Isekai Rohan

438 Progress

Prince Victor Del Lagos stood atop the highest stone wall at Thrud Castle.

Besides the man was his loyal knight Istvan Deuce, and Daisy Tonis. The prince continued to inspect and observe the knights and soldiers who were training down below. Their instructor and co-instructor being Chloe Bedevere and Violet. Having defended against dozens of monster swarms and proving themselves capable of leadership. The two pointy-eared ladies now commanded the respect and acknowledge of the people.

Chloe the half-elf utilized her bow to fire randomly upon the soldiers who were new to the keep, and new to the military. Deliberately missing them and striking the ground besides them. Causing the earth to erupt and vibrate whilst loud bangs struck against their ear-drums, emulating real warfare. This tested and tempered their courage and willpower, as their minds became accustomed to such ferocity and onslaught on a regular basis.

On the other hand, Violet the dark-elf, summoned undead creatures and had them act as training dummies. This both trained her mana-efficiency and also the soldiers who soon found themselves overcoming the fear of facing such monstrosity.

Seeing their capability, and efforts prove fruitful. Prince Victor, although disliking the usage of necromancy, felt that he couldn't complain. Especially when humanity's real enemy was out there, up far north. In addition to the latest report he had received from the capital. Notifying him of Duke de Trichia's success at forming a military-alliance with Ignis. Gaining them another ally to help fund and fight the war against the dekans.

Having lost a large chunk of his forces, Victor was currently utilizing the lull within the war to reorganize and recoup at Thrud Castle. Awaiting reinforcements and additional supplies before marching out once more. As for the castles humanity still held onto, they only went as far as northern Varvylon. As the dekans were unable to march further than south of Liom. Which created a dead-zone, a no-man's-land in between the two armies who were now simply staring down one and another.

Victor shifted his gaze away from the soldiers below, and upon his pregnant lover. Her soft-long strawberry blonde hair now gently flowed down upon her back, whilst she gently stroked her belly in great tenderness. Afraid of hurting her, or the child, Victor now had multiple maids warming his bed at night. Due to one of his skills, something he was entirely unaware of, Daisy was the only women who could now perform the miracle of life with him.

Unfortunately, the maids could only blame themselves, believing themselves to be infertile, as Daisy was clearly pregnant as her baby bump grew. At the very least, they received great benefits and was afforded a luxurious and peaceful life.


Back at Trichia Manor

Within the great hall, Mary was once more seated upon the seat of power. Flanked by both guards and agents, before her stood four elves, who had travelled from Vena independently.

Lottie, Ethan and Fox, the elven knight-trainees who had received the duke's lectures and training. All knelt upon the knee as they had just finished their oaths of fealty to house Trichia. 

As for the fourth elf, the petite-woman stood with confidence, as if she hailed from a noble house. Seeing Mary's attention now shift over towards her, she made her desires heard once more.

"As I've said prior, I am Celeste Fae. And I am currently pregnant with Asai de Trichia's child. As such, I would like to see the duke and possibly arrange something that would benefit us both."

Mary indifferently looked into the blondie's eyes. "Right. And where exactly did you meet His Grace?"

Celeste's cheeks flushed somewhat, before she pulled out a little folded note and passing it on to her.

On the note:

"My chance encounter with the duke, Asai de Trichia was within the streets of Vena. At the time, I was seeking refuge within a brothel, Asai took a liking to my body and blessed me with his potent seed. Noticing the changes in my body, I immediately went to see a priest and have since confirmed that I am pregnant with his child. As I haven't slept with anyone in years, I can confidently proclaim that the child is indeed his.

I'm not asking for much. I just wish to raise his child properly, in hopes of providing the baby the brightest future possible."

Seeing Mary's eyes shift from the paper back to her. She finished off the story vocally.

"I am deeply ashamed to say this, but I am currently financially inept. As such, if you have work for me, I don't mind working to earn my stay here. But please do pass on my desire to meet the father of my child in hopes of growing a healthy relationship, onto the duke."

Mary nodded. Since having another lover in the house didn't hurt their finances at all. Especially when Annie and Mary both were in cahoots of trying to making Asai spread his seed with all the pet-maids they surrounded him with.


Annie, who by chance was passing by the great hall. Caught a glimpse of the two new potential harem members. 

"Celeste Fae and Lottie~ I see..."

Within her mind, she was already thinking up ways of training them. Of enticing them, into serving the duke wholeheartedly. And with the acquisition of Celeste Fae, although only being a noble in title. If she were to relinquish herself entirely to Asai, the man would then receive more purchasing power and mobility within Via Marea. 

Even something as feasible as border-tax would be heavily reduced, if the company owner's name changed to an elven noble household's. And perhaps Asai would be able to legally acquire elven craftsman. Which would open up the possibility of producing their own magically enchanted items.


Thanks to reader: Technoblade, recommending a lovely mappping-site.

I put in the time to map out the world.

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