Isekai Rohan

496 [Clam]

Having fought through the swarm of monstrous-spiders with an army of their own, Chloe, Violet, Clam and Leslie continued upon their journey. Traveling through the ancient train-system that was apparently dwarven, Clam could only once more watch in jealousy as Chloe operated the mana-sphere, the engine and power-input of the train.

[Chloe Bedevere: Lvl 90]

[HP: 100 MP:125]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Bow Mastery]

20% boost in Bow and arrow damage. +20% maximum range

[Kael's Quiver]

Summon Kael's arrow at 1% of maximum mana expires after 60 seconds


Electricity element added to attack. Additional 120% Damage added to a regular attack.

[Siege Shot]

Caster rooted for 10s duration, gains 100% ranged attack

[Tempest Stance]

Caster rooted for 10s duration, gains 200% attack speed 


Increases caster's evasion and mobility by 15%. Reduces aggro gain by 25%


Allows caster to control projectile flight path, at 6% of current mana per arrow.

[Apollo's Bow]

Every [Kael's Arrow] fired multiplies into [5] +20% maximum range

[Violet: Lvl 84]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Soul Eater]

Targets defeated by [Violet] summons, recover 15% of [Violet] missing HP & MP

[Summon Skeleton]

Skill costs both HP & MP [200]

[Summon Skeleton Knight]

Skill costs both HP & MP - Bestows summons [Bone Sword] [40]


Damage drop -30%

[Sacrificial Rite]

Sacrifice summons to recover target maximum HP/MP/SP at 2% each unit.

[Summon Cavalry]

Skill costs only MP - summons [Armoured Skeleton Horse] [40]

[Bone Artillery]

Launches [1] bone javelin that shatters on impact dealing 250% Magic damage

Whilst Clam was daydreaming about utilizing such powers himself one day, Leslie continued to dream of a night in which his manhood would be pleasured by milk-jugs all around. As for the dark-elf, Violet was casually snacking on her biscuit-stocks, that filled her storage ring more than her own clothing and equipment did.


Having left their horses behind in Morrisen's military outpost, the group now rode upon the skeletal-horses that Violet summoned. And whilst they were fast, highly-mobile and sported stamina that only ended when the busty-woman's MP bottomed out, they were extremely hard and uncomfortable to ride upon. Even if the party had cushioned their asses with saddles and stirrups to ease their suffering from scraping and bouncing their soft-behinds on the hard-dense bone, they soon found themselves massaging their backsides during every break and pause in their journey.


Having an uneventful journey from the old-mines to the ancient teleportation grounds that was guarded by Duke Lumix's men, who swiftly recognised their household's allies. Chloe, Violet, Clam and Leslie were more than happy in leaving behind the less vibrant world and environment of Aevraury, as it was still a godless and unblessed land. Climbing out through the other end of the portal, the party found themselves in the middle of a beautiful world. Rich, vibrant, and filled with flourishing life as the birds sang and tweeted. The flowers bloomed and filled the air with their sweet-scent, whilst cherry blossoms continued to perpetually fall and cover the sky in cherry-pink.

Whatever jealousy Clam had been feeling throughout the journey, was immediately shifted aside as his eyes landed upon a friendly face. One that was literally the cause of his life changing and turning towards the direction it had went in. Perhaps, if it wasn't for her and her group intervening in his fate, the man would've became a simple farmhand, as he was sure Asai would've simply left the orphanage to follow in his own destined-path. 

Considering how he had treated the man prior, and with his insistent desire to latch upon the man, it was indeed highly likely that Asai would've left them all behind if it wasn't for her, twisting and twining their fates together.

"Mel. A pleasure to see you, as always!"

Mel offered her hand, as she yanked the man out of the pit, before she gave the man's massive biceps a punch. "You, aren't you getting too big? Tell me, do you spend more time training and exercising than you do with your wife?"

Clam raised his hands, as he feigned guilty. "Guilty as charged. However, it is my personal belief to lead by example, and if I want my lads to become strong, then surely it is only right that I also become as strong as I can be. To become the best version of myself."

Whilst Mel was happy to see the young-boy back from the orphanage turn and grow into such a fine and capable man, her expression instantly dipped and soured. During the time in which she relayed the orders Asai had for Clam, the girl had taken a sneak peak at the instructions that were intentionally left without an envelope of their own. And whilst she was greatly tempted in consuming the vial herself, she believed she owed it to the grand duke, to follow through with his orders.

After all, a life fighting on the backlines was better than one in which she was obligated to fight upon the lethal front. Something, her heart wasn't able to handle, as she wasn't strong enough in willpower to experience death twice or thrice more. 

Looking up and into Clam's chestnut eyes, she wondered whether the man's heart was made of iron or not.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to the lord!?" Noticing the abrupt dip in her mood, he feared for the worst case scenario.

"N-no, Asai is fine. Robin Sol is with him, and with a monster like that guarding him, you should know better than to waste your energy worrying about him..."

Clam thought about it for a few seconds, before nodding in agreement. "True, Robin Sol really is a monster in a young-girl's body. The feats I've seen her pull could be considered miracles if anyone would believe my tales..." Unluckily, every time Clam and Gary had spoken of their experiences with the girl, they had done so with a dozen mugs of beers surrounding their table. Thus, everyone took their words with a pinch tablespoon-of-salt. "So, what's wrong? Out with it girl."

Mel glanced over towards Chloe and Violet, who were greeted by Olivia and Bethel, sharing and exchanging their own greetings and pleasantries.

Pulling out the small vial, in which a single droplet of dew lingered within its bottom, Mel raised it up towards Clam's face.

"This is Yggdrasil's essence, a droplet of the world-tree's very essence Clam..."

Clam tilted his head towards a side, his short rough chestnut hair swayed upon the wind as sakura-blossoms fell upon him. He looked past the transparent vial and into Mel's soft-brown eyes, that were reflecting the soft rays of light that shimmered through the heavens above. Staring into her eyes that were absent-minded, as if elsewhere entirely. Clam patiently waited for the punchline to arrive, the ending of the joke that Mel was apparently delivering.

However, her serious expression only continued as she made up her mind. "Clam, kneel!" From her hip, she drew the ceremonial blade she had prepared for this moment. The golden blade glistened as sakura-blossoms fell upon its blunt-edge.

Whilst Mel didn't have the authority to command him, Clam knelt upon a knee as all eyes fell upon the two.

"Upon the orders of our lord and grand duke, Asai de Trichia. Vassal Clam, you have been ordered to consume this dew, and with it, you will obtain yourself what the high-nobility regards as a [Mana Heart]

With this new organ implanted within you, the bloodline abilities you have seen the other elites of Trichia utilize, as well as the very templars who are fighting for the sake of humanity, will henceforth answer your will, intent and call. It is my honour, and in great pleasure to deliver this essence, the only one of its kind, to you.

I ask of thee, do you have a heart of steel? Are you prepared to march through the frozen-wastelands, the fields of magma, and through hell and back if our lord and duke commanded it!?"

Mel, fiercely scrutinized every emotion that exposed itself upon the man's face. As his confusion changed to one of shock, before excitement, and then realization. Realization that he was being tasked with more power, and in equal amount, more responsibility and the higher likelihood of death. And whilst he could easily defeat the woman that was towering over him as he kneeled, for some reason, his heart was honestly quite frightened by her ferocity, by the emotion and passion within her speech.

"As sworn, as my oath dictates, as I have and as I ever will, I do. In soul, mind and body, no matter the order, no matter the command, I will follow." Steeling his heart that had spent years wishing, desiring, praying and filled with envy and contempt towards oneself. Clam relinquished himself of his weakness, of his inadequacy, and accepted the vial before swiftly popping open its lid and downing the little droplet.

Olivia, who equally had instruction, instantly ran on over and prepared her [Heal] carefully concentrating on the human who's large body fell limply into the cherry-blossoms, crashing into the ground and squirming in agony as a great heat assaulted his body.

Roaring, raging and grunting like a beast, Clam pulled off the pieces of his clothing until he was entirely butt-naked. With only the continuously falling sakura-blossoms to cover him, his arms and legs gave out as he lost control over his muscles. Crippled and unmoving, his brain continued to burn as pain assaulted his bones. His raging heart raged and raged, beating and drumming against his ribcage so hard, the bones actually fractured as they punctured his arteries.

On the verge of death, the man couldn't hear anything, as he could only vaguely see the knight Olivia continuously cast [Heal] and the heavens that were coloured in pink. And beyond that, perhaps it was his imagination, but he could almost make out two divine-beauties who eagerly gazed upon him.

Whilst one of the beauties had long-soft hair that defied gravity, as vibrant as the sakura-blossoms were, and equally vibrant eyes. The other sported baby-blue hair as beautiful as the sky, but eyes as red as lava.

Fighting against the urge to fall unconscious, his body broke apart whilst equally mending itself as new veins and passageways were ruthlessly created.

Whilst Olivia expended her entire mana-stores, chugging mana potion after mana potion. Mel quietly cried, as she felt relief in having finally decided on her path.

Violet, being another rare-person who had restorative abilities, joined in and casted [Sacrificial Rite] literally sacrificing her own HP/MP away to heal the man.


Sakura No Par'Talucca, and Kami, the two celestial-beings who were witnesses to this event, gently showered the human with their blessings. Ensuring his weakening thread, that held onto dear life, remained strong as his soul endured the transformation.

As all things good came with a cost, after this day, Clam would find himself to be infertile.

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