"Ready?" Asai's fierce gaze lingered upon his party members. 

"Ready." Robin Sol finished her last minute checks, ensuring the latches upon her boots, waist and gauntlets were securely fastened. 

"Ready." Olivia twirled her mace around, relaxing and warming up her joints as she took deep breaths to calm her nervous heart.

"Ready." Sora hopped a few times on the spot, flexing and twirling her ankles as she nodded in confirmation.

"Ready." Bethel took another glance at her mirror-sword. Checking her appearance, ensuring her bangs were perfectly placed.

"Ready." Mel simply continued to stare into Asai's black eyes. Confident in herself, to proving her fighting-ability. But unsure whether or not she would even accept the extract...

"Ready." "Tweet tweet!" Cotton remained atop Robin's head. Ready to rock and roll.

Asai de Trichia nodded, throwing the cloak's hood over his head before dropping into the hole and impacting into the stone-ground below. Quick to summoning [Ruin] upon his hip, he glanced up to inspect his surroundings. The ground remained the same, such did the walls and ceilings. All perfectly carved and aligned stones, albeit the hole above him was gone.


Asai scrutinized the man who was equally crouching at the other end of the hall.

""Who are you!?""

The two, again, spoke at the same time.

[Asai de Trichia: Lvl 97]   -   [Asai de Trichia?: Lvl 97]

"The last boss, is to fight myself!? Fine, so be it!"

""COME AT ME!!""

The two men charged, both habitually dipping into [Hide] and equally running towards their individual right, before vaulting.

[Psychic Phantom]! [Psychic Phantom]!

The two skills slammed into one and another, cancelling each other out, whilst the shockwave that slammed into the two sent them both skidding backwards and away.

"No way... No way!"

[Death Call] [Death Call]

The two instantly telekinetically flew towards each other like magnets. Clashing into one and another as they were both stunned, before falling to the ground. The two men glared upon each other as if they were fakes, or literal monsters that simply copied them.

As the CC duration ran out, they both shifted to their karambits, slicing and cutting one and another before backing away once more.

Asai glanced down towards his own limbs. Whilst he had managed to slice up his target's left shoulder, as did the enemy. Strangely, whilst his own right shoulder appeared to be perfectly fine, as his own left was equally shredded and bleeding. He felt the very same pain from both shoulders.

Bringing a karambit down to his hand, he slit it and witnessed the other Asai grimace in pain.

"We have the same skills, battle-style and sense. And we even share the pain we inflict upon each other and ourselves!?"

It was at this very moment, did the two realize the seriousness of this trial.

"So, if either of us dies, what kind of pain would we receive from death?" Fear and nervousness penetrated into their minds as their hearts wavered. Unlike their prior battle-hardened expressions, aged from years of war and combat. The two now appeared hesitant as they both thought about a way to beat the dungeon.

"Is he really my opponent? What does the dungeon want me to do?" Glancing around, the ceiling, the walls and the ground. Still remained completely spotless and pristine, leaving only the two challengers within.


Within Robin's trial. The half-elf felt a strange sense of familiarity with her opponent. As she was without the clarification of the system, the two girls believed each other to possibly being their long lost twin or look-alike sister. However, even with such thoughts, neither of them attacked, simply gauging one and another in silence.

Seeing her opponent remove her hair-band and allowing her hair to fall, whilst also summoning [Holy Testimony] and wielding two of the swords. Robin lowered her stance in preparation to battle.

"She's deliberately making us look different? I guess, fighting someone who doesn't look exactly like you would make it easier on the mind..."

The two Saintess took flight and instantly started vaulting and twirling within the air-space. Sending volleys upon volleys of [All in One] and [Holy Testimony] at each other. Both equally landing their shots and pommelling each other, as they gritted their teeth and ignored the pain that hammered down into their chests.

Neither of the two were willing to lose, as losing would result in leaving Asai's side. And such thoughts were simply blasphemy, as she had already vowed to herself to forever remain by his side. Ensuring his road and destined-path was one accompanied and not alone.

Like feral beasts, they both roared as they shot towards one and another directly. Clashing their mithril blades before landing round-house kicks into each other's bodies. Seeing the blazing determination alongside the radiance of [Divinity] within their opponent's eyes, the two decided to skip their potions and simply launch at one and another. Landing punches, kicks and cuts upon each other. Even going as far as to sharpened the mana within their wings so much, increasing the ferocity and concentration enough to even utilize them as extra limbs that reached over from their backs to stab at each other.

A dozen minutes into their brawl, the two were slowly learning. Not exactly learning about their enemies, or how better to fight others. But, how better to fight oneself, how better to approach enemies. As they quickly caught on to their usual antics, habits and weaknesses.

And whilst their personalities were the same, the two started to diverge into two different learning paths. Quick to test and apply their new imaginary-scenarios out.

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