layer of mana veiled over her body. Seeing as these were enemies absolutely bent on trying to kill them, the girl decided not to hold back as there was no longer any reason to conserve her mana.

[Astral Concussion] !

""For Trichia!!"" 

The twins charged in, going against 50 rogues alone. Whilst their 60 knights stood their ground and fought against an additional 50 fighters accompanied by a dozen vargs who jumped over their shields and caused chaos amongst ranks.


"Oi! Bitch! Why are you running!? Why are you fucking running!?" 

Bethel and Mel were chasing after Jasmin the Banshee. Who kept running whilst her fighters turned to delay their chasers.

Whilst Bethel continued to scream and swear profanity at them. Mel's heart was beating and thumping. There she was, the very woman who had betrayed her, resulting in her being sold up far north, far away from home and friends.

Launching multiple [Rooting Axe]s across, which slammed into the chests of Jasmin's fighters, rooting them in position. Mel and Bethel quickly sliced through their necks before continuing their chase. 

And whilst she tried to launch more axes at Jasmin, the banshee managed to dip and dodge.

The leader of Orca kept running, occasionally looking back over her shoulder. However, after seeing her peek over so many times. Bethel found something to be weird. "She's not looking at us? But up towards the treelines?" Coping the woman, Bethel peaked up towards the lush-green leaves and branches above. Noticing only the usual rustling of the wind.


Mel's shout snapped her attention back down to Ohn. Where she instantly realized the banshee had decided to turn and face her two pursuers.

"Ah! Mel. Long time no see bitch!" The banshee fired two small bolts from a hidden gauntlet. Forcing Mel into evasive manoeuvres whilst she met Bethel's powerful blade with her own sword. To both Mel and Bethel's surprise, her large great sword and usually superior strength was repelled and sent flying backwards, lodging itself into a tree. 

Greatly stunned by the reversal, something she would've never expected coming from a woman as slim as Jasmin. Mel had to recklessly assault the woman with her speed and agility. Greatly fearing the power of her sword, Mel evaded everything rather than parrying or blocking.

The sudden fear of death struck Bethel's mind like a sledgehammer. Her usual confidence wilted as she realized she wasn't invincible, and that she couldn't simply overpower her opponent like she had done so multiple times prior against others. She started to gaze down towards her two open hands, watching them as they nervously shook.

"Beth! I NEED YOU!-" 

Mel's voice snapped her back into reality, as she witnessed the girl vault over a large swing.

"F-fuck me! Focus!" Pulling out a battle-axe from her [Storage] Bethel re-entered the fight. "Take this bitch!"

"[Crash Above]!"

To Bethel's surprise, Jasmin the banshee met her challenge with a strike of her own. The two weapons met in mid-air, as Bethel's weapon broke and shattered into fragments. The magical force of the skill itself, rather than dispersing into the ground as per usual, broke in mid-air. Sending both Mel and Bethel flying back and slamming into trees.

Bethel gazed up from the ground, watching Jasmin stroke her blade like a mother would. "Either her level is much higher than mine, or that sword of hers is fucking op."

After having tended to her sword enough, stroking its ego. Jasmin decided to kill Mel first. Considering her to be an eye-sore, and an annoyance who would continue to bug her if left be.

"Mel~ This sword, you remember it right? It's the one we found together. It's such a beauty don't you think?"

Mel staggered backwards, as her two daggers were no where to be found. Bethel, far off to the distance was crawling over, as her mind was still suffering from the concussion from hitting the tree.

"Mel. Do me a favour and stay dead this time okay?" The banshee rose her sword up high, ready to swing it down. Awaiting her response.

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