As the orchestra slowly ended, the platform had entered into the moon in the sky, which was actually a hole that simply allowed the light to pass through. As such, the platform perfectly slotted itself into the hole and all hostiles ceased to exist.

Asai had to clutch his chest tightly, taking deep breaths of air, trying to calm the raging tempest within. 

Glancing over, Olivia was tending to the others who weren't so tanky or defensive in battle-style. Healing them as they had dozens of shallow-wounds upon their arms and backs.

[Bethel: Lvl 73->80]

[HP: 160 MP:130]

[Title: Hero]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Heroic Heart]

+25% Damage Drop. +25 Melee Attack. +25 Magical attack.


[Mel: Lvl 68->76]


[Olivia: Lvl 81->83]

[HP: 100 MP:100]


[Sora Kaka: Lvl 59->72]

[HP:100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Rooting Shadow]

An assault of chains roots target for [5] seconds. [Invenom] application possible.

[Black Mantle]

Enters self and all party members in Vanish mode. Up to 5 levels higher from caster.


Asai quick to update his party members by whispering into their ears whilst restocking their potion pouches. Ensured Bethel continued to remain oblivious to his awareness of the system.

Having finished with his first priorities, he glanced around to find the orchestra band gone. However, the music continued to boom as if the live-concert was continuing just before them.

"G-guys... Trust me when I say this, but red circle equals bad." 

Hearing Bethel speak aloud, the party followed where her fingers were pointing to find nothing but white. The sky was white, the land was white, everything was white.

Asai, being the one to notice the gentle glimmering within her eyes, followed suit and imbued his own eyes. Revealing a hidden world within theirs, as grass, fields, flowers and trees bloomed within the astral-realm that overlapped the physical.

"Send your magic into your eyes! Quick!"

It was only then, did the party notice the red circles that covered entire fields. A slow indicator signalled the time of demise as it suddenly erupted. Unlike the prior dragons Asai had personally witnessed thus far, the dragon that sprouted out of the ground and up into the skies was a eastern variant. Wingless, and sporting a skinny snake like body albeit with multiple claws.

[Ryū: Lvl 99]

As Asai was busy inspecting the majestic beast that was soaring, vaulting and spinning within the sky above. Bethel took it upon herself to carry Mel upon her shoulder and away. Whilst the Sora and Olivia was quick to snap the man out of his awe.

"Red circle equals bad!" 

Without even needing to look down, to witness the red zone that surrounded him. Asai started running as the dragon was already grinning and smiling at him. As the dragon continued to dip in and out of the ground, demolishing all that was in its path, its timing and spacing began to shrink as it increased its intensity.

Seeing Bethel take glances back over her shoulder as she ran. Asai instantly realized what she was thinking.

Joining her in their almost suicidal attack. The two stood upon the edge of the red-zone and charged their hardest hitting skills.



The two skills perfectly timed, slamming into Ryu's jaw the very moment he emerged from the ground. The massive amount of mana cracked into his bone and sent him off-course. However, as much as they had managed to hurt the beast, it soon recovered as it began its dive.

"I- I get the feeling we didn't really hurt him much..."

"Agreed. Lets run!"

Asai turned and sprinted, before Bethel instantly caught up and overtook him. Wonder why she was suddenly so much faster, Asai turned to see Ryu spitting fire.

"Caronia! Fancy become a dragon-slayer? Fame and honour awaits you!"

"BAh! Only the foolish would try to attack a celestial dragon. Only the most dumbest, and stupidest man would even-"

Ignoring the dwarf, as he was literally dissing him for his prior curiosity, the duke injected greater amounts of mana into his legs and lungs. Amplifying his speed as he caught up to the others.

"I don't get it!? I'm level 97 and he's 99. Why am I still unable to deal hardly any damage to him? Is this the innate difference between a man and a dragon?"

Indeed, the man had assumed correctly. Whilst Asai could be considered almost peak human, the dragon was after all a peak dragon. If both Asai and the dragon were at level 1. The outcome of the battle would remain the same, even if their levels were equally 99.

Only two people, not of this world, and lacking the common sense here, would even endeavour to try fighting it.

Asai, trying to take glances back at the mighty-beast. He tried and searched, but was unable to find any semblance of a weakness. There were no gems upon its forehead, no reversed-scale typical of dragons. No oddly coloured scales or scars to utilize. Simply nothing.

[How about it human?]

[Accept my blessing]

[Become my pawn King-piece]

[Receive power and authority achievable only through me]

[Do you like Ryu? He can be yours]


Turning back, seeing the grey moustache upon the dragon twirl and his jaws opening as he prepared to spit further napalm upon them. Asai tried to imagine riding such a beast, like King Godfrey had once done. And yet, somehow, it simply didn't feel right.

"Why would I want to hang around with a snake that's trying to turn me into BBQ!? No means no!"


[Sealing Square] !

Utilizing the red arena to separate the two realms. Asai chugged a mana potion as he withstood the dragon's breathe. Struggling to upkeep the skill, Asai shot mana into his legs before jumping up high enough to dodge the flames that soon flooded the ground. He caught onto Ryu's whiskers as the celestial-beast took flight back up towards the skies. From there, Asai could see his party members greatly in shock as their duke was now somewhat riding the dragon. Albeit, clinging for dear life.


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