Gently riding upon their mounts, Chloe Bedevere and Violet steadily made haste towards Orca's old base, which by now had been transformed into a military outpost by knights of Trichia and a certain individual who represented Her Majesty's interests, Leslie the elven-masochist.

The elf, alongside Clam rode upon their own horses to greet the two friendly faces. As a man who was fiercely loyal to Trichia Duchy, Clam had great respect towards all vassals and knights who fought on behalf of their lord, especially those who were stationed upon frontlines, as the man himself was mostly delegated towards defensive operations rather than offensive and positions that consisted of higher chances towards loss of life. As such, with great oomph in his voice, he energetically waved towards the two women who had equally tread upon the thin-string between life and death, alongside their grand duke and lord.

Leslie, on the other hand, as if he were heartbroken, sporting a deathly sickly-pale face, weakly waved towards the two faces he hadn't seen in a while.

"Lady Chloe, Lady Violet, it is great to be seeing the two of you in good health." Halting their horses within the midst of the massive trees, Clam saluted the two ladies as they equally saluted back. Chloe's bosom perched up as she fixed her posture, whilst Violet's mighty-bosom heaved and bounced with inhumane jiggle-physics when her horse neighed up high upon its two front-legs before landing again. Evidently, the dark-elf wasn't gifted in the art of horsemanship.

Clam respectfully tore his wide-opened eyes away from the leather that was failing to hide such lovely watermelons, whilst Leslie openly gazed fixatedly. 

As two members of Trichia's elites, who were swarmed with gazes of envy, awe and lust on a daily-basis. The two ladies didn't spare a single-thought towards Leslie's lustrous gaze. Besides, deep down, they knew they were capable of easily dispatching the man, if he were to ever act upon his lust.

Violet, not one to care much for people's feelings, openly asked.

"What's up with him?" Clearly pointing at Leslie's pale expression, and whilst his little brother had popped up a tent, his expression still remained forlorn and lethargic.

Chloe nudged the dark-elf from the side, as she greeted Clam back in politeness. A short memory resurfaced as she recalled her first ever meeting with death, and how Clam and Gary were filled with desperation and fright when trying to catch her from falling.

"How's your baby? Born yet? Have you thought up names yet?" 

Shifting the topic away from Leslie, Chloe teased the man who perhaps had been hitting the iron-plates and dumbbells far too much. Scratching the top of his head, Clam meekly answered as his cheeks flushed a slight pink.

"No, not yet. Ash and I are still arguing and discussing over the names. Last I recall, we decided to wait until the baby was born, in which we would write possible names down upon cards and let the baby chose herself."

"I see I see, must be fun, entering fatherhood with such a beautiful red-headed wife~"

Whilst Chloe had good intentions, the topic being of pregnancy only sent Leslie further into despair as he recalled the massive milk-tanks that hung upon Queen Victoria's chest, and how that very last meeting, the elf was gifted maids of his own. Women that were highly trained in the art of BDSM, highly skilled in their dominatrix ways. However, although his new busty-masters excelled at milking his balls and flooding his brain with dopamine and pleasure. It simply wasn't as amazing as being bullied and treated like trash, by Victoria Del Lagos herself.

And when the man thought of the reason, as to his great-loss. He compared himself to the man Asai de Trichia, which only led to his mind stooping to further lows as he realized he had lost his queen/master to someone more adequate and deserving.

"Leslie, as much as I'd like to say how good it is to see you again. Why do you look like shit? Did you step on it on the way here?"

Violet, rudely checking up on the man who had once spoken ill of necromancy. Looked upon the man and his horrible posture with disdains. And whilst this would incite fury or annoyance in others, Leslie actually started to smile as he enjoyed the whip that lashed upon his mental-ego.

However, once he remembered that such a buxom-beauty also belonged to the grand-duke who outclassed him in every department. He felt himself weakening once more.

"Lady Violet, you wouldn't by chance have a sister or a cousin with looks as heavenly as yours right?"

"Err... Actually, I do. I have many cousins actually." "Which is why I'm sincerely glad, that Asai didn't end up slaughtering the people of Ignis. And whilst I still hold onto my petty grudge towards the kingdom for exiling me... I'm glad my family is doing well."

Within Leslie's mind, he instantly started to think up scenarios in which he could act as Del Lagos' ambassador. Travelling to Ignis and surrounding himself with beauties on par with Violet. Perhaps even creating his own harem of beauties who could bury his cock within their cleavage. And last but not least, hoping that they were just as sharp and blunt with their words, as Violet was.

Chloe summoned her mithril bow, instantly knocking a [Kael's Arrow] upon its powerful-string. Seeing the beautiful weapon pulled out, Violet unquestioningly summoned her mithril staff.

Leslie and Clam, the two men who didn't enjoy the luxurious of a storage ring slowly yanked their swords out.

Glancing around, to find themselves surrounded by an army of gigantic-spiders. Hundreds were crawling through the greenery whilst the others were jumping from branch to branch, leaving their webbing behind as they spewed out, creating a trap of sorts that blocked the human's every exit.

"Clam, I thought your men had cleared out the vicinity already?"

"We did! We have the south entirely on lock down, with regular patrols. Whilst the west is handled by the local baron's knights. The north is nothing but trees and foxes, whilst eastern Morrisen is nothing but unscalable mountains."

"Noted." "Seeing as the majority of our opponents are coming from the east, I can only assume that there are monster dens hidden within the mountain-tops..." "Violet!"

Chloe began to launch her assault of arrows, like artillery they shot upwards before pummelling the ground below with magical-blasts.

"I'm already on it!" Violet, who was clutching her staff in between her mighty-cleavage, tried her best to calm her horse whilst also funnelling the necessary mana through her ring and into the staff.

[Summon Skeleton] 200 unarmed skeletons crawled out of the ground around the girl, quick to forming their defensive circle.

[Summon Skeleton Knight] 40 Skeletons that sported thicker bones, and were taller than the others rose with bone-sword in hand.

[Summon Cavalry] 40 skeletal horses rose from the ground under the knights, throwing them upon their backs as they neighed in fury. Ready to fearlessly charge out and meet their foe. With thick-dense bones, the skeleton-horses were more like highly-mobile battering rams, rather than the usual horse mounted by humans.

Once more, Clam gazed on in awe as such magical-abilities were utilized before his very eyes. His grip upon his sword tightening greatly, as he dreamed of a day in which he too, could utilize such abilities.

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