Although Asai benefitted greatly from [Yomi & Yami] He was still, fundamentally only a human. His heart couldn't handle the stress, the amount of oxygen his body was demanding had raised to levels unfit for humankind. He quickly retreated towards the treeline. There, he was surprised to find Robin and the RFC blazing through the woods with a vendetta. 

"Robin! I'm here!" Robin, with her acute senses noticed Asai resting above the treetops. She immediately performed a series of flips and kicks to reach his branch. The RFC, weren't as nimble nor light so they chose to rest down below against the tree stumps. Hidden by the local foliage and bushes.

Asai was hastily stuffing his mouth both with jerky and water. He examined his body to find it in a state of contradiction. One, he felt like he was healthy and ready to go to war. Two, his mana felt like it was overfilling. Three, he didn't feel tired at all. In fact, it felt like he had just woken up from a well rested nap.

However, under the prolonged effects of [Yomi & Yami] One, he found his mentality sluggish as he remembered all the cuts and injuries he had just pushed himself through. He was reliving the phantom pain that lingered upon him. Two, his heart kept racing, beating so hard against his ribcage that he could hear the bass booming within his ears. Three, although his stamina seemed to be full. He felt great desire for sustenance. His stomach growled and his throat parched. His hunger was so great, he felt paralyzed by it.

"So, these are the side effects huh? Should've known the weapons would be too over powered if there was no back lash. Especially when I abused it for so long. Fucking hell, I feel like I want to sleep but my eyes aren't tired at all."

Robin placed her head against his chest. Listening to his heart race. A concerned look plastered itself on her face.

"It's alright, I just got a little too excited that's all. Adrenaline rush, have you heard of it?"

"Adrian-lin-rush?" Asai chuckled upon hearing this. "I keep forgetting that science, biology and what not doesn't exist here."

"Forget it, it's just another one of those words I made up." Robin nodded reluctantly.

"Mr, we have a problem." With her index finger, she pointed up towards the sky. Asai glanced up towards the heavens but saw nothing new or missing. "Mr, the moon. Look at it."

"What the fuck?" "Why is the moon so big. It wasn't that big before was it?- Wait. No! It's not that it's getting bigger, it's getting closer!" "Holy shit!" 

Robin nodded in agreement.

"Mr, what will you do now?" In the back of Robin's mind, she desperately wanted to suggest retreating. To return to the portal and leaving. Perhaps they could bury the portal within the abandoned well.

"I'm... No, we're going to take on the dungeon boss." The conviction within his eyes filled Robin with willpower.  If he was going to fight the dungeon boss, live or die, she'll be there to ensure he doesn't go through this ordeal alone! She let her balance fall behind her. Her centre of gravity flipped as she landed on her feet right next to the RFC.

"Mr and I, we're going to fight the dungeon boss. Do you see that moon? It is coming closer as we speak. It's not going to stop. Clam. Benny. Gary. You now have two choices. 1. you return to the portal and warn the people of the impending outbreak. 2. You come with us and fight."

The RFC glanced up. This was insanity! A race against the time because a moon was going to fall onto their heads. Or leaving the dungeon only to later fight the same lycans again!? Heck, the portal was so far away. They weren't even sure if they could make it.

The group noticed Asai stand up, stretching and warming up his joints.

"Make your choice. Live or die, I'm going to be with Mr." Robin turned and followed Asai out of the treeline.

The three glanced towards one and another. Before Clam could open his mouth.

"Do you even need to ask brother?" Gary and Benny were both alright with whatever choice Clam would make. The three were born orphans, they had no parents, no family to call their own.

The three had been together since their earliest of memories. 

"Through thick and thin."

Clam, Benny and Gary gathered their resolve before charging out. This was their moment in life. The crossroads of destiny.

To be weak or to become the strong.

They made their choice.

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