Isekai Rohan

504 Einhoren

Del Lagos: Einhoren, Royal Palace.


Queen Victoria Del Lagos, dressed in a loosely fitting golden sun-dress that provided her with great mobility, on top of room to grow, casually remained in bed as her baby-bump, in addition to her massive-milk jugs that were already beginning to leak its sweet-nutrition, overpowered her human-body. Her delicate-hands gently stroked the baby within her womb, as it occasionally kicked her stomach in return.

A gentle repeating melody continued to play within the large bedroom, filling the atmosphere with a soft and serene warmth.

Rosemi de Lumix dressed in a militant-uniform typical of Trichia's sense of fashion, casually imagined herself within the queen's shoes, to be blessed with her lover's children.

"Rose, my dearest friend, thank you for doing this for me. You haven't a clue as to how much this means to me..."

Rosemi chuckled, as she swiped her strawberry-blonde bangs aside, plucking her beloved sword out of her storage ring, she rose.

"When it's my turn to be pregnant, whatever comes my way, you better sort it out for me in return!" Landing a soft-kiss upon the queen's forehead, before another upon her rounded-belly, the swordswoman marched out.


Victoria glanced down towards her belly, whilst it truly was a blessing, a miracle of life. At the very same time, she couldn't help but question her timing, as she was now forcefully benched, having to sit-out from humanity's current predicament even whilst being a battle-junkie at her core.

As a safety-measure, to ensure her pregnancy to be safe and healthy, Goddess Loha had sealed the woman's prowess in its entirety, thus, until she finally gave birth to her baby, she held within her grasp the strength of a level 1 villager.


The very instant she left the second set of sound-proof doors, and entered the throne-room, counts, viscounts, barons and lords along with their retinue of knights and vassals all stood at attention, creating a clear pathway for the women to march on through. Rosemi de Lumix approached the podium without a single spec of hesitancy or mishap, ignoring the gazes from the men who towered over her, or the greed that lingered within others.

Seating herself upon the throne of Del Lagos, she pulled out the royal-sceptre that represented power and authority, the little golden wings glistened as she willed her mana into the staff, igniting its diamonds as radiance bounced around the high-walls of the hall. Indicating its validity and proving it to be genuine, to all nobles present.

"Counts, Viscounts, Barons, Lords and all knights, you in which has answered the call of your sovereign, your monarch, Her Majesty Victoria Del Lagos. I applaud you for not abandoning your duty, your obligation, your oaths and your honour. 

I Rosemi De Lumix has been appointed regent as of henceforth, chosen by Her Majesty, and designated by Her Divine-being Goddess Loha. If anyone disagrees with their wit, intelligence and decision, speak now! or forever remain silent!"

Slamming the sceptre into the hard stone ground, a golden wave of light echoed out like a sonar, phasing through every man and women's legs before crashing into the walls. With perfect-timing, the clouds above faded, as rays of brilliant light shot through the golden-stained glass that depicted heaven in all of its glory.

Whilst most men were lost in their gazes, as their eyes simply refused to remove themselves from the [Divinity] that was radiating from Rosemi and her demeanour, the others had to rub their eyes as they saw hallucinations of angels descending and surrounding the woman as if they were guards.

Seeing as no one made a single attempt or sound in disagreement, as the gulping of saliva and beating of hearts didn't count, Rosemi continued.

"As you all may have known by now, His Highness Prince Victor Del Lagos is currently MIA, it has already been over a month since His Highness, along with his thousand strong templar-elites were last sighted. I won't lie to you, I won't sell you fanciful-optimistism. What I'll tell you instead is the raw truth of the matter.

Our opponents, the dekans outnumber us 3:1, they have conquered and taken many defensive keeps and positions throughout the deadlands. They've managed to chase our military-alliance back all the way into Thrud Castle, and its powerful walls.

As the border between the two realms, as the last bastion we have, before they come swarming into our kingdom like locusts, consuming all there is to offer. We shall form a united stand and meet them in battle. We shall show them that no matter how monstrous, how beastly, or how much they desire to live as dragons. That we, the humans will not back down, that we shall meet them with sword in hand. And that their great-desire to be worshipped as celestial-beings will never come to be.

Make no mistake gentleman, we have attempted peace-talks, of diplomacy and friendship. But they have made it abundantly clear to even those who are blind, that they desire nothing more than for total-war, they desire nothing more than to turn our kingdom and home into a farm. Like cattle, if we were to fail to rise to such an occasion, our families, our cousins and children will become cattle, like pigs, like chickens, like lambs to the slaughter. Our very civilization, history, freedom and future is now at stake. Steel your hearts, turn your mind and soul into mithril. We fight not just for ourselves, but for the very survival of the entire continent!

And with it, eternal glory and honour upon all that are brave and courageous enough to wield their swords! For we shall not back down! We shall not enter the eternal-night peacefully. No, we shall rage and rage some more! They wish for ruination upon us!? They believe themselves to be the hunter!? HA! I say we show these tuna-mother fuckers just who we are!

For glory and for kingdom!"

Slamming the sceptre into the ground once more, and filling the staff with her mana, 8 golden wings flourished out of Rosemi's back as her ocean-blue eyes became golden, gazing over the men, the warriors and knights who's hearts were rampaging with adrenaline.

Without anyone announcing it, they all instinctively knew that their divine-deity was gazing over them at that very moment.


""GOD WILLS IT! GOD WILLS IT! GOD WILLS IT!"" The loud booming voices of the men echoed within the great hall, 


As the heads of each noble house marched out to summon every vassal, knight and soldier to march upon Thrud Castle, to reinforce it, to prepare for total-war. Rosemi eyes which were now back to their usual ocean-blue gazed up and through the stained-glass.

"Asai... Just where are you?"

Having already sent Chloe Bedevere and Violet to deliver the message, she was beginning to become impatient as the man still hadn't replied.

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