
Within the incognito carriage of his highness the crown prince Victor Del Lagos.

"Did you enjoy yourself your highness?" 

"Yes Walter, I did indeed. You truly know the best restaurants to recommend." Victor took his mask off, one that only really covered his golden eyes. "Walter, tell me. How goes your investigation?"

"Your highness, you have given me many tasks, please do inform this lowly one which investigation in particular." Victor scoffed.

"The rumours of a hero appearing. The one supposedly clad in black, traveling the lands saving and gracing the people. The people who should be admiring and adoring me! Not this nameless scum. Tsk!" Victor watched as the local people engaged in their idle chatter along the streets of Einhoren.

"Your highness, my sources tell me that the nameless one has been traveling solo. Fighting and challenging all beast and monsters without payment. We have yet to figure out his intentions. Whether he truly is a person with heroic goals or someone who will rise to challenge us. Currently, there has been no signs of communication between him and our court rivals."

"Good, ensure that the local populace supports my rise, and not that of my sisters or that lowly duke's daughter Rosemi. If this local hero joins any of the factions against me, silence him immediately."

"Your highness, may I send him to Ahkma Cave? We could disguise it as a guild quest. Concerning his image, we can bribe him by offering to donate the same amount of the guild reward to the villages he has helped so far. I have no doubt he would perish delving into a dungeon as dangerous as Ahkma Cave." Victor nodded in approval, his head was still slightly light from insane amounts of orgasms he had which were somewhere within double digits.

"Good, do so and keep me updated. How goes the other project?" Walter's gaze widened at this question. "Project genocide." 

"In regards to that, we have began conscription from the peasants and farmers with sons. With promises of coins, free tutelage and guidance in knighthood. Honour and fame in return for their service. The local peasantry believe us to be in a time of peace, they had no reason to decline."

"Good, also I just had an idea. recruit all the street urchins, we shall become their heroes. Their shining light within the darkest of times. Recruit them and train them in espionage or swordsmanship. I have no doubt they'll be loyal to us."

"Yes, your highness. Who in their right mind was rather chose the streets than the barracks filled with food." Walter bowed, as if in reverence of his highness's brilliance. "Your highness, what of the bandit problem?"

"Bandits?" Victor scoffed. "Tell the guild to handle it. You need to give those adventurers a chance to earn money. That'll keep them happy until the next local menace appears."

Once the carriage entered the Royal yard, Victor and Walter was welcomed by Rosemi De Lumix, daughter of duke Jeffrey De Lumix. The strawberry blonde beauty was gracefully standing there with her entourage behind her.

"Your highness, Victor Del Lagos. What a pleasant evening it is to coincidentally meet you here." Victor scoffed.

"Rosemi De Lumix. What pleasures do I owe to this meeting? I can't help but notice it appears you have been waiting for quite some time to create this coincidence." Rosemi took a step closer, Victor unflinching as he knew his standing in hierarchy. She took a sniff before whispering.

"You reek of whores and prostitutes your highness." From this position, although being mocked. Victor couldn't help but enjoy her cleavage. The man was an entire head taller than her, granting him quite the point of view. "Anyways, I understand you desire more power but, whatever you have your department of alchemists working on. Don't do anything that would garner Loha's wrath." She took a step back before gracefully bowing according to royal etiquette 

Victor knew better than to say anything that could implicate himself, and incur Loha's wrath. Challenging a duke's daughter was one thing but challenging the very goddess that empowers him with divinity was another. He watched as Rosemi and her entourage left.

At the end of the day, he knew who would be victorious. Indeed, he was even named after victory itself. 

Victor Del Lagos smirked.


I'm actually around 5-10 chapters ahead of what I've been publishing, to ensure that If ever I find myself too busy to write, I would still have chapters to continue updating. So, anytime there's a development poll that has choices that would effect our protagonist or plot. Expect it to occur after that amount.

Many thanks

Author out!

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