Isekai Rohan

555 Armenes

Kingdom of dekans: Armenes


Close to panicking, Asai's eyes shot open in fright as he found himself laying within a world of darkness. In spite of that, he chose not to endorse such cumbersome behaviour and focused his concentration towards his other senses, other than sight.

Warm and soft pillows cushioned the back of his head, and yet the rest of his body was quite cold and stiff. A familiar scent seeped into his nose, as he inhaled further amounts of what he recognised to be vanilla. Before he could bother straining his ears to their utmost capacity, light shot through the gaps, the concealment that hid his face spread as Robin Sol's drowsy expression instantly brightened upon meeting the man's eyes halfway.

"Good morning~" The half-elf bent down and gently kissed him, a little apology for being unable to greet him as per usual, as their current location and situation was greatly inappropriate.

Pulling her cloak away entirely, the human had to force his eyes shut for a few seconds more as they readjusted.

"Good morning duke, although we're not in a good place for pleasantries, I must say... It brings a smile to my face, to see you wake without issue." Within the prince's mind, he was recalling how the man had utilized an ancient artefact that was only wieldable, touchable by members of the royal family. Having never heard of any of his own ancestors fainting upon a single swing, he couldn't help but worry about Asai's health, as someone within his position was all too aware of, that all things mighty came with a cost.

Rising from his lap pillow, he glanced around to find himself still within the labyrinth like underground tunnel system.

"Your Highness, good to see you alive and breathing." Bouncing his gaze around the makeshift party as he typically would, he received quite the wake up call as his system left him hanging like a failed blind date.

"Istvan Deuce at your service, Your Grace." Figuring the man's mind to be clouded by sleep, or simply failing to recall who he was, Istvan ensured his tone and body language was as polite as possible. As a certain few memories resurfaced, sending him cringing and into regret.

"Templar Ian, at your service, Your Grace." The surviving templar knight was all smiles as he was now blessed with the opportunity to fight alongside the two most influential and powerful men of the kingdom. Whatever was going to happen, it would be a tale for the ages, and the taverns.

"Hebi, Hebi your friend. At your service, Grace." The half-snake half-human woman followed along, trying to appear as human as possible, so not to be discriminated against. After moments of waiting, she was quite confused as to why the elf and the prince didn't continue the sequence.

"How long was I out for?" Whilst he  began to run checks across his limbs, ensuring they were still functional and without pain, before equally checking the condition of his leather gears, Asai was honestly quite relieved that Victoria wouldn't have to go through the pain and experience of losing another family member.

"A day." Robin brought forth one of her vials, shoving the contents into the man's mouth as he accepted the liquid without thought.

"R-Robin? What did you just feed me?" "A day? Not bad..."

"Milk." Before the man could inquire any further, within the corners of his eyes, he noticed Hebi all smiles from ear to ear as she puffed her chest up high proudly.

"I-I see..." "Your Highness, I suggest we make haste, and escape this swamp they call a kingdom." Steering his thoughts away, his next priority was to escape Rev'Deca, the heart of Armenes. 

"I concur, the kingdom awaits us, needs us." Meeting the eyes of the group, everyone nodded in affirmation as they rose. Victor, Istvan and Ian, were all afforded a dagger each as they had already tried to borrow Robin's mithril daggers, only to find them untouchable. Already familiar with weapons with such traits, they asked no questions as they accepted the cheaper variants without complaint.

As for Hebi, the woman decided to remain bare-handed, as she kept reminding them that she was but a mere weathermancer. One that could only control fog and mists to obscure and mislead targets. And if she were to wield such a pointy blade, she was filled with anxiety that she would perhaps accidentally hurt her own friends and saviours. 

Quick into a march, as highly-trained and disciplined individuals, they began their route out. Which was much easier than entering, as Hebi was no longer actively lacing her mists with confusion and ill-intent, allowing the humans to simply follow the flow of fresh air.

Taking the rear alongside Hebi and Robin, Asai was horrified to realize his two beloved golden fangs were missing. However, whilst he couldn't use them now, at least he knew they would return to him once the system was restored and available again. Due to such, he was also relegated to Robin's spare daggers, lowering herself to only her Mithril daggers and tiny throwing-knives that were lethal to humans, but useless to dekan scale.

Utilizing the distance between them, as the templars were taking the vanguard, he tapped the half-elf upon her thin waist, catching her attention as the group continued to traverse the tunnels towards the surface.

"Robin, update me. What happened to you, and how did we manage to survive so long without alerting the entire dekan population?"

"I found and rescued three templars, but one of them didn't make it. We entered a dungeon because Istvan thought the prince was inside it, but it turned out to be a trap. The guardian within was playing with us, using us as entertainment... The three of us survived, I received this-" Pulling a small compass out from her chest pocket, the needle was strangle pointing directly at Asai no matter the direction or position he was in. "-It will forever point to your location, no matter the distance apparently.

And- We managed to survive and remain hidden so long because you killed Hebi's security detail and caretakers. You also destroyed their farm and the dekans within it. From what I gathered, this underground prison is self-sufficient and doesn't require external intervention to continue. 

Maybe deliveries would be made every so often, as the farm you destroyed was described by the prince as incredibly large. But, apart from that, Hebi has told me that no one has entered or left since we arrived."

"Self-sufficient and almost autonomous, I see. So we were lucky and entered during a window when they would be receiving no further orders, messengers and food-deliveries. Which actually makes this the best time to escape, as we're not privy to their time schedules. Perhaps fortune would give us a few days at most, before someone realizes the disturbance and missing prisoner..."

Holding Robin's soft hands for comfort, ignoring the cold-mithril within her palm, Asai also ignored etiquette as he was ridiculously glad to see her alive and well. Regardless of the prince's presence, and the predicament they were in, he wanted to feel her warmth, something Robin Sol also equally desired.

To everyone else, who would catch glimpses of the couple, they appeared entirely stoic and unreadable, as the natural dimness of the tunnels didn't betray the man who was king of Par'Talucca, also referred to as the kingdom of shadows. Keeping their little intimate touches, strokes, pokes, pinches and teases entirely hidden.


Pinching his ass and deliberately delivering pain upon him, enough to make him twitch and skip, Robin pouted a little.

"That's what you get for worrying me again..."

"Robin, wasn't it your idea to split up? You-" In response to his measly excuse, her hand latched itself upon his balls as jolts of pleasure instantly shot up in reaction, raising his cock into full-mast, making it incredibly uncomfortable to walk as his cock was now brushing against his clothing awkwardly.

In response, Asai clapped her butt-cheek precisely enough to leave a red hand print, but not enough to clap and catch the attention of the others, as he expertly timed a random cough to hide the sound.

Seeing her cheeks flush red as his hand continued to latch itself onto her ass even as she continued to walk, Asai grinned in victory.

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