The horde had marched on, away from their position. The vanguard of the lycans continued their march towards the portal. Their moon god ordered them so. They marched and stomped in unison, becoming their own military marching band. Every gasp, every breath was timed. A symphony of war.

Luckily for Asai's party, they now had a free shot at their backline. The rear-guard was now their first target.

Running, sprinting and vaulting over the numerous corpses that lay scattered across the fields. Asai couldn't help but laugh.

"What is it Mr?"

"Oh, in my childhood. I played a game where the main character, a little boy had only three days to save the world. It was just like this, a giant evil moon would fall and kill everyone if he failed." A little nostalgia calmed his nerves, albeit only slightly.

"... Mr if I could. I would kill that evil moon for you."

The RFC, who were struggling to keep up couldn't hear their little conversation. However, they could easily see Asai smiling and grinning. The madman was enjoying this! The thought of charging into impending doom, against all odds... Whilst enjoying it.

"Truly, we simpletons cannot understand the mind of great people..."

As the group approached the eerily familiar thumping and booming. Which Asai recognised as the announcement of a dungeon boss. He rapidly searched with mana empowered eyes. Far into the distance.

[Lycan Conqueror: Lvl 60] 

[Asai Trichia: Lvl 59]

"Level 60? That's not so bad."

Asai had a quick flash back. "level difference back then was 11. Right now it's only 2. It's not that bad."

"Well, fuck me and my big mouth..."

Towards his side, he noticed Robin staring furiously towards the moon. "Was she serious about killing the moon?" He glanced up out of curiosity.

[Moon: Lvl 70]

"Oh shit..." 


The first of the lycan to notice the approaching humans instantly turned to engage. This was the rear guard, as the column in charge of protecting their backs, they weren't expecting to actually get a chance to battle.



As Asai's mana capacity was still filled to the brim and overflowing, he allowed it to run rampant. Resulting in [ANNIHILATION] inflicting damage in a greater proximity. The golden astral projections glistening through his karambits gave him greater range of attack. Diving and dashing through the column culling the lycans through their necks.

Any lycan that had managed to dodge and escape Asai's wrath was immediately snuffed out by Robin and the RFC. They only struck at critical points. Either the neck or the heart, before immediately pulling their blades out and resuming the arrowhead charge deep into enemy formation.

[Lycan Conqueror: Lvl 60] 

The Conqueror noticed the presence of humans attacking from the rear. Asai noted that whilst the other lycans had smaller legs, and biceps bigger than everything else.

This Conqueror instead had massive hindlegs. Rather than weapons it wielded two metallic gauntlets bigger than its head. Like a gorilla it began to beat its own chest, roaring and pounding. Whilst the [Lycan Champion] was around 200 cm tall. The Conqueror stood at a mighty 300 cm. Hell, and that was with its legs crouched like a kangaroo, ready to pounce! 

"You guys take care of the small fries. Big one's mine and Robin's!"

""YES!"" The RFC spread out to follow their orders. They knew what they had to do. They would create the area for their DPS to fight without interruption. Focusing solely on defence, The boys remembered how Alex, Emmanuel, Colem and Mel had fought back in Crystal Quarry. The three simultaneously gulped down a stamina and launched themselves at their targets. Their war cries aggroing them.

Asai took one last glance at the lads before jumping into [Hide] "And to think, these boys were throwing rocks and pebbles at the [Rigal Bomb] back then." 

[Clam: Lvl 47]  [Benny: Lvl 44]  [Gary: Lvl 45]

[Lycan Champion: Lvl 50] [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50] [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50] [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50]

[Lycan Champion: Lvl 50] [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50] [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50] [Lycan Champion: Lvl 50]

Surprisingly Robin also intuitively entered her own [Disappear]  

[Robin: Lvl 50]

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