Hidden underground laboratory 

"We greet you, your highness!" A team of alchemists uniformed in white cloaks bowed deeply. This was the crown prince they were addressing. A person of great peerage, a person whom the group greatly respects. If not Victor Del Lagos, they would've never been permitted to chase after their ambitions. The resources, the money, the human resources required to conduct their experiments were just far too great for anyone else to employ them. They had no doubts if not for the prince, they would still be second or third rate alchemists churning out the generic HP or stamina potion.

Victor strolled in as if he owned the place. In which this case, he did. The lead alchemist approached him.

"Your highness, we have results. May I have the honour of explaini-" Victor raised up a hand to stop him.

"Stop, I do not require you to express your alchemy jargon. Just tell me, what does it do, how potent, and any negative effects."

"Your highness is as straight forward as always! It is this personality that grants us a greater degree of freedom with our experiments!" The lead alchemist cheered within his mind. *Ahem "Your highness, this vial. Contains the blessing of another god. Upon ingesting it, you will receive its blessing. We have confirmed via the use of prisoners that one would become stronger by engaging in sexual intercourse with the opposite sex. Similar to how one would receive strength through taking the life of monsters." 

Victor undoubtedly was astonished to hear this.

"Very good! Very good! Strength via sex! Amazing! Do tell, is it ready for consumption?"

"Y-your highness, I recommend abating for another month before consumption. Currently there are no known side effects, however as we're talking about your highness and your royal bloodline. We must ensure it is safe for you. Please allow us to monitor the human test rats we currently have for a while longer before we present it to you."

Eager to obtain greater strength both through training, killing monsters and sex. Victor was very tempted to back hand this man and take the black vial. However, reason triumphed over desire. Why risk his life when there were others. Perhaps he could slip the potion into his sister's drink and see if any negative-effects occur. Or greater yet, Rosemi De Lumix, whose bloodline was originally royal before being diluted. And if the potion was indeed successful, that prude of a women Rosemi wouldn't be willing to utilize its effects for sure.

"Very well! I share adhere to your suggestions. Whatever extra funding you require for this endeavour, send me a report and I'll grant it."

The team of alchemists cheered upon hearing this. Tonight, they'll be popping open bottles of fine wine for sure!


Down further below underground. A dhan was chained and shackled onto a bed. None of his limbs had any freedom of movement. He had an agent that constantly dripped a potent sleeping potion into his veins. Whilst other tubes extracted his blood out into many vials. Under his bed was a pool of water that radiated golden. 

Around 1/500 of the vials would carry his bloodline, which granted the consumer his blessing. The rest would be poison to anyone who ingested it. The alchemists here had to purify the bloodline with Loha's holy water to make it safe to consume. Something they weren't proficient at. 

One would not blame them though, these men were practically delving in new waters, something that had never been done before.

Unluckily for the alchemists. The dhan passed away from blood loss. With only one successfully cleansed vial in hand, the alchemists were forced to wait and monitor the other human lab rats that had taken the prior successful potions.

This one vial, with their life on the line, they endeavoured to keep it safe until it was ready to be delivered to Crown prince Victor Del Lagos, their benefactor.

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