Isekai Rohan

430 Banshee

Before the banshee could even begin to swing her blade down. A single white sword, brimming with holy energy, followed by 13 magical arrows slammed into both the woman's body and sword from the side. Sending her rolling and skidding across the grass.

A young woman gently hovered within the airspace above them all. Like a seraph, she sported six beautiful wings, albeit mismatched in colour. Her eyes gently glowed as [Divinity] flourished within them. With beautiful mithril daggers in each hand, and 9 remaining heavenly blades hovering around her. Robin Sol frowned in annoyance, as Jasmin got up as if she was fine.

Inspecting the proximity, Robin's golden eyes laid upon both Mel and Bethel. Recognizing one woman as the reason why Asai had ditched her at the orphanage for a year. And the pink-haired girl who looked like she was drunk, wobbling around. She recognised from the colosseum. Completely indifferent towards the two of them, Robin simply chucked down a HP potion to both, which landed upon the soft grass which allowed it to survive such a drop.

Jasmin the banshee looked around, wondering if she could escape and run again. Originally having a hundred subordinates buying her time, she now found herself alone. "Fuck you you fucking monster!" She roared upwards, at the girl who remained in flight. Who, upon hearing such an insult, strangely appeared pleased.

"Monster? Me?" Robin felt her cheeks flush, as she was called a similar name as her man.

Seeing the half-elf smile in joy and delight. Jasmin was struck with goose bumps. And having no way of attacking any damage upon a target that could fly. She immediately ran over in an attempt to take Mel as a hostage.

Robin Sol, vaulted and spun in mid-air, her wings wrapped tightly around her body as she did so, before opening up again to resume their flight. 

[All in One] & [Holy Testimony] flew down and erupted across her path towards Mel. Halting her, and sending the woman down onto her ass as she evaded the attack.

Despair and hopelessness started to fill her mind as a dozen more heavenly blades materialized around Robin. Slowly hovering around them, as if it were an arena that encapsulated them within.

"F-fight me! Come down here and fight me!" Out of desperation, she threw out whatever words entered her mind first. And to her surprise, Robin Sol actually descended as the wings upon her back fluttered out of existence. A little grey fluffy bird appeared atop her head, whilst little white wings appeared upon her ankles. Her Mithril daggers returned into her ring whilst two holy swords lowered down and into her hands.


Whilst Jasmin was fighting for her dear life, Robin was more concerned with fighting in a way that befitted her status as Trichia's elite. And also performing in a way that would make both the heavens and Asai proud. Glancing up towards the heavens, she could vaguely feel it. The gaze and attention from someone up there. 

When her golden eyes fell from the heavens, and landed upon Jasmin. She spurred into action, literally flying head first at her, the banshee could only smile as she brandished her beloved blade.

"What the fuck!? Why wouldn't you abuse your flight advantage?" Shouted Bethel, who was still suffering from the lash back of her own skill.

"Watch out for her weapon! It's enchanted!" Shouted Mel, who could only watch from afar. Although her health was completely fine, drowsiness struck her mind as fatigue flooded her muscles.

With two holy blades in hand, Robin vaulted right in her face. And whilst Jasmin's sword managed to block both strikes, to everyone's surprise but Robin's. The usual knock-back effect didn't activate, and Robin's vault simply repeated as she consecutively vaulted over and over again. Slamming her blades from above into Jasmin's high-guard, sapping her stamina and endurance, as the woman's legs began to wobble and falter.

With a hail-mary strike, Jasmin sacrificed an arm just to land a blow through Robin's abdomen. And yet, even with her conviction to do so, the half-elf simply evaded with her superior speed by dashing backwards.

Having placed a great amount of distance between the two, Robin vaulted a single time to fire [All in One] which smashed into the ground all around the woman. Sending her into panic as she desperately tried to evade the mini eruptions that cindered her skin.

"S-she's enjoying this!? She's playing with me!" Seeing the half-elf smile, as if she were playing with her pet. Horror completely dominated her mind. Speed, skill, ability, power, strength and stamina. Robin Sol bested the banshee in all fields of combat. With no hope, in addition to multiple swords gently hovered around her position. She dropped to her knees, dropping her sword and surrendering.


In response to this, Robin casted [Ascension] resuming her flight above them, before casting [Disappear]

Remaining in stealth, whilst her 10 swords from [Holy Testimony] continued to gently swirl in a circle, pinning their target to the down in fear of being punctured.

Mel's last thoughts before falling into exhaustion and slumber were entirely of the half-elf's vaults and spins. As they greatly reminded her of someone she dearly missed.

As for Bethel. On this day, she was once again reminded of her inadequacy, and of humility. That although she was the [Hero] she was still outclassed by many who appeared to be faster, better, stronger and downright more skilled than her.

"Are you alright?" Hearing the soothing voice, she shifted her gaze away from the 10 radiant swords and Jasmin, and towards the man who seemingly appeared out of thin air.


Whilst Bethel couldn't see her. Asai was gazing up at Robin who was cheerfully waving towards him.

"Sorry I took so long to get here. That banshee woman set up a crap ton of traps, delays and monsters to hold me back." Seeing how sombre her mood was, Asai patted her soft pink hair a couple of times. "Mizumi. Go tie up Robin's gift."

To Bethel's surprise, another person had successfully evaded her senses right in front of her very face. Mizumi appeared out of thin air as she made her way towards Jasmin, along with a bunch of iron chains.

"Duke. What's the next quest?"

Asai knelt down besides her. Glaring straight into her eyes, as if he could see through her very soul. To see the girl she used to be, prior to entering this world.

"You, my knight. You need to get stronger."


Combat numbers:

Remember how a previous chapter lightly touched upon weapon factors. Daggers being 1:1 etc.

An additional factor to take into consideration, something that's commonly found in RPGs everywhere.

Melee Attack: Iron daggers lets say provides 10. Steel provides 15. Mithril provides 30 etc. (Not accurate numbers, just example.)

This is why, even though Robin Sol utilizes ranged attacks, and hardly ever actually attacks with the mithril daggers themselves. She still has to equip them to apply the extra damage factors into her magical attacks. I guess in this sense, it's similar to bows and arrows. 

Although the arrow is the actual damage dealer, since it connects with the target. The bow still applies damage amplification/boosts.

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