Isekai Rohan

482 Between two worlds

Docked at the makeshift wharf, a large wooden vessel was finally built and ready to sail. Without a care towards ceremonies, Asai de Trichia, Robin Sol, Sora Kaka and 20 warriors who were acting as both the rowers and retinue of their king boarded the ship. The wooden vessel that was powered by oars, was mostly decorated in red as two flags flew at its highest point; the flag of Par'Talucca, as well as a white flag that had a dove depicted upon it, carrying a leaf. Something that represented peace and friendship. Hopefully, the giants would understand the gesture.

Upon the ship, Asai observed the clouds above, satisfied that the heavens were smiling upon him on this day, as there wasn't a single grey cloud in sight. With perfect weather, a team of healthy and able men to row the boat, in addition to his four shadow-clones that were positioned equally on both sides, Asai sat back and gestured towards his personal-assistant Sora Kaka to begin.

Saluting her king, she swiftly turned to roar her orders out as she started to beat a large drum, designating the pace and tempo.

Looking back towards the wharf, Asai could see Olivia praying with both hands sincerely clasped together, whilst Bethel was merrily waving away at her lord. As for Mel, within her clasp was the world tree's essence, the small vial along with a letter that included instructions of it usage had been handed to her, as she was to ensure its safe-delivery back to Trichia.

It's designated receiver being Clam. And whilst Asai trusted Mel enough to handle such a precious item, he secretly hoped that she would show her usual free-spirited character and sneak a peek into the letter. Learning of what exactly she had in her possession, and perhaps even consuming it. If the girl did achieve a mana-heart by such methods, he honestly wouldn't blame her. And if she didn't, and Clam ended up receiving it at the end of the day, then so be it.


Hours into the gentle ride, Asai began to wonder whether or not he could fish to further speed up the time. Pulling out a rod in which he purchased back in Ignis, the man approached the very back of the ship as it was the only location that would ensure his bait and string wouldn't find itself tangling with the oars.

Reaching the back and perching over the tip, Asai stared through the water and gazed into the abyss of the depths. To his surprise, cold-shivers assault his back as he felt an emotionless gaze staring right back at him.

Wanting nothing to do with whatever was dwelling down there, he backed off and retreated into the cabin. Seeing the man's unusual behaviour, Robin also took a look. Gazing into the abyss with [Divinity] radiantly swirling within her golden eyes, she saw through the veil of the sea and saw an entire civilization that was busy tending to their own fish-farms.

"Mermaids?" Upon closer inspection, she noticed that they all had two legs of their own, thus, they couldn't technically be classified as mermen. Curious as to how they could survive underwater, as their only identifiable trait was that their skin-tones were incredibly pale, due to the lack of sunlight that could reach such depths. Robin soon caught sight of a flag that had symbols and squiggly lines written across it. Copying the pattern down upon a note, she went on in to find Asai, asking the man to see if he could read it with his own equally unique eyes.


Connecting the dots, Asai immediately realized that there was another kingdom that existed within this world. Entirely hidden from the rest, as they were situated at depths so far in, light simply didn't make it there. However, even with such information, the man failed to think up any possible way to travel down there.

The most he could do, was to perhaps write a note, attach it to some heavy-boxes filled with gifts and sink it down. Hoping, that they would understand their gesture and possibly be curious enough to surface.

However, the man had to put forward another question before attempting to establish further friendship. 

"What if they're hostile? Just like the dekans, their philosophy and religion might decree them towards conquering and consuming all others?"

With such thoughts bouncing back and forth between the two. They ultimately decided to leave them be, until Armenes and the kingdom of dekans was sorted. Prior to possibly poking another beehive, and feeling its sting.

Another argument that Robin was quick to put forward.

"What if there's a water border-dragon? Similar to the rock wurm..."

With such possibilities lingering within the infinite-horizon. Surely, ignoring them was the safest bet for now.


As their wooden boat continued to sail away, a thousand trident-wielding warriors sighed a breath of relief. Glad that the sudden intruders had simply passed on by. If Asai were to by chance catch sight of them now, the man would certainly dub them as perverts. As their attires were similar to shiny latex, clinging to their skin whilst being waterproof. Ensuring their hydrodynamics would remain optimal and fluid.

Their torsos were mostly exposed as they were more or less just covering their privates. Albeit the women covered their chests, equally with tight latex looking material.

Honestly, whilst the human almost caught sight of them, what scared them into grouping a defensive front was the elf with the golden eyes. Feeling as if a demi-god was judging them, the members of the underwater-kingdom who were more sensitive to mana were all rudely awoken by the penetrative gaze.

Sending chills that almost made them wet their already wet pants.

Praying that such a monster wouldn't be interesting in their affairs, they quickly turned-tail and swam. Back to their homes, and back to report to their monarch.

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