Mel stared at her mirror image in confusion.

As the adventurer didn't have any innate mana to utilize, the two simply circled one and another whilst tightly gripping upon their daggers. As the two dipped in and out of range, exchanges between each other short strikes, blocks and parries. Mel's hazel brown eyes started to open wide as she realized how complacent she was in battle.

Looking at her mirror image fight, and how she would hesitate, pause, half-heartedly strike before quickly changing her mind and pulling back to safety. She now had a clear view of what everyone else would see, her prior performances must've all be equally lacklustre she realized.

The two Mels equally aware of their flaws, took in a deep breath each. Trying their utmost to solidify their willpower and commitment. Rather than casually strolling through life, barely winning battles and surviving by relying upon reliable allies. She now knew, that she had to rely upon and train and improve her own skill and prowess. As such, the two slowly inched towards each other. Shuffling their feet across the stone ground before their interlocked their lead-foot together. 

Nodding in confirmation and in awe towards each other's determination to fight. The two adventurers began to duke it out in a gruesome and ugly blitz of cuts, slices, stabs and severing of fingers and hair.

Hear heart thumping, slamming and hammering against her rib-cage. Her lungs gasped and gasped for oxygen, as her muscle fibres demanded greater amounts of air and stored-energies. Burning through her calories as her body greatly rose in temperature. She started to love the adrenaline and battle-high that surged through her, ensuring her cuts and bleeding wounds were numbed and ignored as she continued to fight.

Even though the two were covered in wounds, bleeding from head to toe. Mel was greatly surprised to find her counterpart smiling, as it was only then, did she realize that she too was also smiling and enjoying the thrill of battle.

The strange sensation that surged through her, that made her bloodthirsty, to desire to dominate others. It was a notion that had knocked upon the doors of her subconscious many of times. And yet, she had never truly entertained its desires and inclinations. Never having allowed it to take over her presence of mind.

The two, both being mana-less, quickly ran out of steam as they both staggered backwards and onto their asses. Three minutes of non-stop high-intensity cardio, whilst inflicting and suffering wounds and blood loss was too much for their human-bodies, even if they are empowered and strengthened by levels. As such, the two now equally rested upon their asses, staring at each other for a moment of silence. Before both breaking out into laughter.

Every attack that successfully landed, was only due to having taken the risk of receiving pain themselves. Simply put, there were no free meals upon the battle-field. Everything came at a cost, and it was upon the hands of the powerful and skilled, to decide upon the currency utilized for war.

"So, if I wish to stand besides the duke of war... The sword of humanity, Asai de Trichia. I can't simply enjoy only the benefits, but I also have to bring something to the table... I see now."

As a human who was entirely satisfied with mediocrity and living a passive and safe life. And although having whimsical notions and aspirations towards freedom and adventuring. Mel now realized just how undeserving she was of everything she had received. Both Bethel and Asai's kindness, even if she never thought of it in such a way, she had been taking their generosity and strength for granted.

For the first time since meeting her, Mel rose before her counterpart and prepared her stance for battle. Towering over the clone, defiantly meeting her gaze and gesturing to her.

"Come! Let's continue!"


Back in Asai's trial.

The man was limping against the cold stone-wall. Finding its cooling temperature to be soothing, as his muscles were greatly heated, as sweat fell from his brows and reduced his grip upon his spear [Solace]

Having thrown bombardments at each other, in such a small confine of space. The two were literally slamming sledgehammers into each other relentlessly.

His thoughts cloudy and murky, as pain struck him atop of phantom-pain. Even when he was able to gain the upper-hand by landing strikes upon his opponent. Shortly after, he too would be tumbling and slipping as the phantom pain instantly assaulted his senses equally.

"Anyways, the next stage is the last, and my only advice for you would be to grit your teeth and resolve. Fighting!"

Kami's advice flashed through his mind, as he continued to wrack his brain for any bright ideas.

"Is it death? I have to experience pain and death? Something that I inflict upon my allies and soldiers every time I order them out to war? Is that it?"

Seeing the smug smirk stretching across the other Asai's face, Asai punched himself in the cheek to snap his counterpart out of his moment. Before chuckling himself and smirking.

"I see.. As powerful as I am. Every time I kill to protect, to defend those that I care about, and those that are under my fold. I am equally hurting and inflicting pain upon others. Be it my enemy, their friends, allies or families. My happiness and desires comes at the cost of others.

So... Is this some sort of ying yang crap in which I have to understand the consequences of my actions?"

"Hey! If you're thinking exactly what I think you're thinking. I don't think that's it!" The fake-Asai shouted over.

Ignoring the other, Asai shifted his mindset.

"If it's not about the consequences of my actions, the intervention and changes in the future in which I'm sure I must've caused by now. Then... Is it about besting oneself? To overcome, to beat and to dominate all enemies, even if that very enemy is myself?" Asai's eyes flashed open as he continued such a thought process. "Why? Why would I need to defeat myself? Is it some form of willpower? To ensure I don't lose my mind or soul to evil? To wickedness? 


I see. The heavens are afraid, that with my ability and potential future-strength. If I wanted to, I could probably level this world... So they're nipping the bud early, by forcing me through trials that strengthen my mind and soul."

A quick flashback of his recent dealings with a demon-kind was all he needed to understand why the heavens above were worried. Considering how he was such an anomaly that refused to be put under a god's control, it all made sense to him.

The two equally slapping on [Yokai Mask] and allowing their masks to overcome their minds with bloodlust, entered [Berserk]

""COME AT ME!!""

Filled with determination to become even stronger than himself, Asai charged onwards, splurging his [Chaos] element into [Yomi and Yami] that vibrated and rumbled as if they were alive and thirty.



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