Isekai Rohan

554 Royal Palace

Einhoren: Royal Palace

Great hall

The main throne, the seat of sovereignty was left cold as the queen continued to remain in safe seclusion. Seated upon prince victor's seat of power was Daisy Tonis. The woman born to a upstart baron's household was now considered and treated like a princess, due to the nature of her relationship with Victor Del Lagos, being the man's fiancé. And whilst she was greatly lacking in the ability to strategize and command armies, she had accompanied the prince far and wide enough to have learnt the bare minimums of leadership. Finding herself thrown onto the seat and representing her beloved, she merely sat there as a representative as she hid her baby-bump under a large fur cloak.

Standing before her, and performing the obligations expected of nobles and ambassadors, Daphne Sinon, a necromancer from the kingdom of Montt, representing queen Emilita Regenon's interests and favour curtsied to the princess. Standing besides the dark-elf and equally greeting respectfully was Larmiel Axilin, the royal healer and personal advisor to queen Rima Regenon. And whilst the two appeared cordial upon the surface, the two would continuously throw glances filled with venom at one and another.

"Your Highness, princess Daisy Tonis, it would be an honour if you'd permit me and my fellow wizards to utilize our abilities, for defensive purposes of course." A chance to further show the kingdom of humanity their ability, prowess and desire to solidify their friendship and alliance between kingdoms was a chance the dark-elf knew she had to utilize. However, to summon skeletons, to cast fireballs and frozen projectiles within the heart of the kingdom was something she required permission, as misunderstandings could easily lead to a severance of their friendship.

Flicking her grey bangs away from her eyes and behind her long elven ears, her equally grey eyes sneered at her Via Marea counterpart, already imagining herself proving her kingdom to be a better choice if the humans would one day have to chose between the two kingdoms.

Ignoring the young and naïve woman, Larmiel was entirely aware of her goals to one up him. However, the man had brought healers as his convoy rather than knights, which placed the two elven forces into different departments in ability and capacity.

"Your Highness, as my men are defensive in nature, healers, please permit them to utilize their abilities within your kingdom. As we will endeavour to reduce the casualties your garrisons will suffer effectively."

Extremely glad that the two were playing mind-games with one and another, and not against her, Daisy had no reason to decline. But before she gave her orders, within the eyes of the old nobles, knights and guards that defended the royal palace from harm, Mizumi had returned.

Daisy's eyes widen in fright as she noticed the familiarly crimson liquid that covered the young-woman, who was a legitimate princess unlike her.

"It's alright, the blood isn't mine." Mizumi performed a little curtsy in respect to the woman, even if they were both technically princesses in peerage, Par'Talucca was a vassal state to Del Lagos, and thus placed Daisy Tonis above Mizumi. "We have rats lurking within the shadows of our kingdom... I've dealt with the ones who were arrogant enough to prop their heads out of their holes, but-"

Before one-eyed princess could continue, Daisy merely rose her palm to pause her report. "Please, deliver the report directly to Her Majesty." Having spent enough time around nobles and politics, the instant she heard rats, her head began to spin and churn from the hidden implications that were numerous in possibilities. Rather than filter and digest the report, to deliver it to someone who had the wit to understand and make something out of it, she'd prefer the dhan reporting directly to the head of state.

Understanding her state of distress, as the pressure upon her shoulders were already rising the longer she had to pretend to be a princess, as she still greatly considered herself to be that of a loyal maid, Mizumi curtsied once more as knights were already surrounding her and assisting her with towels and refreshments. Prior to leaving, she left a crucial piece of information behind.

"Your Highness, the dekans are attacking Einhoren's walls at this very moment. I suggest you send the royal guard out to assist the knights outside, but keep the bare-minimum required to defend the palace..."

Dipping into [Hide] the dhan left without batting an eye towards the two elves who were perking their ears up, trying to pick up all nuances and information in which they could from even the smallest things like the tone of her voice and the speed in which she spoke. Whilst Mizumi did speak calmly, collected and clearly, Larmiel and Daphne both managed to pick up the miniscule amount of anxiety within her voice. Whilst it was bad news for the kingdom, it was good news for the ambassadors, as the deeper the trouble the human kingdom was in, the greater the safe and merit in return.

Seeing the stand-in princess pondering within her own thoughts, Larmiel naturally chose to assist the young-woman who wasn't even a fraction of his age.

"Your Highness, time is of the essence, please permit us to defend your walls. We are friends now, and as such, we should certainly assist one and another during dark times no?"

"I concur, Your Highness." Daphne begrudgingly agreed with the man. Not exactly happy that she had to assist him to convey the message across to the human, but enough to satisfy her legs that were urging her towards marching out and mustering her wizards into action without permission.


"Your Highness." A lone knight broke ranks as he knelt before the future-princess. The stars upon his shoulder signified his high-ranking within the royal guard.

"Rally the men, march out and fulfil your duty to the kingdom. Our friends: Larmiel Axilin and his healers, Daphne Sinon and her wizards, shall assist you and are hereby placed under your command. Goddess with you..."

The royal knight rose as he saluted one last time, before turning and marching out. It was only after he had left the great hall entirely did he start barking his orders and sending the messengers out. Naturally, due to the bells warning the entirety city of a threat, his knights were already gathered within the yards and training fields awaiting orders. The two elves also quickly saluted before marching out and endeavouring to follow the human knight, as it was clear to both that Oscar would be the lone-human writing up the conclusive report that would depict their heroics and merits.

Leaving the bare minimum of knights to protect the inner palace walls, Daisy remained seated upon her fiancé's throne for a little while longer, as she continued to tenderly stroke the warmth within her belly. A stray tear fell, as her mind wandered across the known lands, in prayer of the man's safety. As there were still no news of the man, who was still considered missing-in-action.


Mizumi continued to watch over the royal palace by her lonesome, entirely hidden as she remained seated atop the highest watch tower. Wondering whether she was cursed or not, that within a single lifetime she would be forced into watching yet another kingdom burning from the inside out, flames and dekans raiding the city as anger and screams continued to echo throughout the Einhoren. Hopefully, this would be the last...


With the ongoing events and geopolitical discourse in real life. I want to advise everyone, rather than supporting the web-novel, please prioritize yourself and your family first, to stock up on long-lasting food like canned baked beans, oats and frozen food like peas and sweetcorn. Winter is coming, and there's talk about cutting power/electricity for parts of the day due to rising gas prices.

As such, stock up on food easily cooked, in case people panic and surge to clear out supermarket shelves. Stay warm, fed and healthy guys. Your support in the form of comments, views, likes and stars is more than enough. So prioritize yourself.

Stay safe.


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