Having a field day within Asai's mindscape, exploring his thoughts and indecision, Sakura decided to simply throw a bone into the cogs and wheels that was rapidly churning away.

"Listen honey. As much as I'd love to see your Pegasus evolve, or for your little pet trash panda to become useful. And even for your manhood to grow an extra two inches from consuming the milk. I'll give you one extra little freebie~ In exchange, you'll have to do me a little favour in return. Do we have a deal?"

Seeing as his mind was conflicted between priorities, the man decided to accept Sakura's kind gesture.

A simple tap of the finger upon Asai's forehead, and his mind went into overload. His five senses all went into overdrive as they all individually swarmed his brain with information that was insanely fleeting. Only with pained concentration was he able to ignore and filter the flood.

Pulling out more playing cards, albeit the design appeared to be of lower quality. Sakura started to give the man a quick crash course.

[Leather Armor:]  

[Grade: Normal]

[Level Requirement: 1]


Physical Defence: 18

Magical Defence: 10

"This is what most humans are running around with. Harvested from domestic animals such as horses/cows. As you're aware, their skin was designed mainly to protect them from the elements of nature, such as wind, cold, rain. Not weapons."


[Hard Leather Armor:] 

[Grade: Normal]

[Level Requirement: 14]


Physical Defence: 28

Magical Defence: 18

"This is what you and your friends are currently using. Skin harvested from beasts that were personally created by Ohn, overseer of life and death. Thus, granting you greater protection than its normal variant."


[Steel Armor:]

[Grade: Normal]

[Level Requirement: 20]


Physical Defence: 65

Magical Defence: 10

"This seems to be the main armour both you humans, elves and even my dhans tend to use. As the ores and minerals required for it are abundant throughout the lands. And whilst the stats you see do appear higher than leather. Both Iron and Steel, are horrible conductors of mana. To explain in layman's terms, if you fill your armour with mana, depending on the purity and quality of your magical-heart, you could empower the leather up to 2-3 times its usual stat. 

This is because, the beasts and monsters hide, their skin that you harvest, was originally designed to hold the element. Whilst minerals weren't. However, metals such as mithril and adamantine are the only exceptions, having been so close to the world's own mana-heart, those ores become capable of hosting magic.

Thus, your choice to ignore steel armour and equip your party members in hard-leather was correct, as long as your friends were capable of utilizing mana that is..."


[Armour of Darkness:]

[Grade: Normal]

[Level Requirement: 42]


Physical Defence: 98

Magical Defence: 60

"This particular armour set, the dekans easily have access to this in great abundance. The more war they wage, the more they entertain their sovereign deities, the more of this armour they are rewarded with. As it is made from ore, the dekans are unable to empower it with their mana. However, this allows them to focus and concentrate their mana solely upon offense instead.

I don't know if you'll understand this, but don't take the quantified numbers to face value. A person's race; elf, dhan, human or dekan, should also be factored in when scrutinizing stats. Naturally, the dekans have a higher resistance to both physical and magical hostilities. Humans tend to be born quite balanced out, whilst elves are more biased towards the astral elements. Giants, on the other hand, are weak to magic whilst built to ignore physical damage.

My children, the dhans are quite the weak race. Weak against both physical and magical damage, which is why I had to make a deal with Ohn. To ensure my children's survived, Ohn would deter the dekan's attention elsewhere, whenever Par'Talucca is on the precipice of collapse."

Tapping her smooth fingers upon her lips, she blinked a few times as she realized she had just divulged information in which she shouldn't have.


[Enchanted Armour of Bedron:]

[Grade: Ancient]

[Level Requirement: 90]


Physical Defence: 148

Magical Defence: 102

"As you can expect, just from seeing its metallic appearance, you can't amplify its base stats with mana. Oh, and seeing as you're curious. The rarities are: Normal, rare, unique, ancient and divine. Obviously, to use divine-grade equipment, you would have to ascend first. And in case you're wondering, Dacate Rev'Deca, the current king of the fish-men also has a set of enchanted armour. A few other individuals do too, in fact-"

Pausing once more, the cherry-blossom pink within her eyes faded into dull-grey. Moments later, the life within her eyes returned before she started to pout, as she had once again given information in which she shouldn't have.

"Asai, vow to me right now that all that you've seen and heard here. All of it are for your ears and eyes only. If you ever relinquish anything that I've taught you today, I will personally descend and turn you into a level 1 goblin."

Seeing her cheerful demeanour vanish entirely, Asai instantly satisfied her demands. Somewhat painfully doing so, as the head-ache was increasingly straining his mental-capacity. The man even had a nose-bleed that was leaking like a runny-nose.

Seeing as the human's soul couldn't withstand the injection of information, Sakura cut her little lecture short by miles and tapped upon the man's forehead once more. Swiping away his amplified system, and returning it to its prior ability.



If Asai or Robin, two people with mana of high quality were to empower their armour with mana. The numbers would go:

Hard Leather Armour: 28 x 3 =  PDF:84

Beating Steel Armour: PDF: 65

Anyone else, new to mana would receive: 28 x 2 = PDF:56 - Losing to steel armour.

Of course, leather weighs less than metal plates.

Oh, These are the real numbers in game. For anyone curious. (However, on top of the base stats that we see, you also received a RNG bonus PDF/MDF stat between 10-100 to further inflate the defence stat. Which depends entirely on LUCK.)


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