Because Asai was bigger and sported a larger body than Robin. Asai was relegated towards drawing aggro and blocking hits. Creating many openings for Robin to land her attacks.

The duo had been mostly successful so far, calm and calculated, the two acted with a great degree of skill. It definitely helped when Asai had absolute trust for Robin in reading his intentions. Whilst Robin, after having watched and studied the man for so long, knew his tendencies like the back of her hand.

However, as powerful as the duo were together. As time went on, and the fight dragged on. Robin's stamina began to diminish and she became slower and sluggish. No longer able to keep up with Asai's pace, and maintain the speed and focus required to dodge the [Lycan Conqueror]'s attack she was pelted into a pile of lycan corpses. Luckily, the fallen weapons hadn't struck her, and instead the soft lycan flesh cushioned her impact.

Asai now forced into a one versus one with the dungeon boss, began to struggle more, being forced on the back foot and focusing on defence.

Robin willed her legs to move, but they refused to heed her command.


She started punching her legs. She watched as Asai took another punch that sent him flying into another pile of corpses. He began to run and kill the weaker monsters around, healing and recovering his wounds and stamina.

Robin reached into her pouch, snatching the last vial. It wasn't what she was looking for though, the red or yellow potion she that she now required. Instead, in her hand was a blue potion that only Asai would consume. She had stocked up on one vial, curious as to the flavour and effect of the thing. "Screw it! Whatever this potion does, it's better than sitting on my ass here!" 

She downed the potion without caring for the strange flavour. She willed her legs to move once more. However, they once again refused. Angered by the inactivity of her legs she focused on her mana.

"What can I do? How can I help?"  "FUCK"

"WHAT USE IS MANA IF I CAN'T USE IT. USELESS SHIT!" In her eyes, her yellow mana began to coalesce, different shades of yellow, brown and orange mixed. Combining before becoming a radiant gold. She didn't know what she had done, but she intuitively knew she had done something good. 

Since she couldn't will her legs into action, she instead willed her mana into them. Rather than controlling her legs via muscles and neurons, she now forced them to move with mana. Like a puppet with strings, she forced herself to stand.

Now standing, she instructed her mana on her desires and intentions. The golden radiance converged around her feet, it shot her forward. With each step, she now obtained the distance of two! Her soles no longer touched the ground, hovering just a centre metre above. 

Now with the ability to move, her next intent went towards her daggers. Something deep occurred when she willed her mana into her weapons. Something she couldn't understand but decided to trust, it was familiar yet foreign. 

Her bloodline resonated, She shot herself forward closer towards the [Lycan Conqueror] the very moment the beast noticed the shooting star rapidly approaching him, it turned. Before its brain could identify the threat. Robin vaulted exactly like Asai would. However, instead of [Psychic Phantom] Robin's two daggers, filled to the brim with her golden radiance shot towards the beast's eyes.

Within the two seconds of flight the two metal daggers took. Dozens of golden astral projections erupted from behind Robins vault, following the two true blades into the beast.

The [Lycan Conqueror] now blinded, covered its face with its two large muscly arms. Defending against the onslaught of magical projectiles.


From Asai's point of view, he had just taken another punch. landing into another corpse pile, he pushed himself up. As he clambored up and out of the corpses, he saw the giant white glistening moon. It was so ridiculously close, if he had a bow to shoot, he could probably hit it.

He watched as the planet's gravity began to drag and pull the large moon rock down faster. "Holy shit, time's running out!" 

He threw himself out of the pile, seeing the Lycan glaring at him. When suddenly, rather than the white and silver light. There was a golden light shooting towards them. "Fuck me! what now!?" 

Expecting another monster, Asai was dumbfounded to see Robin blasting forward with a vengeance. Her eyes illuminated. Her daggers were filled with divinity and on her feet there appeared little golden wings that propelled her forward with every step she took. "S-SKILLS!?"

From his angle, Asai couldn't see it coming. Without warning, a golden hail of projections battered the boss and the area behind it. The area where Asai stood. Wide eyed, he dived out of the way, but when he saw the window of opportunity. He immediately filled his legs with mana and shot himself forward.




The [Lycan Conqueror]'s head exploded.

Asai fell to the ground, with the beast dead he took a good look at Robin, noticing her inaction he ran out.

"Mr..." She smiled.

The moment she saw him, she smiled before the golden radiance flickered out.

She then fell forward unconscious, into Asai's embrace. Picking her up in a princess-carry. Asai suddenly choked, coughing out blood.

He had exerted his human body much more than it could take. He glanced down to see Robin's face covered with his blood...

"Sorry Robin. Let me wipe that fo-" before he could reach over with his sleeve, Robin in her sleep began to lick her lips...


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