[Sealing Square] 

Within the large red arena, the two men stood. Seeing the familiar skill being utilized, one that was a staple-skill that belonged to dhans. Many of the prior not-so-happy nobles were startled. As the information they had, informed them of the man's origins, being from humanity, serving the crown there as a duke.

As for Ken, although startled to find the man using Avenger-class skills, saw this as an increase towards his chances of winning. 

The dhan dipped into [Hide] whilst launching multiple shuriken projectiles towards Asai, who's gaze simply followed the man as he darted around the corners of the arena.

Shifting his head towards a side, and catching the fourth shuriken with his two fingers. Asai glanced down to quickly inspect the projectiles, only to find them being absolutely mundane, as there wasn't even a hint of foreign mana imbued within them to burn his touch.

Whilst Ken continued to launch throwing-knives, shuriken and smoke-bombs at the man. Asai crouched within the veil and coursed his divinity into action. [Ruin] Vibrated as it was delivered copious amounts of high-quality mana, shivering in delight as it tried to suck and absorb more from its beloved wielder.

[Decimate: Full Moon] !

A beautiful golden sun bloomed within the centre of the red arena. The astral-divinity flourished and sliced everything it could touch before slamming into the friendly [Sealing Square] that nullified it.

With the dust clouds and smoke sliced through and scattered, as divinity ate through the hostile particles. All spectators felt her heart pause for seconds before resuming. As the man was surrounded by hundreds of darts and little knives, all that failed to penetrate his skin as [Silva's Blessing] game him perfect immunity.

Finding their new king to be completely unscratched, their eyes immediately darted over towards the young-challenger who was collapse upon the ground and sweating bullets. As Ken had just barely managed to listen to his instincts by dropping entirely upon the ground, dodging the clean-cut that flew over him.

Asai slowly walked on over towards his position. Holding his weapon up-high and funnelling mana into it. Charging up [Weighted Slash] Continuing to do so, until the proximity around him, the space, the air included; began to shake and vibrate like a mini-earthquake.

Asai's deadpan eyes lingered upon the man below. This was but another life he had to take, to ensure his future peace and livelihood would be met without dangers or difficulties. Another means to another end...

Ken willed his limbs into moving, but being so close to the source of bloodlust, the killing-intent slammed down upon his body and kept him immobile. "I-Is this what a king's aura is truly like!?" Ken, with his position in life, serving the royal family in person. He had personally witnessed Prince Xian's outrages and fits of wrath. Within those times, he had felt a slight feeling of nervousness. However, compared to Asai's current aura, it really was like a candle-light's flame against the brightest of blazing-suns.

"I see... So this is the man Her Highness Mizumi has fallen for..."

As Ken was about to close his eyes, to accept both his defeat and death. Within the corners of his mind, he could've sworn seeing a little white ball of fluff shuffling around the man's head and dropping onto his shoulder.

Confusion filling him, as this wasn't exactly the desired last thoughts he figured he would experience. He opened his eyes once more, to find a little white bird pecking away at the king's ears. Causing Asai to annoying shift his shoulder and headbutt the bird in retaliation. Which also led to his skill failing to activate properly as his blackened sword shattered. Sending the over-flowing mana skywards and fighting against [Sealing Square]

"Bug off little shit!"

"Fuck you master! This is for feeding me to the spiders!" "Tweeeeett Tweeeeeeet!"

The red arena shattered as the host's concentration was entirely ruined. Asai quickly fired an upper-cut, launching Cotton upwards into the skies where the lingering mana was still wrestling in chaos. Before returning his blade to its sheathe, instantly refreshing its blade before looking over towards Ken.

"Please! Please spare him!" A young-woman had taken the window of opportunity, the downtime of [Sealing Square] to run in and cover Ken's body with her own. Crying as her tears fell and splattered over the man's face. Seeing the apparent fear and shivering of her legs, Asai removed [Yokai Mask] and gazed into her black eyes.

"Insolence! You dare interrupt His Majesty's sacred duel!? You have tarnished the pride of warriors!"

"How dare you!?" "Who is she!?" "Guards!"

Multiple voices along with Akira's roared out, filling the girl with more dread. Before Asai rose his palm to silence the masses.

"Explain yourself."

Killing a random man who was against his authority was one thing, but killing a by-stander who was simply an advocator for peace and love, was another.

"Your Majesty! My name is Mary... I also hail from clan Kuro. This stupid guy here is my childhood friend. He once swore an oath to marry me when we were older, but that was until he entered the royal palace's service and laid eyes upon the princesses..." She gazed downwards to meet Ken's gaze, which were trying to dodge hers. Slamming her fist down upon his chest, causing him to wheeze and flinch. She looked back towards her new king, with desperate pleading eyes.

Asai felt a sudden head-ache assault his mind. Looking over to Akira, who immediately noticed his gaze.

"Akira, is there anything of value over there by the northern mountains?"

"No, My king. The northern mountains are a desolate place with only inedible monsters and beasts."


Switching weapons from [Ruin] to [Solace] the beautifully crafted dragon-spear. He swiftly ramped up speed and launched the javelin into the far north mountains. Within the peak of its arch, it split into a dozen and massacred all lifeforms, living within the rocky tips of the mountain-scape. The destruction was so extreme, and filled with Asai's annoyance, the land in which they stood shook and rumbled.

Whilst still slightly scowling, Asai took in the expressions of everyone around. Noticing their faces to be filled with awe and hope, that Asai could truly lead their kingdom to glory once more. Even against the extremely hostile and powerful species of dragonkin that dwelled upon the western side of the island.

"Mary. You have saved Ken's life, henceforth, Ken now belongs to you. Have him serve you well. And if he refuses to listen to any of your orders, just send me a nicely written letter and I'll have my men put him up in the mountains in which I'll practice my aim. Got it?"

Mary, who was shaking and vibrating like a frightened rabbit upon witnessing the man's prowess, instantly bowed towards her new monarch, yanking Ken into the same position.

"Thank you Your Majesty! Thank you for your great act of mercy!"

"You're lucky you have the same name as someone important to me... What a coincidence huh..."

Glancing over the rest of the nobles who had gathered. They all humbly lowered their heads, making it as clear as day that they held no desires to go against the flow of power, that was converging all upon a single man.

Upon Asai de Trichia.

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