Isekai Rohan

489 Martha

Having returned to their villa, Asai had Lucied inform the servants there of the events that had transpired. Having dragged the frozen-meat through the city and left frozen within the large yard, Asai was soon hit with a harsh reality in which the people of Etton faced on a daily basis.

"Wait, so you mean. If I hadn't saved Martha, a member of your race. No one would've cared regardless, because the weak are meant to feed the wilderness with their bodies and lives, so that the strongest of your people may live on?" "What kind of crap is that?"

Having saved Martha, whilst he didn't exactly expect a reward in return for his efforts, he did at the very least expect the friendship between human and giant to flourish a tad more. However, the servants were adamant that Asai and Robin had actually achieved the opposite, by getting in the way of mother-nature. As it was simply the cycle-of-life, for their weak to perish in their endeavours to survive and thrive.

It was at this moment that Asai truly understood why everyone he had laid eyes upon were so high in levels, as they had no choice but to fight, or die when hunting for food. The only exception of course, being their children and young, who were yet initiated through their adulthood-ritual that Bethel had once described as abandonment.

Having heard enough of their culture and way-of-life, Asai and Robin were left to their devices as they fed Martha a couple potions. The giant, who was now dressed in a single over-sized tunic was buried under layers of fur as a fever assaulted her. Greatly sweating, her limbs tried to shrug off the covers within her sleep, slightly revealing her ass and cleavage that were shiny with sweat, as she rolled around in great discomfort.

Robin turned towards Asai, meeting his gaze with a solemn one.

"I- I don't think she's going to make it Asai... Her will to live is faltering." Within her radiant-eyes of gold, Robin observed the heart weakening as its pulses barely squeezed and pushed blood through its veins.

Because Asai had reported the girl's failure to survive against the natural elements, apparently, Martha was now considered an exile as she had failed to perform the bare-minimum of her people. Not being able to hunt for herself for food and survival, she had lost her citizenship and right to live in Etton, along with its proud and supposed great warriors.

Fully aware of her failure, Martha's mind was now filled with nightmares and despair, in addition to the fever that cooked her brain.

"Damnit, I don't want to be that guy that just goes around saving every damsel in distress, but I'm technically the cause of her exile. If I hadn't reported her failure, perhaps she could've lived on tomorrow like nothing had happened..."

"Asai..." Robin Sol gently tugged on the man's sleeve, pulling him closer. "You don't have to do it for her, or for anyone, but for me. I- want to see this person live." Robin's heart of gold shook, as she watched the lines of vitality thin, slowly coursing through the giant's body. It wasn't that she cared about the giant, or the race of giants in particular. She simply didn't want to witness death as pointless as this, death because the people around you didn't value nor care for you. 

Similar to how she had once been treated in Lunatos Village.

Asai nodded. "Anything for you Robin." [Yomi] spun around his index finger before being caught in a tight grip, the golden-fang sliced her his left-wrist before he shoved the wound into Martha's mouth. Forcefully feeding his essence, imbued with gentle dormant-mana that carried his [Immunity] and collective passives into the giant's body.

Martha's ginger hair started to shift-shades, into a blazing red as the impurities within her body was slowly flushed out. Slaughtered and erased by the lingering [Chaos] that existed within the man's mana. And whilst she was still unconscious, her body naturally latched onto the man's arm. Her teeth bit through the flesh of his arm as she drew greater blood, sucking and partaking of his sweet, delicious, and addictive-essence.

Seeing Asai frown as he felt the pain of a bite, Robin bonked the giant upon her head, which ceased her assault on the man and back into the depths of her slumber.

Drinking a potion himself, Asai's wounds quickly stitched itself back up as he observed Martha's new condition. Whilst still covered in sweat, at the very least, the woman was now breathing steadily as her heart was now beating true and strong.

"I... I feel like I just donated a pint of blood to charity or something..." Curious as to the effects of feeding such an amount of blood to someone, Asai's mindset quickly shifted to its experiment and testing mode.

As for Robin, she cleaned up Asai's arm of the remnant crimson-liquid before hugging him tightly.

"Thank you... ♡"


"Wouldn't it be nice if my blood could give her an artificial mana-heart? If I think about it, it's basically a blood-transfusion right? Wouldn't my blood grant her the ability to control mana then? If such energies were already dormant and lingering within the bloodcells I donated?"

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