Having finished with his ascension at the temple of Ohn. Even going as far as entertaining Ohn by putting on a show of force. Asai now sat comfortably within the peak of the palace, the literal pent-house that no belonged to him within Par'Talucca.

Glancing out of the balcony, he observed as the livelihood of the people slowly returned as houses and buildings were slowly being restored and rebuilt.

As for Ken and Mary, the two having shown enough courage and bravery to somewhat withstand his killing-intent. Were now working within the palace and serving Asai's party members.

Speaking of party members, Robin Sol entered the room dressed in what Asai recognised to be a hanbok. Which somewhat confused the man, as he was sure the entirety of Par'Talucca was this world's reincarnation of medieval Japan. Her underwear was a plain black bra that exposed a teasingly-small amount of cleavage, whilst the outer layer was a veil of semi-transparent black. Tight fabric wrapped and hugged around her midsection before a fluff skirt fell and ended around the middle of her thighs. Her smooth white hair, which had continued to grow in length was now rolled up into two buns, similar to how Miku enjoyed sporting.

She waddled into the room before performing a little spin around, ensuring the man had enough time to appreciate her appearance.

"So, how is it?"

Finishing up with her little twirls, she joined Asai upon the balcony as the moon light fell upon her marble-like skin.

"Beautiful. Simply beautiful." His hand tenderly caressed her mid-section, bringing her into a close-embrace as the other members of his party entered. Except, they all wore yukatas and sandals that flip-flopped around awkwardly.

"They say this dress is reserved for royalty. I told them that I was your fiancé, so they threw me into this dress instead."

"I see... Good to know."

Although Bethel, Mel, Olivia and Sora's attires revealed nothing to the eyes of men. The tight-fitting silk still outlined their curves as they entered, discussing and speaking of the sights they had seen. Perhaps, out of all the kingdoms they had individually experienced, Par'Talucca was the one city that was closest to nature as they planted dozens upon dozens of trees and bamboos throughout the city aesthetics. Rather than statues of valour, of gods or warriors. Par'Talucca was simply decorated with shrines, plentiful-amounts of bamboo and trees that were cut and trimmed as if they were bonsai plants.

Perhaps being both Asai and Robin's favourite area, were the pink blossom trees that lined many of the city's paths. 

Whilst Asai was enjoying the aesthetics of both the women in his company and the kingdom before him. Bethel was taking in the beauty of the world, as someone who was once a weeaboo back before her moving to this world. She almost fell in love with such a city, if it wasn't for their toilets being a simple hole in the wooden board... 

Not knowing what had overcome her, she happily skipped over towards the duke and laid her head upon the man's chest. Planting her soft-smooth pink hair across his body as his arm naturally wrapped around her waist to also bring her closer. Something Asai hadn't noticed as he was still leaning against the balcony, observing the world below continue its course. Until he found that he didn't exactly recognise the scent. And that Rosemi had remained behind in Aevraury upon receiving her fathers orders.

Looking towards the side, he was surprised to find the candy-pink hair gently waving upon the gentle-breeze.

"Bethel!?" "No. No way. I'm not sleeping with the [Hero] Goddess know what skill I might receive if I do that... In no way am I going to become a [Hero] NO!"

Hearing the confusion in his voice, Bethel's face that was snuggling into his chest paused, before glancing up. Staring into his frightened eyes in confusion before she realized what she had done. Her face, becoming bright red, as she staggered a few steps backwards, she turned and ran out of the room. Mel, curiously glanced over towards Asai before leaving to find her friend.

Olivia and Sora couldn't help but chuckle. They knew full well, how powerful the lure and incitement of such a powerful and handsome man could be. Even the two, whilst being warriors/knights at heart, still often times found themselves wondering and day-dreaming about a future with the man.

"Sora. How much longer until the boat is ready to set-sail?"

Bringing them back on track, and out of their pink-rosy-atmosphere. Asai decided to ignore Bethel's rising temptations and focus on his diplomatic mission towards the kingdom of giants, Etton.

"My king, it will be another week before the boat is ready to sail. An additional week or two before we can confirm it to be water-ready in case the tide proves too much. What are your orders?"

"So. I have to decide between rushing the construction and foregoing safety checks, or playing it patient and waiting in luxury and peace?"

"Tell the engineers to build it with safety and durability in mind. I don't fancy my chances out in the water, not when a sea-serpent roams it. And in the mean time. Prepare for me a report, of all dungeons or monster outbreaks within the nearby vicinity. Since I am here, I may as well clear them out before departing..."

"Yes, my king!" Sora immediately departed to issue on the commands. Leaving the large pent-house to Asai, Robin and Olivia who awkwardly fumbled around with the small wooden oriental teapots.

"Asai~ I think I'm going to do a little sight-seeing, is it alright if I leave Olivia to accompany you for tonight?"

"Sight-seeing?" Asai glanced down, enjoying the little cleavage that was exposed through the transparent veil. His arm still attached upon her thin waist.

"Yes, I want to see if I can purchase any gifts for the others when we return. Food and desserts for Violet, accessories for Chloe, Books for Rosemi etc." "And also to stock up on some more aphrodisiacs hehe~ ♡"

Asai, the sugar-daddy that he is, gave her his guild-card. That held all of his personal coffers within it. Even if the people of Par'Talucca didn't equally utilize the device, Robin could still easily pull the silver out of it, just as she would with a simple [Storage] ring.

"Thank you~" Planting a kiss upon his cheek, she activated [Ascension] and flew out of the balcony and out into the cherry-pink atmosphere. As the people down below were filled with high-spirits and joy as their new king was rumoured to be both incredibly powerful and kind-hearted.

No entirely alone, Asai's gaze fell upon Olivia. Who now felt a shivering tendril of excitement and nervousness strike her heart. 

"Your Grace, would you like a cup of tea? They call it green here." 

Asai nodded, as he watched her nervous hands shake and clatter the teapot against the little cups that equally shook and clanked against the little plates they stood upon.

"Relax. I'm not going to eat you." Trying to reassure the brunette that she was just thinking too much. He took over and poured the two a cup of hot green tea.

"You won't?" Olivia asked in disappointment.

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