"Friend. I'm back!"

Dwarven king Caronia suddenly appeared, catching the human duke in mid-thought. Looking towards the dwarf and then towards his one thousand elites. They were all carrying barrels, bottles and mugs of booze. Catching his line of sight, Caronia quickly updated his human counterpart.

"Aye, we took the liberty of taking all of their ale. It's not like they'll be needing it anymore. Anyhow- My lads only found a single member of Orca who was hiding under some floorboards." Gesturing to his men, a lone woman was dragged through the crowd. Bound in chains as she was squirming around.

"Name?" The duke, still seated atop the cabin glared down upon the criminal.

"Sandra! They call me the reaper here, I'm second in command to the banshee! Please, let me live and I'll give you all the information you want!"

Asai light-heartedly nodded. Causing smiles to fill the woman's face as hope returned. Ideas of seducing and enticement filled her imagination as she was then dragged off to where Jasmin was held.

"Lad, if it were me. I would've just offed her head."

Only after finishing his drink, did Asai solemnly gaze towards the sky.

"In an ideal world of black and white. Evil and good, yes. Killing all enemies makes absolute sense. But that woman, she still has her uses yet. The information she holds could be valuable, may save time and potentially lives. Especially if I take into regards, her position and time having spent here in these trees. You never know, she may have found resources valuable to our kingdom already.

Regardless, we have laws here in this kingdom. And since she has offered up both her high position in this organisation and the information that comes with it. Her fate now belongs to Her Majesty, Victoria Del Lagos."

"Alright lad, is that also why she still lives yet?" Caronia pointed towards Mizumi who in response frowned.

"In this feudal society and kingdom. The law decrees that the lives of nobility are worth more than the common people. As Her Majesty is anointed by both the pope and the goddess above. Upon her is given the power to rise people of her kingdom to power. Thus, the nobles are in extension chosen by the heaven's representative, being the royal family.

Kingdom law decrees that, during times of war and battle. When members of rivalling kingdom's nobility surrenders, they are to be afforded ransom. It is a crime against humanity and an act of defiance towards the heavens, if one still continues to slaughter meaninglessly, especially if the enemy noble has surrendered and is without arms and weapons."

Caronia scratched the top of his head for a while. "Sounds like you're reading from a manual..."

Pouring himself another drink, Caronia took a seat besides the man and popped open his own. Clinking their individual alcoholic-bereavges before chugging a few gulps down the old wind-pipe.

"That's because I am." "I had to do my research. After that grand fiasco with Godfrey, Victor and Rima Regenon. Which was entirely bizarre, coming from the perspective of a 20th century human. I could only understand it as divine-intervention."

"Anyways, regardless of how I feel or what I'd like to do. My ideals are just my opinions. I have already done my part to the kingdom in accordance to my oath of fealty to the Del Lagos dynasty, and in extension to Goddess Loha. If both the royal family and the heavens decide that it is more logical to utilize the benefits of having Par'Talucca as a vassal state to Del Lagos. Then it makes sense, for Victoria to decide to grant amnesty to two royal princesses. 

Especially in accordance to the laws of humanity, in regards to nobles and their privileges of afforded ransom. In this scenario, the two princesses has basically sold out their entire kingdom and people as their ransom. And imagine if even the members of the royal family aren't given the liberty to such benefits in times of war.

I can only imagine how many noble households would refuse to head to war. And end up sending replacements, mercenaries or even threatening civil-war. Which in turn would lead to the possible downfall of the kingdom as we as a people fracture and segregate ourselves. With these points in mind, it makes sense rationally and logically, even if it comes at the cost of idealism. For all enemies to die."

Glancing back towards Mizumi who was high uncomfortable with the topic. 

[Mizumi: Lvl 87]

[HP: 100 MP:120]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Victoria Del Lagos']

Actioned by [Loha] [Mizumi] has submitted to [Victoria]

"Slavery is supposedly banned by the heavens themselves. And yet, I find myself finding people who are clearly enslaved."

"Mizumi, I never asked, but if you don't mind can you tell me what punishment did Her Majesty put you through?"

Mizumi lowered herself to sit legs closed, and upon her ankles. Asai gazed curiously, as she no longer resembled that brat he once remembered from years past. "I guess some people can grow up, and change for the better."

"Kozumi and I, we first had to sign multiple contracts, documents and perform oaths of fealty. It seems, our souls no longer belong fully to God Craut, but Goddess Loha now has a portion of us for when we finally return to ashes.

After the paper work... We were sent to defeat a hundred beasts from the human colosseum. Luckily, we managed to survive just barely. The only reason why we don't have any scars or impairments to show is because Loha herself healed us-" Remembering their ordeals, the dhan couldn't help but tear up as tears streamed down her cheeks. Yet, her voice remained clear.

"-I lost multiple fingers from my right, my left hand entirely; and had multiple fangs impaled within my legs. I was certain that death was going to take me, but Goddess Loha did something to me. Kept me alive, even whilst I was half-dead. Victoria gave us no time to eat, as we had to fight consecutively. With no choice, Kozumi and I ate the raw flesh from the beasts that appeared edible." The girl frowned upon reciting this memory, as she recalled herself appearing like a monster.

"And as if that wasn't enough. When we thought it was all over. Victoria challenged us to a duel 1v2. And beat us both barehanded... I still get shivers even now, whenever I think of it. She broke my ribs, caught my hands and snapped my fingers and even spanked me for no reason...

And during all of this time, until you came to get us, we were basically locked away, hidden deep underground within that chamber of hers."

Hearing her side of the story. Asai couldn't help but chug the entire contents of his drink, as did Caronia. Where they then poured new drinks for everyone, including Mizumi who definitely needed it.

After having her fill of the burning-liquid.

"My king, I've said this already but I'll say it again.

I apologise for my past behaviour. I was childish and immature and that I will sincerely strive to redeem myself."

Asai nodded, as his gaze lingered upon her eyepatch. A testament of her desire for self-betterment and atonement in the eyes of humanity. How much more will she have to lose and sacrifice to redeem herself in the eyes of the heavens, he wondered.

"Will her freedom only return after she's dead?"


Was reading complaints on another webnovel. Basically saying there's not enough male representation apart from the MC.

Was wondering if you guys thought Isekai Rohan was the same?

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