Isekai Rohan

431 [Orca]

Having killed off the majority of Orca's members, which included the hundreds of beasts they had captured. 

Asai was currently seated atop one of their cabins. Gazing down and watching as knights from his territory were celebrating their success. Their morale and joy ever amplified, knowing that their lord and duke was there to witness their bravery and skill. And whilst these things didn't mean much to Asai, to them, it honestly meant the world.

With a dozen BBQ pits set up, barrels of ale and slobs of beef to consume. Courtesy of Asai, for their hard work. The men happily drunk away their emotions. 

Taking his attention away from the knights, Asai's gaze landed upon the twins who were kneeling and praying before the knights that had fallen in battle. Being occupied with their own front, Olivia couldn't heal every wound they had received. Thus, a dozen men out of the 60 had fallen. Whilst the others were luckily enough to receive healing.

[Oliver: Lvl 79->80]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]


Once a day. Upon receiving lethal damage [HP] will remain at [1] for 10 seconds.

[Olivia: Lvl 79->80]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]


Once a day. Upon receiving lethal damage [HP] will remain at [1] for 10 seconds.

"I wonder how that works? If someone were to behead them, would they still be alive for 10 seconds whilst their heads roll? Or perhaps its just like [Silva's Protection] and granting impunity, stopping the blade before it can penetrate."

[Robin Sol: Lvl 92->93] 

Robin and Rosemi were both sticking together, enjoying the warm fire and steaks they were cooking up. Occasionally, Robin would shoot up a glance to check on Asai's position.

[Rosemi de Lumix: Lvl 88->90]

[HP: 110 MP: 100]

[Skills unlocked:]


Shreds opponent's wrist & disables 40% of your target's Damage Drop & Defence for 60 seconds.


[Miku: Lvl 88->89]

Looking over towards Miku who was seated relatively close by. Asai noticed how fatigued she was, both mentally and physically. Noting to himself that the deep darkness, insects, spiders and being somewhat trapped deep underground had triggered her prior trauma. The duke would order the dhan's return to Trichia. Disguising such orders as a matter of importance, to deliver the information and letters to both Mary and Queen Victoria Del Lagos. 

To report of the minerals, crystals and ore veins that were in abundance within the dwarven mines. Hopefully, the rights to the mine would be granted to his household, as having a monopoly over mana crystals could possibly lead to the development of more enchanted weapons and accessories.

[Mizumi: Lvl 85->87]

Mizumi appeared as stoic as ever. Refusing to relax, as she stood guarding the man. However, rather than diligently protecting him from all harm, the girl was more or less ensuring her presence was felt near 24/7. Hoping in doing so, the man would grow attached to her being there, and later deciding on marrying her as a wife rather than a mistress. To ensure her intentions were clear, she even whispered into his ears.

"My king~ ♡ You know you can release your pent up stress out on me whenever you want right? In the bath, in the toilet and even in my sleep. You're free to use my pussy however you like ♡"

As someone who woke up nearly every single morning with a beauty performing fellatio on his morning-wood. The man remained unfazed to her seduction. For currently, the man was a monk, a spiritual being, free from all earthly desires.

Or well... That was until Mizumi decided to be more aggressive by diving her hands into his clothing and stroking his cock. Pleasuring him whilst he continued to dwell in his thoughts. Thankfully, no one was able to catch sight of their open debauchery.

The last person to receive Asai's gaze was Bethel and Mel. The two who had performed their oaths of fealty to his household. Having already checked Bethel's status prior, he focused on Mel's.

[Bethel: Lvl 69]

[HP: 160 MP:130]

[Title: Hero]

[Mirror Blade]

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: [Female]



Upon successful parry reflects 75% of opponents attack back

The longsword taken from Jasmin the banshee was given to Bethel. As it was simply a perfect fit for the girl. Especially after having lost her confidence in her usual large two-handed over-sized weapons. Something decently orthodox could do wonders for the girl. Rather than just relying on spamming her abilities and throwing her weight around, hopefully she would actually learn proper swordsmanship.


[Mel: Lvl 34->62]


"I wonder..." "Mizumi, bring Mel to me."

Mizumi pouted as she took the man's cock out of her mouth. "S-seriously!?"

Bonking the girl on the head for her misunderstanding. "Mizumi, it's not for sex. I need to talk to her about her future. I'll tend to your lust afterwards." 

The dhan gazed into his eyes for a few seconds, checking to see if he was screwing with her or not. However, against his poker face, she quickly failed in her endeavours to do so and left to summon Mel. Within the short time frame, Asai quickly pulled his trousers back up to cover his little brother up. Albeit it was now pitching a tent...


"Your Grace?"

Mel climbed atop the wooden cabin, slowly seating herself next to the man she once loved. As if he was an ex-boyfriend, she awkwardly and nervously sat there.

"Put this on. I want to check something."

The duke handed her one of the rings from his own fingers. Accepting her orders, she put them on. "I-Is this how he proposes? Is he checking my ring-finger size!? We just met again after so long and he's already trying to make me his!? Oh my gosh... I didn't realize we were this much in love back then!"

Within Asai's eyes, that lingered upon hers.

[Mel: Lvl 62]

[HP:115 MP:15]

"It worked, the system now thinks she has mana. But the source of mana isn't from a mana-heart but from the ring..." "Alright, I'm done checking. Give it back."

mel nodded, before slowly handing the ring back. Her eyes lingering upon it as he placed it back upon his own fingers. It was only after his hand was out of sight did he regain her sense of composure.

"Welcome home. Mel.

I hope you accomplished what you set out for. And I hope, that this time around. You'll stick around. However, don't get me wrong. I won't be restricting your movement, I won't be holding you down like a bird in a cage. You will still keep your notions of freedom, but you must be accompanied by Bethel at the very least.

I'm not asking for much right?"

Mel nodded, as her eyes lingered upon his lips. And his sweet scent, that was strangely arousing her desire to mate.

In Asai's eyes, he now felt strangely conflicted. The woman before him was someone he once greatly depended upon. Becoming easily attached, and entertaining whimsical notions of love and desire. And yet, after having experienced so much more from life, he now felt somewhat numb from meeting her again.

"Is this what it's like when your childhood sweetheart dumps you for another man or another life. Only to return later in life, when you're completely independent and successful? The woman from my memories was someone strong, powerful and free-spirited. Albeit being someone also unlucky. Yet, all I see before me is another girl who I will have to worry about."

The duke's gaze lingered upon Robin who was poking Rosemi's tits out of envy and indignation. "Maybe its because of their levels and perceived strength ability?"

"Mel. I'm thinking of boosting you. What do you think? Do you have the willpower and conviction to follow me into another dungeon?"

Deep within her memories, through multiple thick veils of mist. She recalled a time in which she dungeon dived. And when she found Asai's body, exhausted, beaten and unconscious. And how much it frightened her, to see him in such a state that it drove her into her adventures with Jasmin. All she desired, was a simple life of freedom and adventure. Not one filled with horrible trials, war, bloodshed and death.

However, she now considered that to be another version of herself. A weaker-self, a coward. Refusing to run away once more, and accepting perhaps fate or destiny. She confidently met his eyes.

"Your Grace, I would love to."


Miku who was hanging around in [Hide] could only look upon the girl in pity. As she clearly wasn't aware of what sort of nightmare she had just signed herself up for. "Another one bites the dust..."

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