Upon receiving Craut's offer, to solidify him as Par'Talucca's monarch. Asai de Trichia instantly declined. No matter what other juicy bonuses and benefits the heavenly-being added to the deal, the man would reject it for sure.

All the power, money, abilities and items in the world, wouldn't surmount to anything if his freedom to move was restricted. For too long, Asai had pondered and wondered upon why the various official kings and queens of the world didn't strategically move. Rima Regenon had never left the borders of Via Marea, even though she was sitting comfortably at level 99. The same could be said for Victoria Del Lagos, who he knew was a true battle-junkie to the core. And yet, she never marched out of the kingdom's borders to resolve the dekan conflict.

Another good example that came to his mind was the king of dekans. If the monarch of Armenes was so hell-bent on consuming and slaughtering everything else that breathed and walked the lands. Why hadn't he made his own appearance yet?

The only king Asai had ever witnesses leaving the borders of his own kingdom was Xian Par'Talucca. And the dhan was a usurper, a self-proclaimed king, one not accepted by his people. As evidently, a large majority of the populace had turned their backs upon the man. Leaving him with only his military members.

"A kingdom without any people, is just an abandoned landmark. Empty architecture, soon to become empty ruins." Victoria's prior advice echoed within his mind.

Perhaps the biggest giveaway, was the very fact that Xian wasn't level 99, when the two had met upon the glorious fields of battle. Which broke the pattern of all the previous kings he had met, all being level 99.

"Ahem*" Akira coughed in an attempt to catch his king's attention. As the man had been staring absentmindedly for quite a while now. Seeing as he hadn't given the permission to rise yet, everyone was still upon their sore knees. Catching onto his little mistake, he quickly gestured to them all.


Breaking the serene moment, the golden light shower ended, and the clouds above resumed its gentle-passing. Along with the passing of the heavenly-light, came a flooding of bloodlust and killing-intent, as Asai adorned his [Yokai Mask]. His gaze slowly lingering upon the new faces, men who held powerful positions even within the currently war-torn nation of Par'Talucca.

"Whilst under the gaze of the heavens, blessed and designated by Ohn's presence. I allow any man or woman here to challenge my right, and my claim to the throne of Par'Talucca. For any man, to shy away from this moment, forever hold yourself accountable for your future-regrets and laments." With his blood-lust desecrating the holy shrine with its impurity, [Ruin] appeared upon his hip, greatly excited by the sudden call to potential battle.

"I'm not so naive to believe the people of Par'Talucca would come to accept my rule, especially when I'm literally a stranger from the far south. I haven't a clue as to what their cultural identity truly is. And they must be aware, that me being here would place their kingdom under Del Lagos."

Akira confidently rose and took his position besides the new king. Before adding his own input to the moment.

"His Majesty Asai de Trichia. King of Par'Talucca, chosen by the heavens, blessed by the dragons and avenger of the people; by besting the usurper Xian Par'Talucca in single-combat. In addition to having both princess Kozumi's and princess Mizumi's favour and heart. Is clearly the best and only possible candidate to lay claim upon our crown.

Anyone who thinks otherwise, and disagrees with both the heaven's and dragon's decision. Step forward and fight."

Seeing Akira take his chance to cement his position besides the new king and its budding faction, especially with Asai voicing no complaints about the man's actions. Multiple voices murmured and spoke in ill-intent. However, no one stepped forward to challenge the occasion, all except one young man.

A single dhan rose against the overpowering killing-intent. A sharp glint flickered within his purple eyes, whilst his long black hair was tied into a pony-tail, swaying side to side as he strode past the elders and nobles.

"I am Ken, of clan Kuro. You may have the qualifications to rule over us! BUT! I do not believe you to be worthy of Her Highness, Princess Mizumi's hand in marriage! With my honour on the line, I challenge you!" 

Asai's gaze lingered upon the man's attire. Realizing he was adorning nothing but every-day clothing, Asai equally unequipped his cloak, his leather top and fine-tunic. Going topless, exposing the entirety of his upper body as he also took his bracers off. The men and women all around were now stunned into silence as they witnessed the glory of his [Wings of Solemn Death] Crest, that covered one side of his chest, and stretched over upon his shoulder in a brilliant fire-red. As his heart beat, sending his blood-cells that naturally lingering dormant mana throughout his body, the crest equally flourished by gently glowing, as if it was alive and equally beating.

Asai, who stood at 185 cm. Towered above the young man who was at 170 cm. Not taking into calculation the extra inches from his boots, when compared to Ken's traditional Geta-sandals, that had extra strings attached to keep it tightly fitted and not loose.

Akira leaned in a tad closer to his lord and whispered.

"Your Majesty, Clan Kuro is a sub-servant clan, their responsibilities are within the serving, protecting and cleaning sectors, think of him as a butler who can also fight if required to, and thus holds no positions of power. If he dies during the duel, no one would care."

"Got it. Any idea as to why he would challenge me?" "Whilst all those muscular warrior looking men chose to remain silent?"

"If memory serves correct, he was one of many who took care of Mizumi's needs before she left the palace behind to chase after her sister."

"I see..." "Apologies lover-boy. But I am in need of a sacrifice, an example of sorts to anyone else who might plan against me."

"Ken, of clan Kuro. Come."

Asai slowly drew [Ruin] out of its sheath, allowing it to drag against the material and emitting a dastardly screech.

[Ken Kuro: Lvl 60]

Ken took a step forward, drawing out a katana of his own, along with a smaller variant within his off-hand.


apologies for the lower output of chapter updates these past few days.

I've been spending days/hours communicating with multiple artists, finding reference material from hair style, clothing, weapons, the poses that I want. In addition to revisiting multiple discussion pages/lectures/guides on world building, character building, dungeon building etc etc

Even making that map took me a few hours XD.

Seeing the world and its characters begin to come alive was quite the enjoyable experience for me. Goddess knows how much more I'll be investing into it. Just figured you all deserved an explanation for my chapter-update-speed.


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