Having returned to Aevraury, via the dwarven express, the mine-cart ride through the mountain border. Which revealed another tunnel-entrance/exit that overlooked the entire plains below. Asai immediately noticed Sora, the dhan, sleeping upon a nearby tree-branch. Beneath her, were newly set up tents that revealed knights from Lumix.

Quick to glide on down with [Cotton] the young duke immediately approached the men.

Standing at attention upon noticing the nobleman approach.

""Welcome back Your Grace!""

Before they continued with their greetings and sophistry, words that most nobles enjoyed hearing and receiving, Asai rose his hand to silence them.

"Up there-" Pointing towards the hidden dwarven express entrance. "-The tunnel up there is safe to use, it connects all the way to Morrisen, and upon reaching the other side, you will find mana crystals relatively close to the mine-tracks. As for the tunnels on the ground, they are infested with monsters, horrors and disease. I recommend sealing them entirely as there were no minerals or ores in sight. 

And also, a single error and we may incur the wrath of the earth dragon below."

Whatever festivities the men were feeling from having the easiest orders ever; to wait for the duke's return. They now equally wore surprised expressions, as the matter was now of utmost seriousness. Seeing their expressions become so stiff, Asai could finally relax as he was sure they would without a doubt follow his advice. Ensuring no more miners would march into certain death, in endeavours of scouting the mines.

"It's not all bad, as long as you ensure the people use only the dwarven express. They'll be safe, and also, Del Lagos now has a route to by-pass Via Marea. Which would save us from paying tax for utilizing their bridges and roads.

Steel your hearts! For kingdom and glory!"

Upon hearing the the maxim. The men stiffened their lower lips, flexed their posture and saluted.

""For kingdom and glory!""

Nodding in satisfaction, the duke was about to turn to speak to Sora when a knight took a single step forward to catch his attention.


"Your Grace. Duke Jeffrey de Lumix has ordered for the return of Lady Rosemi. As he understands that you're about to embark to the far north through an untested ancient teleportation circle. We have already prepared your horses, that will take you east from here. Whilst Lady Rosemi shall be returning with us."

Asai turned to see Rosemi pout in disappointment.

"Well, you heard the man. Honestly, if I were in his shoes, I would do the same." "Especially when I've already sent both Miku and Mizumi home, in consideration to their safety and survival..."

Rosemi's strawberry blonde hair gently swayed as she slowly dragged her feet over, upon reaching his proximity, her gaze immediately lifted up to land a kiss upon his lips.

"Be a good hubby and stay alive okay? Come back in one piece and please don't do anything unnecessarily dangerous..."

"I'll try." Asai took her into his embrace, landing a kiss upon her forehead.

"I'll miss you..." Pushing the man away, she went on over to hug Robin, whispering into her ear whilst she was at it. "Protect him well alright?"

The half-elf nodded before heading off to follow Asai, who was already walking over towards the horses. Followed by Bethel, Mel and Sora who had awoken from the commotion.

"Your Majesty, welcome back. What are your intentions?" Seeing as there wasn't enough horses for the dhan who was in [Hide]. Sora took it upon herself to ride in front of her king, shuffling her butt backwards and into him as she got comfortable.

"Guide me to the teleportation circle. It's time I visited Par'Talucca myself."

The dhan nodded as she took over the reins, steering the horse whilst Asai's hands now wrapped around her mid-section. "Your Majesty, do you desire my service?"

Asai, not exactly paying attention, didn't realise one of his hands had latched onto her soft-breast. "I'm willing... if you desire it~" 

The man bonked the horny-girl on the head. Forcing her to focus upon the front.

Glancing backwards, Rosemi was equally at the front of her group. Albeit she appeared to be racing them for fun, charging on ahead with her horse and forcing them to chase after her in desperation.

"Sora, As your king, I want to see and know everything about you. Do you accept?" Sora's soft white hair that was tied into a single pony-tail that fell upon her chest, shivered as her black eyes dilated. Her heart suddenly racing, as she remembered her father's wishes; for her to become close to their new monarch, to serve him both in body and soul.

"Y-yes, my king ~ ♡"

[Sora Kaka: Lvl 43]

[HP:100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]


Able to Vanish from players or monsters that are up to 10 levels higher.

[Psychic Phantom]

Additional 100% Damage added to a regular attack.

[Sealing Square]

Seals opponents that are within a 15 meter range

"I see... So far, her skills are pretty default in regards to her race." "Sora, is there something the Kaka household is known for? A specialty or a bloodline trait?"

As the horse continued to trot onwards, Sora felt somewhat uncomfortable. As the information regarding her clan's bloodline was supposed to be a family-secret. However, this was the king of Par'Talucca who was asking, as such she decided to sate his curiosity.

"Umm... Well- Your Majesty, my ancestors were apparently capable of manipulating the shadows of men. It's how my clan rose out of poverty and was granted peerage. Since then, we served the reigning kings and patriarchs with utmost loyalty. As long as they never betrayed us...

And um... Please don't ask me to demonstrate, as none of the recent generations of clan Kaka was fortunate enough to unlock their bloodline."

"I see... So I just need to boost you huh? I'm certain there will be dozens of dungeons on the verge of breaking in Par'Talucca. Perfect timing if I say so myself~"


For some weird unexplainable reason. Sora, Bethel and Mel. All had goose bumps running all over their bodies.



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Also, I'm currently looking into commissioning an artist to draw Robin Sol. As she is the winner of the waifu poll.

Please participate in the poll. As there is a certain number I would like to see, before committing.

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