[Enchanted Armour of Bedron]

[Grade: Ancient]

Level Requirement: 90



Physical Defence: 148

Magical Defence: 102

Upon swiping the blood away from his nostrils, Asai decisively acquired the golden armour. Like entering a new factory made car, he gave the blessed gear a long sniff. As he was mentally celebrating the new addition to his arsenal. Uda Par'Talucca gently reassured the human, answering questions he himself once had during his first visit.

"Don't worry about theft, if you were to ever die, it would simply return to Lady Sakura here."

"What he said is correct. Also, even if you wanted to, you won't be able to pass it on to anyone without my consent. So don't worry about losing it, or leaving it behind by accident. Consider it to be bound to your soul, until death do you part."

Without being taught how to, Asai simply willed with his intent, and the bedron chest plate vanished like magic, before reappearing upon his body. Within his mindscape, he cycled through multiple options of apparel. Full-plate, Half, quarter and even imitation. Imitation being a copy of his usual uniform, leather-set or even just his shorts.

No matter which setting he cycled through, his body always felt as if it was snugly fitted into a compression fit. Something that reminded him of his old gym days back on Earth. And as expected, whilst it was a snug fit, his skin still remained highly breathable and flexible. 

[Enchanted Armour of Bedron] was literally a Goddess-given set of clothing.

Out of fun and curiosity, Asai tried to shift the armour into a ghillie-suit, or even a literal human-walking-tank. Quick to catch his thoughts and intentions, Sakura answered.

"No. The armour can only replicate clothing sets you yourself own within your [Storage] or [Inventory]

And yes, the armour doesn't require washing, nor repairs as it will regenerate naturally. Mundane things like odour, dirt, sweat and blood will naturally be removed. However, I still recommend you, the person wearing it to bathe and wash regularly..."

"Do I just jump in the bath with it on? But set to swimming-trunks mode or something?"

Chuckling a little, as if the problems Asai thought up were truly insignificant. She continued to sate his curiosities whilst Uda continued to observe as if highly entertained. As the man was currently traveling through nostalgia-avenue, reliving his past memories and the time when he too, had asked the most mundane questions from a literal Goddess, rather than questions such as, "What is the purpose of life?"

"No silly, you can set it to accessory mode. A ring, a piercing, or even those items you call contact-lens."

Greatly intrigued by the notion of bathing naked, yet, not actually naked. Asai shifted the bedron to his swimming trunks before pouring out a glass of water upon his arm. Experiencing the refreshing feeling to its fullest potential, the man could only smile like a kid on christmas-day.

"Incredible, so it only comes into play when it considers something to be related to combat?"

"Exactly. If you, the wearer and host doesn't consider himself to be in combat. The defensive properties will remain dormant. However, even with that said, the bedron will still maintain a degree of sentience, and if it figures an action dealt upon you can be considered a surprise attack or assassination attempt, it will automatically come into effect."

"Amazing, truly amazing... Now if only I could get a set for Robin and Rosemi."

"Declined, it is reserved only for the head of house, of clan Par'Talucca."

"Then... Where can I obtain the next best thing for them?"

Sakura gently smiled upon finally receiving a decent enough question. Greatly pleased that the human wasn't hounding her with questions regarding sex and debauchery.

"You- You already know the answer to this question."

"I do?" Questioning himself, he shuffled through dozens upon thousands of memories. Shifting through them like a data-library. "T-the golden dungeon?"

"Ding ding ding! Correct~"

Further pleased that he wasn't a man of only two faces: War and sex. Sakura quickly decorated the table with mochi, dango, rain-drop cake and little sakura-treats. Quick to partake in a couple plates herself, before gesturing to the two men, urging them to join her.

Seeing as the goddess was deliberately giving him time to digest the information, the man tried to imagine himself challenging a golden dungeon. Something dwarven king Caronia mentioned to being a strictly Solo-dungeon. With how stressful, chaotic, strange and random his latest dungeon-dives were and had been. He honestly wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not. Especially when he was entirely aware that dungeons would scale according to the challenger's level.

Whilst his last dungeon scaled according to the entire party's medium, he wasn't exactly curious enough to willingly and knowingly enter a level 99 portal.

"And just so you know~ You've been receiving a lot of outside interference with your recent dungeon visits. You have too many celestial-helpers. I advise you to not become too comfortable with your current treatment. As golden portals are truly isolated from even the celestial-beings. You will be, truly and utterly alone.

There will be no special-treatment, no outside help, no clues, and no tweaking of the rooms to help you learn your weaknesses or areas in which you're lacking."

"I see... So that's why my dungeons have changed. From the prior monster-swarms, into a dungeon boss battle. Into puzzles, hurdles and challenges, that ultimately benefitted me greatly if I'm being honest...."

"Asai. If the day ever comes, in which you manage to reach our realm. Do be sure to thank everyone."

"Got it."

In great respect and appreciation, Asai shifted his stance unto a single knee and literally prayed to her in thanks. And whilst she tried to shrug it off as nothing, Uda managed to catch sight of her lips trembling as she hid away her joy.

Receiving devotion, prayers and thanks from the common people was good. But, to receive such acts from a monarch of a kingdom, one who held such unfathomable amounts of power, even Sakura wasn't exempt from being filled with delight.

Perhaps, if Asai were to ever enter through the gates of heaven. Sakura would see the human more than just as a mortal.


I'm cringing so hard at how badly I drew the guy XD

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