Isekai Rohan

494 Rising-Trouble

"Fake news! It's all a conspiracy! Use your brains people!"

Within the bustling town square, east of Del Lagos, a certain group of humans were preaching their world-views upon the unfortunate who were less educated and weren't afford newspapers and official news.

"Think about it! If such a fearsome enemy, that is apparently evil and cruel, almost as if they were demons led by a demon lord itself actually existed. Do you think the nobles and the rich would continue to relish in their luxurious, visiting whore-houses, holding banquets and feasts like it was pocket-change whilst we slave away and work for the supposed greater good of humanity!?

The fabricated enemies of the north are all fake! Akin to bed-time horror stories we tell to our young, to keep them from straying from the ideal-path. Do not volunteer! Do not enlist yourself into servitude, do not become soldiers! It's all but a scam to control the people from realizing the truth of the matter! It's all propaganda!"

Whilst no members of the large crowd gathered made a single sound or murmur, many of them shared the opinion of the man. As this supposed threat from the north had been propagated and spread by the noble-families for months upon months now. And yet, not a single sign of them had ever shown itself.

Arguments and discussions would breakout through the taverns of the baronies and counties. Theories and conspiracies such as new lands, rich with crystals, minerals and gold were simply found. And that the noble-families wealthy enough were abusing their powers to monopolize such lands, and to ensure their secret was kept under a veil, they fabricated a fake hostile enemy that dined and ate upon the flesh of man.

Even the lowest of the nobility, barons and landless nobles who only held onto honorary titles and fallen-houses, even such families were joining in and fanning the incitement of false-information. As they were simply too weak and holding no value or ability to contribute to the war-efforts that were consuming high volumes of silver, iron, steel and grain. Being left out of the high-tables and discussions of the high-nobles who had vowed to assist in the royal family's cause.

Naturally, they were more inclined towards believing it all to be a ruse, that Queen Victoria Del Lagos, who had been hiding from the eyes of society for months now, apparently due to health-concerns. Was fabricating it all, all in an attempt to shift the remaining and lingering sentiment away from her brother's failure of a campaign, and onto the newer and supposedly more imminent threat.


Three ladies, dressed in mercenary attires of black and brown leather, kept their hoods up as they casually sipped upon their ale. Seated within the darkest corner of the tavern, their veiled eyes observed a certain landless noble hand out coppers, as payment for the preachers who risked their faces when spreading such treasonous-thoughts.

Chloe Bedevere and Violet both failed to recognise the man who was deliberately funding the incitement. Gesturing to their third member who was Miku, they continued sip upon their drinks as the dhan pretended to make her way towards the flowers, in need of a little picking.

"Where are these scum-bags popping out of?" Questioned Chloe.

"Can't we just kill them? That's what the knights and soldiers of Ignis would do..." Added Violet. 

Whilst humanity had made efforts in transporting large volumes of the new beasts and monsters that kept assaulting Thrud castle, utilizing their meat as food or fertilizer for the fields. The merchants and companies that frequently visited the castle weren't privy to simply travel past the borders and out into the deadlands. As it would be a great risk of death if they stepped out with a large enough squadron of knights. Man-power they couldn't afford.

As for the dekans themselves, the humans had no surviving corpses to cargo back far enough into the kingdom to show the people. To be revealed as factual evidence, rather than imaginary.

Miku quietly returned from her little visit to the garden, seating herself before tapping upon her glass thrice. Informing the other two that she had placed a tail upon the man. Having spent enough time under training and instruction from Mary and Hajin Kaka, Akira Kaka's eldest-son. The young-ones that had once travelled throughout the deadlands with Miku were now employed on simple scouting missions, albeit their oldest and strongest were now following Miku in her missions as members of her specialized squad.

Ever since catching wind of a group that called themselves vampires, Mary had failed entirely to latch upon any further clues or instances of their actions. Working in tandem with royal-intelligence, another wave of cleaning and purification was swiping over the kingdom. 

Having finished their drinks, The two pointy-eared beauties rose from their seats and bid the young-dhan farewell. As they were only meeting by chance, and not of deliberation. As their orders were sending them elsewhere, somewhere so far away, they had to continue travelling eastwards to Morrisen to utilize the ancient train system before hopping into the teleportation circle.

Within their chest-pockets, a letter to grand duke Trichia. A short and precise letter to inform the man of humanity's loss as Prince Victor and his thousand strong templars were MIA. As such, whatever plans or ideas Asai de Trichia had, he needed to either abandon them and join the war-effort directly, or finish them even if rushed.

A secondary document reported of the military-alliances failure to defend multiple defensive positions, as the dekans were beginning to ramp up their assault. Brute-forcing their attacks without supplies by living and surviving by eating their literal opponents and their own dead.


Dipping into [Hide] Miku made her way outside, re-joining her small party of dhans atop a roof.

"Miku-neechan, we lost him..."

The dhan's purple eyes glinted in annoyance, as she swiped her soft-blue hair behind her ear. This wasn't the first time their target had managed to elude them. Even with increasing resources, manpower and members tracking them, the targets were surprisingly highly-evasive. And whilst they could simply kill-on-sight, such methods had proved to be useless as they would casually pop up elsewhere like a mole-hammering-game. 

Thus, they were forced into tracking them, in attempts to latch on to something.

"Damn it, Mary won't be happy to hear about this..."

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