Isekai Rohan

505 Draftt

Asai de Trichia, alongside Robin Sol, were both dressed in their own swimming-attires. Being basically half-naked, the two were relaxing within their villa which had been swamped with gifts, servants, luxuries and beauties. Albeit, according to the standards of giants. As such, the man hadn't plucked any virtues or flowers from the dozens of women who were frequently sent to him.

However, just because he didn't desire to bed any of the women, didn't mean he would simply turn them away. As many of them had skills and professions that were honestly quite soothing in a way.

The man sipped upon a drink that resembled a Piña colada, as a professional massager worked her magic upon the muscles of his back, and another worked on his legs. Although taking many chances to touch up the man's body by touching and prodding his penis deliberately, only to find it uninterested in their touch.

Interestingly enough, Asai had noticed that the women being sent to him were becoming weaker and weaker in levels. And as their levels were weaker, the more petite and toned their bodies were. Perhaps they were trying to figure out his ideal-type, or were simply running out of women to send, the man sighed in relaxation as he looked on over towards Robin who was equally enjoying a massage. One, that was supposedly rumoured to promote growth and volume in the chest area.

Having consumed one too many drinks, as he had been swimming in the stuff for the past weeks, even his [Alcoholic] passive-reduction on the effects of the stuff failed to stem the tides of euphoria. Ignoring the women who were skimpily dressed, performing their best to serve him and to also ignite his lust but failing to do so, Asai wrapped a fur-coat around his body before leaving the hot-room and making his way to the bathroom.

The moment he closed the door, locking it, Sora Kaka appeared besides the king and made her daily report.

"My King, the giants are unable to come to a conclusion, the votes came out 50:50, and they're simply arguing and bickering amongst themselves now. As such, I continue to believe their fervent gifting to be a form of time-delay, to keep you happy whilst they iron-out their differences and priorities."


"Yes, my king?"

"Why are you holding my dick?"

Sora Kaka, ever the faithful and loyal servant, no matter the situation or scenario. Had simply helped herself to the man's penis, unwrapping the fur and pulling his penis out, she casually held it over the toilet, aiming it for the man.

"Trust me, I've been practicing with water-bottles, I won't miss."

Feeling her squishy-soft pillows plant themselves into his back, her two arms reaching around towards his front to support and hold his privates, and the gentle-scent of plums that radiated from her long hair that were falling upon his shoulder, Asai felt his little brother awaking from the stimuli. "Damn it, now I have to do the awkward squatting-crab stance thing to go..."

"Sora, I appreciate your desire to serve me... But I order you to give me some privacy."

Her soft-eyes shifted a few times from his penis, to his gaze that was unyielding, before she took a long-large sniff of the man's husk and left the man alone.

Awkwardly standing around for a few minutes, as he waited for his stiffy to go limp, he shuffled through the reports that were filling the man with questions.

Whilst he trusted in Sora's loyalty and proven-ability to be resourceful, and he was indeed feeling a sense of accomplishment with creating a friendship between kingdoms, as the queen and her princesses were frequently inviting him for lunch. He couldn't help but feel as if something was wrong.

[Phantom Menace] 

A single clone appeared adorning the same attire as the human, and whilst his emotions were lacking as its face forever remained indifferent, Asai shoved a half-finished bottle of wine into its hands before sending it back in his place. It's orders were simple, return to the spa, lay upon the bed and pretend to fall asleep, remaining entirely motionless as if he were dead-drunk.

Having set up his replacement, the man dipped into [Hide] and triggered Bedron's appearance change to something more battle-fitting. 

Climbing up and above to stand upon the highest vantage point available to him, he took in a few deep breaths to cleanse his mind, as well as sending [Chaos] throughout his system to literally eradicate all alcoholic-substances.

[Summon Bird] pulled Cotton out and into the world of snow, as it wasn't given any say and swiftly shifted into wings that granted the man [Glide] 

Launching himself off, he flew around the city and observed the gentle-illuminations of fire that flickered through the windows of homes and buildings. Ignoring the warriors who were patrolling at night, who were none-the-wiser with his position up above them, he made his way to the castle. 

[??: Lvl 72] [??: Lvl 70] [??: Lvl 70] [??: Lvl 71]

Strolling past the castle guards who stood as if they were statues, unrelenting towards the snow as large polearms rested against their shoulders. Silently striding through the halls like a ghost, he was soon met with a dead end of sorts. Two level 75 guards silently stood before two wooden-doors, blocking them with their muscles.

[Summon Yokai] !

A little trash-panda that sported fur of black and grey, easily slid in and out of the shadows. Without a single spoken word, its summoner's intent was conveyed to him via the transmission of mana, as it turned, dashing around the corner to stir up the local messenger-birds. With such a random ruckus, breaking the silence of the night, the giants swiftly swiped their weapons of the ground and marched out.

Leaving the door to Asai, who had easily slipped in between the men who were all too conscious about bumping into one and another's shoulders, due to their large muscle-mass. Waiting perhaps just a dozen seconds, to ensure the guards were out of ear-shot, Asai opened just enough space to slip himself in.

After inspecting his surroundings to find himself entirely alone, without a soul to keep him company, he glanced down to inspect his hands. Finding them to be tingling like pins-and-needles, the very same sensation was prickling the skin upon his face as well as his back. Evidently, the large totem looking statue that stood within the middle of the room was working its AOE-DPS magic, but failed to deal enough damage to him to relinquish him of his stealth.

"Good to know..." 

Realizing his decision to not entirely rely upon others to be correct and more efficient, he imbued his eyes with mana as he scanned across the weapons that decorated the walls. Finding them to be lacklustre and ordinary, and mostly ceremonial in kind rather than operational and usable in real battle.


Hearing footsteps steadily increase in volume, Asai adeptly jumped off the table and climbed atop the totem that was wide enough just to fit both of his feet. As such, planting himself upon the thing as if he were also a part of the totem, he stood like a statue as the doors swung open, revealing the fiery-queen and her brazen long-red hair as she marched on in.

The giant paused, as her nostrils twitched a few times, within the split of a second, she wondered as to why she suddenly desired rice. Sniffing a few more times like a hunting-dog, she took a few steps closer towards the totem as she picked up on more of the lingering scent.

"What the hell? How powerful is her nose!?"

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