Gliding through the night-sky, Robin flew as her arms wrapped around Asai's torso tightly. [Holy Testimony] lingered its 10 swords above and before her, acting as windshield wipers as they cut and decimated the snow before the flakes could reach the two. With mana imbued eyes, Asai scanned the vicinity before him, searching for signs or tracks of anything. However, without sunlight, and never-ending snow that covered the ground, he didn't have much luck.

Having flown outside of the capital city's walls, the group were now entirely surrounded by the frozen-elements. Having already slaughtered a few stray monsters already, Asai began to wonder if a bookworm was even worth such efforts and lengths.

About to change his orders for the party to return, a feral roar screeched into his ear drums as a large frozen snake, with a head as big as a bus, tried to consume the two airborne beings in a single bite. Instinctively reacting to the threat, Robin managed to dodge the hidden-strike but faltered as one side of her wings were missing. Which sent the two crashing into the cold-white snow.

[Titanic Boa: Lvl 90]

The titanic snake, with its body covered in both ice and snow, stealthily camouflaged itself within the area by dipping and tunnelling. Thankfully for Asai, Sora Kaka and her agents weren't anywhere as fast as Robin Sol's flight-ability, as such, they had been ordered to wait among the walls of Etton.

"I see, so that's why they advised us against leaving the city at night..."

Asai dipped into [Hide] before launching him away from his last known location, leaving his footprints to the falling snow as he funnelled [Chaos] into both [Ruin] and [Decay]

The two blades gently vibrated, melting the ice the instant it formed upon their blades as they were eager to see bloodshed. Whilst Asai prepared his skill, Robin took to the skies and cast [Detect] her sonar like mana radiated waves of [Divinity] from the flaps of her wings as they fought against the snow, searching for the large beast.

Upon sensing rapid movement, flying from her rear, the half-elf spun within the air as she fired [All in One] into the darkness. Slicing through the snowflakes and piercing the darkness of the night, the 13 radiant arrows clashed into a single large icicle that simply shrugged off her magic as if they were flies and continued on its path towards the girl.

Snatching one of her holy swords, Robin repelled the sharp chunk of ice, grazing it off-course and over her shoulder just barely. Within this single exchange, she realized that the icicles weren't made entirely of mana, but were in fact naturally formed ice imbued with mana. As her skill cancelled out the mana, but failed to delete the physical-block itself.

Within seconds, a dozen more attacks flew at the girl as she dodged, parried and evaded. Searching for the hunter, and hoping for Asai's brilliant mind to work its usual magic against such odds.

His two katanas brimming and overflowing with [Chaos] Asai released his newest acquisition.

[Solar Eclipse] !

A celestial flower bloomed against all odds, blooming within the snow and darkness as its petals shot forth, spreading its scent and deadly energies. The snow, ice, rocks and dead-trees were all equally decimated, turning into ash as [Divinity] lit up a flash of light, illuminating the area and revealing two more elemental-snakes circling their position.

Finally catching sight of their location, Robin Sol couldn't take it any longer, refusing to remain a sitting-duck she also funnelled her latest skill, slightly faltering from the sky and dropped into Asai's embrace as the massive amount of mana left her heart.

[Heavenly Relic] !

The 15m tall mammoth holy-cross surged out of the darkness within the sky and decapitated one of the Titanic Boas. Causing its squirming body to thrash around like a headless chicken as it bled out. Its tail, which was a large piece of sharp ice, slammed into its companion. Shifting its own direction and speed as it quickly found itself heading directly towards Asai's shadow-clones.

Each one positioned perfectly as they slammed their blade downwards, from an upper head position.

[Weighted Slash] after [Weighted Slash] slammed into its head, veering it towards the original Asai who was glowing with [Divinity] blessed by Robin's [Saintess' Faith]

The mixture of golden-divinity and celestially-pristine holy energies swirled and amplified one and another as the man dual-wielded his katanas. For the first time, Asai de Trichia performed a vault with two swords rather than karambits.


As perfect as it could be, optimized to the decimal, his beloved [Psychic Phantom] was performed with deadly precision, so clean, that the Titanic Boa was sliced through, directly severing its head and long-body into halves.

Upon landing, Asai faltered and staggered as his skill had cleaved even the ground below him.

Seeing as the snow began to resume filling in the empty space, with peace and quiet returning. Asai glanced down towards his two swords to find them both shattered. As the weapons were much longer than his karambits, daggers and even the usual katars the dhans utilized. The blades had struck hard against the ground itself, thus shattering.

Robin Sol plopped herself upon his shoulders, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed the man upon his cheek.

"I believe, we just sorted their food-supply problem?" 

Following her gaze, Asai stared at the three titanic boa corpses, preserved by the cold temperature.

"I just hope they're edible." Throwing them into his [Inventory] he would pull them out upon returning closer to the city. Before utilizing his summons, to drag such large masses of meat back in. Hopefully, such a present would please the giants enough to forget their little thing with Bethel, as it was still left uncleared.


[Asai de Trichia: Lvl 98]

[HP: 180 MP:160]

[Title: Monster]


[Robin Sol: Lvl 94->95]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

[Title: Saintess]


Bonking the half-elf upon her soft white hair that dangled over her bosom, Asai walked on over towards the corpses. "With beasts like this roaming the night, Martha is probably dead already. Robin, change of plans, we're heading back." Recalling the level of the bookworm, he remembered that she was around 50, thus, her chances of surviving against three of such beasts were unlikely.

Robin Sol bonked the man back, greatly surprising him as he turned towards the half-elf. The girl, grinning as she pointed over towards one of the corpses, pointed towards a certain dissected piece of meat squirming and moving around, as if it was still alive. Ready to rock and roll and all.

[Ruin] appearing upon his hip once more, Asai walked on over whilst Robin attached herself around the man's neck once more, her wings gently gliding her as Asai pulled her along.


[Martha: Lvl 51]

The bookworm's arm, followed by her head emerged out of the stomach wound that [Solar Eclipse] had delivered upon the first target.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, I must say, your luck is extremely good huh?"

The giant women with her orange eyes peered up as she spat out bile, seeing the familiar face, her muscles relaxed as she fell asleep. With half of her body still within the stomach of the snake, she passed out.

Pulling the woman out of the corpse, Asai quickly noticed that she was entirely butt-naked as her clothing had melted due to the boa's stomach acid. 

Quick to putting his hands up in surrender, Asai explained himself as the half-elf was scrutinizing his actions deliberately.

"I'm not going to do anything to her, lets just get her back alright?" Robin nodded, as she plucked the woman back out of the snow, as Asai had literally dropped her.

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