"Um... Sora. You said it was a ancient teleportation circle correct?"

Sora's soft black eyes gazed into his, before following his line of sight back towards the site.

"Yes, my king..."

Asai took another step forward to gaze down into the giant pit hole. "Y-yes... I admit, it is indeed, in the shape of a circle... But it's literally a fucking hole in the ground. How is anyone supposed to tell?"

Seeing the disappointment fill his face. Sora could accurately assume, that the man was looking forward to seeing something more than just a pitch black hole in the ground.

Robin Sol, having given their horses away to the on-site camp of soldiers who were guarding the abandoned necromancer-guild house. Returned and equally shared Asai's opinion on the lacklustre design or lack of majestically aesthetics of something assumedly ancient and powerful.

As for the rest of the empty base, which used to house the thousand dark-elf necromancers who had marched into war alongside Xian Par'Talucca, and thus joined him in eternal rest. The human soldiers who were stationed here had already taken everything note-worthy, leaving behind only empty containers, furniture and beds. As there were plans in the work to turn the place into a military outpost. Albeit, only after the other end of the teleportation tunnel was secured. 


"Your Majesty, on nights with full moons, the portal does show itself in lining. Like a sea of stars, the circle forms filled with delicate swirls and diamonds."

Hearing the odd-bit of information, and although being greatly curious and interested in seeing the supposed ocean of stars. Asai recalled the last full moon to come was just last week, and thus, there were still another 20ish days left until the next one. Deciding against wasting such a lengthy amount of time just for sight-seeing. The human slit his palm before feeding both life-essence and mana drops down into the pit. And as if it had clashed against glass, the blood splattered and revealed fragments of the teleportation circle. 

"Indeed, it looks incredible... Like a watch, but with all of its gears revealed. Turning and ticking as my blood fuels it."

Once enough of his royal blood was spilt, and the entirety of the circle was revealed. He looked over towards Sora who confirmed the circle's condition by jumping in. The white-haired dhan splashed into the circle and disappeared. Seeing her confidence and experience in doing so, the man leapt in without a thought.

Finding the hole experience to be quite intriguingly weird. Splashing into the pool that was literally a condensation of so much mana, that it formed into a pool. And upon the other end, the moment he climbed out and back onto dry land. He found that his clothing was entirely dry as little droplets of mana fell like liquid-mercury and returned to the circle pit. Before Robin Sol, Bethel, Mel and Olivia also emerged one after the other.

Stretching his hand out towards them, the man also pulled them out, before checking on their conditions and ensuring they were okay.


"Your Majesty, welcome to Par'Talucca. The kingdom of dhans, the nation in which you rule." Akira Kaka, along with 10 dhans dressed in plain black yukatas all kneeled. Greeting the arrival of their new monarch."

Asai observed his new surroundings. The weather being a little colder than the south, tickled his cheeks as he took in a deep breath of air. Filling his lungs with the scent of rice. A deer approached their group and fearlessly licked the man's fingers. Causing Asai to raise an eyebrow in intrigue.

Sora took it upon herself to satisfy his question.

"The deer around here aren't afraid of us. We rely mostly on rice, sweet-potatoes, vegetables and fish as staple foods. Also, when western bahran island is filled with dekans that eat anything that moves... They tend to migrate over to our side and live with us."

"Got it." "So, she's telling me this, just in case my hand gets itchy and I accidentally slaughter them into extinction? Noted."

"Akira. It is good to see you again. Both Hajin and Sora has been incredibly helpful to me. Thus, I am grateful to you and clan Kaka. Tell me, what rewards are deemed appropriate here in Par'Talucca?"

Akira's face bloomed with energy as he heard his king proclaim his house to be appreciated and wanted. The other men surrounding him also took notice of Asai's choice of rewarding his people in due recognition of merits, rather than simply ordering and demanding it as if he was entitled to their loyalty to begin with. Something Xian Par'Talucca had done prior.

"Your Majesty. Please, if you could donate to the capital's fountain. Our nation is in dire straits and desperately requires divine-intervention." Asai nodded. Following the man south and heading towards a single building that was larger and taller than all others. Yet, it was designed in the same red-tiled roofing and wooden walled aesthetics that reminded Asai of olden-day Japan.

Upon entering the temple, Asai was immediately greeted by dozens of what he assumed to be shrine maidens. Tending to the flowers, the deer and the children. And whilst their nation was technically still at war, they now lived a somewhat peaceful life as the dekans had left them entirely alone. Considering them to be defeated, since both their king and prince now lay dead.

Within the middle of the temple, a large fountain that was filled with a pool of serene water, popped up. Glancing over towards Akira and Sora who were following closely. Whilst Robin and the others were enjoying the little dango-snacks they were receiving. Asai pulled out a pouch of coins.

"How much is appropriate?"

"More than 100 would help revitalize our fields, our crops and rice-paddies." Within Akira's face, Asai saw genuine fear and desire, for only the good of his nation and for the people to be fed.

Seeing the man worry about Asai's greed, as the previous self-proclaimed king had greatly neglected their offerings to the heavens. Akira had to start praying for the new patriarch to be one of generosity and kindness. Sora, also joining the man in prayers, made their message evidently clear to him, in that in which he must do.

Rather than open up his pouch and pluck a hundred coins out to donate, he simply threw the entire bag in. Greatly disturbing the water-surface, as ripples upon ripples travelled from the centre and outwards. Sending a loud and clear message to Ohn, the sovereign over this island.

Feeling the weather immediately pick up, warming. And the gloomy clouds dispersing, whilst rays of strong sunlight filled with divinity fell upon the eastern half of the island. Covering Par'Talucca in its entirety as the fields were replenished with nourishments.

Seeing such generosity and a true show of nobility. All the shrine-maidens, all the dhans that had come to greet their new king, all except for Robin and his party kneeled to bow. 

""Long live His Majesty! Long live his Majesty!""

With his large donation. The fields will become highly fertile, even propelling the speed the crops would bloom and become ready to harvest. The local animals would even enter heat, and begin to multiply in abundance, as berries and nuts grew and filled the forests with plenty. The dhans who remained upon the eastern island won't have to worry about food for months more. Thanks to Asai de Trichia, king of Par'talucca.


A single ray of light shone greater than others, landing on Asai de Trichia.


[Congratulations on ascending to kinghood.]

[Would you like to receive my blessing?]

[Your level will rise to 99 upon accepting.]

[You will receive super-human strength.]

[You will receive the right to commune.]



Asai saw the notification. 



Temple of Ohn reference

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