"How long, how long have we fought for!?" Clam swiftly parried another blow before disengaging.

"If you have time to speak, swing your sword some more!" The three, as much as they tried to maintain their little formation soon found themselves back to back with one and another. Now encircled completely by [Lycan Champion]s. The lads were tired. Their adrenaline had stopped pushing them forwards. The lactic acid kicked in. The delayed onset muscle soreness encroached upon their upper body muscles.

Clam reached into his pouch.

"I'm out!"

"Me too!"

"Me three!"


Their bodies tired, their throats parched. Their legs trembling. Was this all that they could amount to?

Clam peered over the lycans that were staggering over the corpses of their former clansmen. He saw as Robin and Asai kept phasing in and out of sight, striking, slashing and bludgeoning the leader of the pack.

It appeared the [Lycan Conqueror] didn't care about friendly fire. It's great hindlegs would propell itself forward, firing his own body like a cannon ball. Each time it missed the slipper targets that were Asai and Robin, it would end up demolishing the surrounding lycans.

In fact, that was one of the reason why the trio had managed to last so long. Another group of lycan corpses flew in and crashed into the approaching beasts.

Utilizing the lull of battle, to breathe the trio regained a little energy. Together the three re-engaged the enemy. Hacking down with their swords. Thanks to the men being sensible and not deciding to imitate their lord. The men had weapons that granted them greater reach. Sure, it was heavier and slower but it gave them a better degree of safety.

Clam slew another and another down, beheading the dogs one after the other. However as he saw within the corner of his eyes, another lycan appearing from his blind spot. He willed his obliques to turn his torso. To his dismay, his body was fatiqued and the command was received late.

Seeing his life flash before his eyes. He accepted his destiny. Sure, he might have wanted to at least lose his virginity before perishing, but it seemed the heavens had a different plan for him.

Time seemed to slow down, in slow-mo he watched as the lycan roared, about to lunge forward and bite into his neck. When, suddenly it's head flew up. And replacing it was one that was human.

"Huh?" He blinked in confusion before realising his mistake. The headless lycan body drooped and there stood a man in blackened half plate armour. His chainmail already covered in rust and blood. A helm adorned over his head hid his identity.

"Need help?" It was a man's voice. Deep and rusky, one that oozed experience and wisdom. Clam nodded absent-mindedly before an additional two knights appeared.

The three new arrivals began to engage the lycans and deliberately gave the trio another moment of respite to catch their breath. One of the helpers dropped a large leather pouch on the ground before them. 

"USE IT. HURRY!" It was a woman's voice this time.

The RFC didn't hesitate to pull out hp and stamina potions. Chugging the liquid down, and actually enjoying the burning sensation that tickled their throats. The gashes, the wounds and cuts that they had endured all over their arms, backs and torso began to mend.

Clam immediately recognised this potion as one of extremely high grade. "Shit, I hope they don't ask me to pay them back for this!" Before being ordered to do so, the RFC re-entered the fray.

"AIM FOR THEIR NECKS, THE FLESH IS THIN THERE!" It was truly so, the lycans although covered from head to toe with their fur-pelt that had spikes pricking out like hedgehogs as their natural armour. Their neck down to their mid section was clean. 

The knight in half plate armour swiftly dual wielded two short swords, lunging swiftly into the beasts. Even when his position was compromised, and he was unable to deliver a proper cut, he would punch the dogs on their heads, crushing their skulls.

The RFC, already used to seeing humans fight with super human strength didn't bat an eye and continued to brawl.

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