Asai couldn't help but forcefully swallow down the gulps of green-tea within his mouth before choking. Extremely close to spraying the liquid all over the girl's face and ruining her appearance, he staggered back a single step before meeting her gaze.

"What do you take me for? A womanizer!?"

For some unknown reason, it was now Olivia's turn to choke upon her tea before staggering back.

"You aren't!? My lord!?" Within her mind, flipped through dozens upon dozens of pages, an imaginary catalogue of beautiful, busty, beautiful and women of heavenly-aesthetics all in which surrounded the duke. "Huh!?"

Finishing the rest of the tea in a single gulp, and allowing the heat to burn his throat before his empowered body instantly repaired the burned cells and tongue. Asai gestured to the knight before heading back towards the balcony. "Just how bad is my image!?"

"Olivia. I don't go around courting women left and right because I am a womanizer... I do it because I have a large responsibility within this world to do so. You should know that nobles live within a sphere of rules and norms of their own, correct?"

Olivia joined the man upon the balcony, leaning upon the red wood-barrier and staring out into the vast landscape. "Yes..."

"Then you should be aware that the majority of nobility marry one and another not out of feelings and love, but for the enrichment of their own households. Now, I'm not saying I'm marrying to enrich the Trichia family. But I am meeting women of calibre for the betterment of myself, so that I may perform and hopefully survive against the tides of war. 

I will use every means available to me to become stronger, if it means I can protect all that I hold dear." Looking down upon the empty oriental cup, Asai pulled out a flask of whiskey and filled it. 

"Although I am like this... Or at the very least, I strive to be. I still hold principles and morals as matters of importance. As they serve as a reminder to myself, as to who I really am. 

Thus, I have never ordered anyone to sleep with me, never have I abused my authority and power to do so. So, whatever imagination you had about me running around swinging my cock out left right and centre, forget it. I have standards..."

As Asai was holding his cup upon the very tips with only his finger and thumb. Olivia tipped the cup and allowed its liquid-courage to enter her own cup. Splitting the contents in half, before downing her portion.

After the burning sensation filled her heart and body with warmth. She asked the question that was lingering within her mind.

"So... You're saying I'm not worth it? That my body, my beauty isn't good enough for you?"

"Wah? How did she get to that!?"

"How about this my lord. Lets play a game, and the winner gets their wish fulfilled?"

Seeing the little smug-grin that stretched upon her face, as if he previously saddened and hurting expression was a fake. Asai decided to accept her little game.

"Fine, what do you have in mind?" 

"Easy. Something I used to play with the other children back when I was young. Tag." Seeing the man chuckle at the childish idea, she continued. "The kingdom of Par'Talucca shall be our playground. The moment I physically touch you, even just a segment of the clothing you wear. I win."

"Not to be narcissistic or big-headed, but you do realize you're challenging a agility-orientated fighter to basically a race right?" "And that, you're a strength-orientated fighter, being a swordswomen."

Olivia nodded with great confidence. 

"Fine. Game on." Asai immediately leapt up upon the wooden barrier and back flipped down into the city. And as he gently fell down, he saw a massive amount of golden mana converge and send down a single sword to his position.

[Astral Concussion]

Fires AOE attack upon target location. Maximum 10 targets stunned

"I see... So that explains her confidence." 

[Summon Bird] !

Cotton who was happily enjoying the view from atop Robin Sol's head. As the half-elf was about to undress to try on new lingerie set, blinked its eyes a single time to find itself flung from Asai's hand and up towards the magical-blade. "F-FUCK YOU MASTER!!"

Seeing her skill blocked by something, Olivia equally lept out of the penthouse, filling her legs with mana to protect her bones as she did so. Once she managed to stabilize her legs, she stood up to find the man gone.

However, due to many murmurs and a trail of prayers and bowing citizens. Olivia easily followed along the man's footsteps, who was busily fighting off hundreds of dhans who were trying to shower him with respect and flowers.

In return, he handed out food and clothing from his many factories back in Del Lagos before storing the flowers into his [Inventory] and trying to resume his run. Glancing just over his shoulders, he caught sight of the knight who was dressed in a yukata. Sprinting towards him with her mace in hand, as if she was trying to catch a peeping-tom.

"Calm down! Calm down!"

[Astral Concussion] flew into the crowd repeatedly, all aiming towards the duke who was running, dipping and sliding through the crowds. Whilst this was supposed to catch the man, it only helped him as the skill inflicted no damage, but still stunned the people into standing still.

"Sorry! Sorry!" 

[Heal]! [Heal]!

Dropping heals as she ran on by, the impoverished, the elderly and the exhausted felt reinvigorated. And soon became interested in their little game of tag. Little children decided to join in and try drag the man's trousers down, to help the girl. Whilst the elderly who were bored out of their mind found the entertainment to be refreshing as new life was breathed into the heart of Par'Talucca.


Back at the palace, Sora Kaka had just returned from sending out the orders. The maid who remained on standby at the door addressed her.

"Lady Sora. I understand my orders are to remain here, in case His Majesty requires assistance... But he has leapt out of the balcony and is currently engaging in a game of tag. I overheard their conversation, and... If a woman manages to touch even a single strand of fabric upon his body, he will bestow her with his seed. 

Can you relieve me of my duty so that I too may chase after His Majesty?" 

The maid, shyly kept her gaze upon the ground as she spoke her thoughts out loud. Revealing her desires and lusts to serve the man, and possibly warm his bed. However, after a few dozen seconds of silence, she raised her eyes to find Sora Kaka gone. Glancing into the room, she only managed to catch a glimpse of the dhan also leaping out of the balcony and entering the game of tag.

"N-NOT FAIR!" The maid stomped her feet upon the wooden boards in indignation, as her orders hadn't changed.

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