When Clam awoke, he found himself in unfamiliar surroundings. Rather than the usual brick and stone walls of Del Lagos architecture, he was in a room that was built solely with wood. Finding it strange, that such a supposedly cheap and abundant material could be turned into such beautiful architecture, as the corners were decorated with masterfully crafted depictions of goddesses and dragons. 

Glancing around the room, he found himself to be entirely alone. And as he shrugged off the silk-covers and leapt off the bed, he slipped and fell as he miscalculated the height. Finding it quite embarrassing that he would fail to recognise the drop from the bedframe to the floor, he was quite glad to having no witnesses. When he performed a simple push-up action, to thrust himself up and off the floor, he found his body rising rather too quickly as he staggered many steps backwards before crashing into the wall.

Greatly confused with himself, he glanced towards the side upon noticing a human-male staring right back at him in confusion. The intruder imitated his every move, like a copy-cat, it pointed when he pointed, and opened its mouth like a gold-fish whenever he was about to speak.

Bethel entered into the room, as she had heard the random ruckus that Clam was causing. Upon entering, she inspected the man from head to toe, ensuring that he was fine before offering him a HP potion regardless, just to be sure.

"Bethel! This guy! Who is he!?"

Bethel flicked her soft pink hair aside, before following his line of sight. She stared at the mirror upon the wall, one that was large enough to cover the entire wall from floor to ceiling, which also reflected and copied the architecture. Making the room appear larger than it was.

"That's a mirror dumbass." Bethel flicked the potion into the man's chest before turning and departing. Making her way to Olivia or any of the servants who specialized in medicine. "Maybe, I should find a doctor that specializes in crazy-people?"

Having been left stranded with his questions, he slowly approached the mirror. His eyes gazing in shock as he felt up his new features. His chestnut hair had purified itself, turning into a brilliant blonde, in equal hue, his eyes too turned almost golden. His massive, and overwhelming large muscles were gone, as if his body had been forcefully optimized for mobility, flexibility and the most efficient state it could be in, his body now appeared like an olympic-swimmer's.

And although his muscle-mass was gone, or having been condensed and concentrated into highly-potent muscle-fibres that had the capacity for explosive-response and action. He honestly felt stronger, faster and healthier. Whatever injuries he had accrued through the years of abuse and torture he had put himself through, be it the wars and battlefields, or the iron-gym that consistently destroyed his body, in addition to the occasional bad form that ruined his joints. The man's body felt incredible, rejuvenated, as if a newer and more powerful engine was installed, granting him greater horsepower.

As for his face itself, the usual stoic and rocky face of his now sported a sharp jawline, a smooth nose without the usual bump, and his usual elephant like ears now small and optimal.

His two hands finally landing upon his strong and powerful beating heart. The strange feeling of a liquid being squeezed and transferred throughout his body, although dormant and waiting, Clam instinctively knew that he now had something the others called a [Mana Heart]

Greatly excited towards testing his new heart out, he began to wonder as to how exactly, was he supposed to cast the so-called bloodline abilities. Having his train-of-thought reach this point, he was about to charge out of the room in search of the pink-headed girl who had just left, as a known user of abilities, Bethel was surely someone ideal for discussion.

However, before he even made it to the door, he noticed his cock swing and sway as the thing was now long enough to slap around his thighs. It was at this moment that he realized Bethel had seen him in his full birthday-suit.

Searching the room for clothing, he only found the hunk of pile that was the remnants of his armour-set. As if flames hot enough to melt iron had assaulted it, the pieces appeared bent, dented and unusable. Thus, he was forced into diving into the drawers and finding clothing foreign to him.

"Bathing robes?" Randomly wrapping the cloths around his body like a roman citizen would, he charged out wearing bedsheets. In search of his fellow companions of Trichia.


As the man stormed through the maze like corridors of the palace. Many female dhans who worked for the royal-family screamed in shock and surprise, as the devilishly-handsome half-naked man ran around trying to keep the cloth from falling.

Sakura no Par'Talucca, who had masterfully timed the man's awakening, laughed and rolled around highly entertained as Uda Par'Talucca could only gaze in shock, as he watched his beloved ancestor prank the man by tickling his intuition, leading him down corridors he had already been in, and leading him closer and closer towards the women's bathing-hall. Decorated with an alphabet foreign to the human who hailed from Del Lagos.

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