Isekai Rohan

483 Kingdom of Ice

Within the frozen lands of Draftt, sitting butt-naked within his harem-palace surrounded by a dozen wives who's off-spring were all destined to one day compete against each other as there was but a single throne to sit upon. King of the giants, Rhet Travarre glanced upon his left to see a shredded-beauty who had glutes that could easily crush watermelons, towards his right, another beauty who had biceps bigger than her breasts.

Loving the view in its entirety, as the muscles, fine-definition and abs of his women were covered in sweat, thus appearing shiny and juicy. Rhet glanced down to happily find that his little-johnny was still hard as rock, and rearing to go.

Before the muscle-clad king who's body glistened with sweat, in addition to nearly every inch of his body being covered in tribal tattoos that depicted him as a warrior mightier than all, was able to dive back into the sea of muscles, another women who adorned fur and leather as armour entered through the curtains to his harem and saluted by thrusting her chest up high and proudly.

"My king! Our guards have scouted a boat sailing towards us from the great sea. What are your orders?"

Again, before the man could answer, he was cut short as his favourite wife arose from the sheets and planted her lips upon the man's, effectively silencing him.

"Don't worry babe, I'll handle it~"

"Good. Hera my dearest, I'll grant you full permission to defend our kingdom, if they prove to be hostile."

Hera Travarre saluted, her small breasts thrust forward as she was simply so shredded that even the fat-cells from her chest was consumed to fuel her muscles. Sporting tattoos that covered the entirety of her arms up to her shoulders, she swiftly swung a fur-cloak around herself before marching out. Within her mind, thoughts of a certain pink-haired warrior popped up as she wondered whether or not the ungrateful bitch had returned or not.

As the queen marched out of the harem-palace, she continued to rally every single guard and warrior she passed by, slowly accruing a sizeable force as she was lead towards the west, towards the frozen beaches.

Something that easily rose to two hundred warriors before she stopped, as the city was filled with literal walking-bodies of muscle.


Upon reaching the city walls closest to the icy-beach, Hera leaned upon the stone-walls as she gazed out and observed the small boat smoothly approaching them.

"What is that supposed to be?"

Flicking away her lion-like red hair, her equally red eyes scanned the warriors that had followed her, skipping over all the muscle-heads who thought and fought with their muscles more than their brains until she landed upon a single giant who was still muscular in build, albeit lesser compared to everyone that was surrounding her. Staring at the book within her armpit, the queen gestured for her to approach.

"Tell me, what do you think of our visitors? Friend or foe?"

"My queen, a pleasure, I am Martha-"

"-Enough, we have possible enemies, no time for chit-chat."

"Yes ma'm!"

Cupping her two hands around her eyes like a binocular, she forced her eyes to focus upon only the boat, filtering out everything else that could possible distract the gears within her mind turn.

"My queen, I believe the top flag represents their kingdom, from the records I've read, that's the kingdom of shadows. As for the second flag, seeing as it is depicting a bird carrying some flower, I believe their intention is to deliver gifts to us."

"Good! Very good! Tell your name to someone who cares and have them award you later." Shuffling the girl's ginger-hair into a mess, Hera shifted her gaze back towards the boat that was rapidly approaching.

"My queen... What should we do about the golems?"

Without shifting her gaze away, she continued to inspect the flags as she failed to recall any information upon them. Simply because she believed the past was best left in the past, and for a kingdom to be so unknown to them, it could only represent their power and strength within the world. Something easily forgotten.

"What of it? We don't have the ability to control them anyway, we didn't build them."

Seeing as the rest of the warriors were surprised to hear that their loyal guardians that defended the beaches for them didn't actually serve them, as they seldom visited the beach, which was frozen and snowing 365 days a year. Martha eagerly gazed a hole into the queen's face, enough for her to flick a finger, gesturing to her to speak.

Turning to her fellow brothers and sisters in muscles, Martha swiftly updated them of their real origins.

"According to the records, the golems were built by really small, short and stubby people. This race was quite similar to ours, in that they enjoyed and believed strength to be above all else. However, whilst they believed in strength, they didn't aspire to further their power by building and crafting the beloved muscles upon their bodies, something that was clearly goddess-given.

They instead chose to build weapons, machines, golems and automated systems. Going against their original purpose and straying away from the path their sovereign goddess had designed them for."

Hera clapped her hands to cut the lecture short, before adding a little input of her own.

"That's why our kingdom, a kingdom that survived whilst theirs fell to ruin. Will continue to build our beautiful muscles, up until the snow reclaims us." 

The 200 warriors all saluted by grunting and thrusting their muscular pectoral-fibres out, flexing them.

The very best of them, the strongest and most skilled of giants were honoured by having their bodies enveloped in the icy mountains that were located at the furthest northern area of Draftt. Eternally graced, honoured and blessed as their muscles would forever be shown to the world, as they were displayed within the cleanest and clearest ice-coffins known to giants.

Shifting her gaze back towards the boat, 10 stone-golems shrugged off the layers of snow and ice that covered them before charging onto the frozen water and towards the boat that desired to dock upon it.

"Lets see if this shadow kingdom is any better than the short people."

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