After a long hour of consecutive battles against the multiplying living-armours. The party now found themselves standing before a large temple. Typical of medieval Japan, as the many roofs sprouted up high like bamboo. Interestingly enough, Asai noticed that they were now standing just under the moon itself, as the gentle light from it gently fell and illuminated the temple. And whilst they were magical, and didn't exist, he could see hundreds of pink cherry-blossoms continuously fall and fade.

[Bethel: Lvl 69->73]

[HP: 160 MP:130]

[Title: Hero]

[Skills unlocked:]


Stores maximum [Level] items in [System]


Increase Fire Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

[Crash Above]

150% additional Attack Damage.


900% of your Dexterity is dealt to all targets within AOE


100% of damage ignores targets defence


+10 boost to all stats. 10% critical rate boost. Critical attacks recover 10% missing HP/MP/SP

[Rooting Axe]

Summon a throwing axe [Root] target for 4 seconds. Deals 50% melee damage


All [Crowd Control] effect duration reduced by 85%

[Reflection][Mirror Blade]

Upon successful parry reflects 75% of opponents attack back

[Against all Odds]

All successful attacks deal bonus 2% of target maximum HP as true damage.


[Mel: Lvl 62->68]


[Sora Kaka: Lvl 43->59]

[HP:100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]


Able to Vanish from players or monsters that are up to 10 levels higher.

[Psychic Phantom]

Additional 100% Damage added to a regular attack.

[Sealing Square]

Seals opponents that are within a 15 meter range


Increase Venom Elemental damage by 20%, 10% chance to inflict 5 additional ticks of venom

Asai de Trichia, Robin Sol and Olivia were still too high level to gain any noteworthy experience points from killing the monsters that stopped increasing at level 70.

"Hopefully, the next skill Sora unlocks would be her bloodline abilities... As for Bethel's skill, doesn't that mean she could literally kill anything as long as she managed to land 50 hits regardless of the potency?" The duke started to imagine dekans dying, as Bethel swatted them with twigs and stones for 50 hits.

"Wow, if Bethel ever unlocks a skill similar to Robin's [All in One] she would be shredding everyone alive..."


Everyone rested enough? The man's gaze lingered upon Bethel, Mel and Sora. Who had been fighting every battle that occurred. All the while, Asai had remained a complete bystander, ensuring they received maximum contribution points and also being just barely close enough to draw aggro and thus trigger his inherent ability to boost the experience gain of his party members.

And whilst the speed in which they grew in strength was unfathomable from ordinary means. The girl's all chalked it up to be an effect of the dungeon. As dungeons were still infamous for their great risks and dangers, and as such, it only made sense for the gods to reward those who braved such dangers.

Seeing the girl's all nod in confirmation of their status, albeit Bethel gave a thumbs up. Asai entered through the wooden doors to find the space within larger than what was depicted outside. Already familiar with such strange shenanigans occurring within dungeons, Asai quickly noticed that upon opening the doors. The music had stopped.

[Ruin] within his hand, mana coursing through his eyes, Asai entered the unknown. Seeing as only the middle of the hall was lit with moonlight, as the very roof appeared hollow and open. The party made its way to the centre, where red lanterns swiftly lit up all around the hall. Revealing an orchestra band who all wore yokai fox masks, all except one.

[Kami: Lvl 99]

The divine-beauty he had met back in the prior shrine was smiling and waving, and before Asai could even try communicating with her, she seated herself before starting their next musical score.


Right click the video to tick the "loop" option.

Suddenly, the platform they stood upon started to rise, just like an elevator would, albeit without any rails or walls to prevent them from falling. Approaching the playing orchestra, Asai noticed the thin layer of barrier that separated the two parties.

"Umm, Asai! We've got company!" Shouted Bethel, which quickly tore his attention over towards the walls of the temple that was slowly going under as their platform rose without pause.

Hundreds of living-armours were eerily crawling up the red pillars and throwing themselves onto the platform. What caught Asai off-guard was that, the monsters even came from the direction of the orchestra, entirely ignoring them and running past them and even through the invisible barrier that prevented the humans from approaching the divinities.

[Samurai: Lvl 70]  [Samurai: Lvl 70]  [Samurai: Lvl 70]  [Samurai: Lvl 70]  [Samurai: Lvl 70] ...

[Shinobi: Lvl 75] [Samurai: Lvl 70]  [Samurai: Lvl 70]  [Samurai: Lvl 70] [Shinobi: Lvl 75] ...

[Samurai: Lvl 70]  [Samurai: Lvl 70]  [Samurai: Lvl 70] [Shinobi: Lvl 75] [Samurai: Lvl 70] ...

[Samurai: Lvl 70]  [Samurai: Lvl 70] [Shinobi: Lvl 75] [Samurai: Lvl 70]  [Samurai: Lvl 70] ...

"Stick together! Prioritize defence over offense!" "You're not the only one with mobs to spam!" 

Robin Sol helplessly punched the glass from within the jar, desiring nothing but to fight alongside her friends.

[Summon Skeleton]

[Phantom Menace]

4 shadow clones emerged out of Asai's shadow and swiftly cast their own [Summon Skeleton] in addition to being fed enough mana to proc [Lingering Shadow] which increased the number of skeletons from 50 to 250. Which ended up being overkill as the undead army now took up the majority of the platform and fought off the hostile living-armours.

Asai fell upon his knees as he clutched his heart. The sudden mana-consumption was so great, it managed to take a toll upon his person. Perhaps it was only due to [Heart of Gold] that reinforced his beating organ, that it didn't suddenly burst or cause internal bleeding.

Goose bumps went through his body as adrenaline flourished. Excitement for battle swept his thoughts away as he leapt into the fray. Dipping in and out of [Hide] and enjoying the slaughter as [Yokai Mask] his his wicked grin and [Yomi & Yami] recovered his energies.

The party was quick to notice the rise in elevation speed. The more they killed, the faster the platform shot upwards. High and higher until it burst through the roof of the temple itself and continued its flight up towards the moon.

As the tempo of the music rose, so did, the intensity of the monsters that now spawned out of thin air. Jumping and landing within their midst and causing a chaotic melee.

Whilst Bethel couldn't help but slaughter both enemy and skeletons, Mel precisely chose her targets and ensured her back was protected by Sora, who equally performed the same.

Olivia, the knight, was firing off [Astral Concussion] into the groups that were in mid-air. Causing them to become stunned as they fell back down into the abyss below. Perhaps having the most optimal weapon out of them all, being a blunt mace. She was swiftly dispatching the sturdy hostiles with ease. Her heart thumping away, as she started to regret deciding upon following her lord and duke.


As for Robin, she was stuck within the jar, that remained upon Asai's neck. As the man flipped, back-flipped, vaulted and spun. Trying her utmost to not vomit from the motion-sickness.


They have access to all of Asai's skills, but not the one skill they originate from.

All mana costs come from the original-host.

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