Isekai Ryouridou

Preface ~ Guren's Smile ~

I was also annoyed by nightmares.

A nightmare that will burn forever in hellfire.

But this time, the appearance was different.

The last time I was struck by this nightmare, there was a glimpse of mysterious existence from the other side of crimson and darkness, and it gave me even more fear -- this time, it seems that your presence was responsible for the body of the nightmare.

A mysterious being is a mysterious person with burn marks on his face.

Dragged out of my deep psychology by the mysterious trick of Nachala in Gamley's Seat , its presence appeared in Guren's nightmare again.

He was smiling over my head, repeating the eternal death.

I'm sure you don't see me.It's very gentle, very soft, and has a smile that makes me feel nostalgic.

That's what Nachala said about me once meeting this person.

Since Nachala's technique is not a stargazing or prediction, but merely unravels what is deep in the human heart, this is bound to be due to past events.

But I don't know who that person is.

There are scratches on my face, I'm always smiling kindly, and even though I can tell my gender and physique, I can't recognize my face at all.

I just didn't know anyone with a burn on their face.

So, I'm sure-- I'm losing some of my memories.

I erased his presence from my memory because he was so terrifying.

(But when was that about?No way, it wasn't in my hometown... I should have been thrown out into the Morgan Forest as soon as I died.If it's possible... I've been somewhere else since I woke up in the woods since I died... and I've completely forgotten my memories of that time...?)

In my nightmares, I was such an obscure consciousness that I couldn't even remember my name, but I was caught in such doubt.

Meanwhile, my flesh is burned in hellfire and crushed by rubble, repeating the eternal death, and someone overhead is smiling with an invisible face.

That person doesn't feel malice or hostility.

But whether he was good or vicious, it didn't change my pain.

It was enough to threaten human sanity and reason simply because I was so afraid of someone who I didn't know who I was.

(Cut it out! I'm not afraid of any fate!Don't laugh at that height, show yourself in front of me!)

That's how I meant to praise him, but he wouldn't even look at us.

And then--

As usual, I was saved from the pain of hell by a warm, pure white light.

"Asta, hold on! Can't you hear me!?"

Ai = Fa's voice, which was twisting down with anxiety, quickly pulled my consciousness out of my nightmare.

If you don't open your eyelids yet, I'll say, "It's okay..."

"What's okay!"If you're awake, open your eyes! "

"Ah, yeah, I'm sorry... I thought I'd have to apologize to Ai = Fa as soon as possible..."

When I lifted my heavy eyelids, Ei = Fa's figure glowed in the dark.

As a result, Ei = Fa inserted her hands into my neck and back, and gently and forcefully pulled my body from the bed and hugged me with enthusiasm.

"You were upset by that nightmare again, weren't you?"When will you be free from that nightmare? "

”Yeah, really... I'm always worried, and I feel bad for Ai = Fa”

“I don't care about me!”

Ai = Fa gulped her arms like she couldn't help it.

But before my gnaws stroke, I loosen my strength, and my cheeks are twitching around my temples.Its warmth and sweet scent wiped out the remnants of my nightmares without trace.

“It doesn't matter.I'm just suffering in my dreams... and I can't help but worry about Ei = Fa every time. "

I put my hand on Ei = Fa's back and hugged her soft hair.

"But thank you. As I always say, I can get through that nightmare thanks to Eifa."No matter how unfamiliar the fear is, if Ei = Fa were there, it would be fine... it would seem like that. "

Ei = Fa spun my head a bit last time and then left me in remorse.

Ai = Fa, with a harsh face, just throws a light of love and love into her blue eyes.I haven't tied my hair yet, so it was as if my upper body was shining gold.

"...... I didn't get a fever this time, and my eyes seemed to be full of strength.But what's the point of having a nightmare again in such a short period of time...? "

"Even if it's a short period of time, it should be more than three months."The last time I had this nightmare was soon after the rainy season. "

"But before that, I fell into the [breath of Amthorn]."That was also the story of the rainy season, so it was vacant for nearly a year.It shrank to three months. "

Ei = Fa is getting more serious, and he's getting closer to me.

"Besides, the last time I was struck by that nightmare, I was caught in the commotion of the Evil God Order."I hope I don't suffer another calamity..... "

"Oh dear, I don't have the talent for predictions and dreams?"Even when I first had this dream, nothing happened-- "

When I said that, the satyr with his face out of a thin blanket chirped, "I will."

At the same time, Ei = Fa took up the sword under the pillow.

"The signs of Totos and the wagon are approaching.Asta, don't leave me. "

"Huh? Who the hell is this early in the morning?"

The bedroom was thin and bright, but there was no sunlight yet.Then it was technically before dawn.

Eifa grabbed my arm and approached the exit of the bedroom, putting her back against the door.

"Jilbe hasn't reacted.So you mean our compatriots around the forest...? "

While crushing like that, Ei = Fa thinly opened the door panel -- someone's voice was heard from the doorway.

"I'm sorry I didn't even get out of bed!"We're Sung's parents and family!I have words to deliver to Ai-Fa and Asta of the House of Fa, so can you give me time often? ”

Ei = Fa looked back at me with a deep eyebrow.

"This is exactly the voice of Sun's patriarch."There may have been something abnormal around the forest.Asta, don't be alarmed. "

"Um, yeah, okay."

When I answered like that, the bedside scorpion also crawled out reluctantly.But now that she's grown up, it's hard for her to stay on my shoulder.So Sachi left the bedroom with us on his own feet.

Jilbe and Brave look at the doorboards with a gentle face.Jilbe is given a role as a watchdog, but his compatriots around the forest, who are wearing the Grigi fruit of poison insect control, have been taught not to be alarmed.

After stroking Jilbe's heads, Ai-Fa removed the scratch from the doorway.

"I'm sorry for interrupting my sleep before dawn.I just wanted to tell you something. "

The face of Sun's parent peeking through the doorboard was settled as usual, so I felt relieved.

However, Ei = Fa looked around at the people with a harsh gaze, with his sword hanging over his waist.

"It must be some kind of emergency.Anyway, let's talk in the house, and I'll take care of the steel. "

"Hmm. But before I do, there's something I have to tell you.We rushed to the place with the Totos that were deposited at Sun's house... On the way, we also rented the Totos that were deposited at Ravitz's house.First of all, I want you to apologize for imitating Fa's house without his permission. "

Ai = Fa deepened the wrinkles between her brows and said, "Totos?”he retorted.

"Hmm. The Totos are being taken care of by various clans, but if you pawn them, they were bought by Fa's family."I moved it on my own, so I won't be able to do it without an apology. "

"... So, what did you rent Ravitz's Totos for?"

"To convey the word to the northern village."And the Tothos we boarded, we have to make our way to the Luu and Souti villages. ”

Behind Sun's patriarch, another man was in the middle of freeing Totos from the wagon.

While checking your figure, Ei = Fa snorts "I see".

"In other words, it's a critical situation, so much so that we have to turn to the chiefs for their intentions."

“No. I didn't know how to handle this, so I asked the chiefs for their intentions.Moreover, since I felt the need to tell the story to Fa's house, I decided to stop by. "

“Okay. Anyway, let's talk.”

And Ai-fa took the sword from the head of Sun, and from the men that were with him.

Then they set foot in the dirt that Brave and the others were waiting for - and then another group of women followed and said to me, "Huh?”I made him raise his voice.

"Klua-Sun was with you, wasn't she?"I didn't realize it was behind everyone's back. "

Klua-Sun bowed silently.

On the edge of it, there is a colour of anxiety and impatience that can't be hidden.Once I was relieved, I suddenly tightened my feelings.

Well then, I'll leave the luggage carrier here. I'll come back later.

The men who had liberated Totos told them so, and then rushed out onto the road by the forest.

After seeing that, Ei = Fa closed the door slidingly.

"I'm really sorry that I disturbed you from this point of view."

While saying so, Sun's patriarch sat down in the hall.

The male child and Klua-Sun sit side by side.Me and Ei = Fa folded their knees facing each other, and finally the sachi rounded off by my side.

"As I just told you, I can't decide how to handle this situation."But if nothing happens, I'll take responsibility for the unnecessary fuss.I want you to feel that way and listen to me until the end. "

"Of course, let's hear it without a word."You're never the kind of person who makes unnecessary noise. "

“It's an honor to have a hunter like Ei-Fa say that.”

Having said that, Sung's patriarch smiled quietly.

After the conviction of the former main house of Sung, he was put on a respite for a while, and he was the head of the new main house.He was the father of Klua-Sun and a brave man at the joint harvest festival, and he was a very close opponent to me.

"Actually... Klua-Sun had a dream."

Ai = Fa's eyes repeatedly glowed sharply.

I was also very surprised.Fa's house was in a frenzy because of the nightmare I had just seen.

"You have to abandon it."What kind of dream did Klua-Sun have? ”

Hmm. First of all, I'm glad you didn't buy your anger after all the fuss you've been having in your dreams.

"There's no reason to get angry anywhere."Your Kurua-Sun is only slightly equipped with the power of star-viewing. "

The story was revealed during the uproar of the Order of Evil Gods.When the east astrologer Alyshna visited the Pharaoh's house for Chil-Rim, who suffered from the power of star-gazing, she also asked Klua-Sun, "Do you need a lesson?I was asking. "

In Sims, I hear that many people with silver eyes have the power to see the stars.Chill-Rim and the others were silver-eyed girls, and this Klua-Sun also had silver-gray eyes with duller shades.

But Klua-Sun politely refused Alishna's offer.Klua-Sun said that she might feel something hunched, but she hadn't been tormented by that power.

It is said that Klua-Sun dreamed of something and decided to run Totos to the chieftains.

After all, I could only imagine that something unexpected had happened.

"We didn't put any weight on Claire's power.Even if I felt something strange, it didn't always seem to be true... So, is it worth worrying about?In addition, Kurua herself didn't care, and she didn't talk about it lately, so I was completely upset until there was a commotion related to that evil god sect. "

But this time, you thought you should put more weight on it, right?

"No, I thought it was up to the chiefs to decide whether to weigh in or not.I would be grateful if I could get the opinions of the Aifa and the others. "

So Sun's parent threw a gentle gaze at his downtrodden daughter.

“Klua herself should talk about the content of the dream.... can you do your job, Klua? "

"Y-Yes.... I'm really sorry that you made such a scene at Fa's house."

Without trying to raise his face, Klua-Sun's head drooped deeply.

When Ai = Fa opened his mouth, Sun's patriarch repeated his words.

"You just told that story to me, the patriarch."As Sung's family, it will be the right thing to do.... and it was my decision as a patriarch to make such a scene, so it's not your fault. "

"But if I'm not frightened of dreams..."

"That's not true," I said before Ei = Fa.

"Chill-Rim was suffering so much because of that dream, wasn't he?"For a man with the power of stargazing, it's a story that can't be taken lightly.... besides, even I don't have the power of stargazing, I've been threatened by nightmares today. "

"Asta... turned into a nightmare?"

"Yes. So, when I had that nightmare before, there was a commotion in the Order of the Evil Gods."That's why Ei = Fa was just saying that something strange might happen this time as well. "

Klua-Sun finally raised her face as she shrugged her shoulders.

Those silver-gray eyes--a little bit of tears burst out.

"Asta... what kind of nightmares have you seen?"if you're allowed to ask..... "

"Simply put, it's a nightmare that my death scene keeps repeating itself."Look, if you think I died in my hometown, why did you say I fell in the woods?The memories of death are repeated in the nightmare. "

I explained it in such a way, being careful not to sound so serious.

"I don't think that nightmare has anything to do with the power of Hoshimi, but I think it has important significance to me."That's why I won't take Klua-Sun's dream lightly.Please, can you tell me about it? "

"Yes... yes, I understand"

Claire-Sun tightened her mouth with a determined look.

Then, it immediately turned into a sharp face.At the end of the year, it was Klua-Sun, a beauty reminiscent of Vina Luu-Lilyn or Yamil-Ray.

“What I saw was a nightmare in which Genos was surrounded by dark clouds.It was a terrible, dark cloud... and I felt like I'd seen countless monsters there. "


“Yes, I've never actually seen such a creepy creature.That's a nightmare... to devour the blessings of Genos and lead them to destruction. "

"Does it symbolize... something?"Chil-Rim also said in his dreams that a human figure looks like a star in the shape of a beast. "

When Ai-Fa asked in a solemn voice, Klua-Sun shook her head sideways, “I don't know.”

"However, all I could feel was that... Genos was about to be struck by bad luck from the south side."

South side?

"Yes, I think it includes Dalai Mu and...... the forestside of Morga."Because it is the territory of Genos, compared to the forest side. "

Since the forestside settlements were long cut open from north to south, Souti's settlements were supposed to be the southernmost point of Genos.

I accidentally swallowed my saliva when I wondered if the village of Sauti was going to suffer some calamity again.

"After that, there was a terrible sign of stars swirling across the dark clouds... In my dreams, I felt that it was a [Black Dragon]"

"Dragons? Dragons... they were the names of the monsters that appeared in the fairy tale."

“Yes, and I think Chil-Rim called the Order of the Evil Gods who destroyed their homeland the 'Dragon of Ashes'.”

The people around the forest are not aware of it, but there is probably a constellation in this world as well.The chief of the forest side was a lion star, and I heard from the astrologer of the [Silver Pot] a long time ago about the pronouncements of the star visiting such as the cat, the monkey, and the eagle star that auxiliary to it.

“That's all the dreams Klua had.Whether we should put more weight on this story or not, I thought I would look to the chiefs for their intentions. ”

When Sun's patriarch concluded in that way, Ai-Fa nodded, "I see."

"So, I thought I'd tell the story to us--"

"Hmm. I had to tell you about the Totos, and the Astors are still in the stall today?"I thought I should tell you all the time if it's necessary to know whether or not to do business. ”

I see. I don't care about Soong's parents...

Ai Fa who said so suddenly took up the sword at his feet.

At the same time, Sun's patriarch and the men also stood on their knees. In the hall, Sachi sang, and in the dirt floor, Jilbe sang lowly.While listening to it, Ai Fa threw the sword that had been deposited by the hunters of Sun.

"There are signs that Totos will run again."Moreover, this directly spans Totos...... the number of lids is a pair of lids. "


Me and Klua-Sun don't hear anything like that in their ears.

But after a few seconds, I was able to sense the signs.

"Let's see how we're doing out there."Ayfa, take Asta and Klua. "

As soon as I could tell, Sun's parents rushed to the door of the entrance.

The lads clung to the right-hand window.Claire-Sun and I had to move to the other side of the wall to be guided by Ei-Fa.

Hmm, that's... like a soldier in a castle town.

Sun's patriarch said so in a low but resounding voice.

"I'm not wearing armor, but I'm wearing a fine sword, so let's not make a mistake first."I wonder if it's an emissary from the castle town. "

Is it true that an ambassador from the castle town visited Fa's house early in the morning like this?

Ai = Fa finally had a sword-swallowing gaze.

After getting Ai-Fa's consent, Sun's patriarch thinly opened the door of the front door.

"Who are you! If you need anything, let's go!"

It looks like someone from outside answered something, but my ears still can't hear it.

However, Ei = Fa, who had raised his ears, had a white blade of glare.

"... you heard me, Ei = Fa?"

"Hmm. A messenger from Melfried?"It seems that the sign of it has been reduced to a group. "

"Yeah. The other group went down the road straight south.Maybe... you're doing exactly the same thing as me. "

It is too unnatural for Melfried to fly a messenger only to Fa's house.Then I will surely have an apostle running for all the chiefs.The Ruu family may have welcomed the Sun family and the castle town's emissaries almost simultaneously.

"As far as I can see, I don't feel anything suspicious."Do you agree to welcome me home? "

"... let's accept"

After a while, the person entered the dirt floor.

Indeed, as Sun's patriarch said, he was dressed in a fine coat and outfit.In the shadow of the coat, there was a long sword sheath peeking.

"I'm sorry to bother you from such an early morning.I'm here as a mediator and an emissary for Lord Melfried. "

"Hmm. What can I do for you?"

"Yes. First of all, please assume that this story will be told to the Three Patriarchs at the same time."And I'll never take it outside of the woods... can you promise me that? "

The young man of the messenger said so, standing upright on the ground.

Ei = Fa also took the trouble of keeping the sword and stood in front of her.

"We will obey the intentions of the chiefs in everything we do.If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you. "

"I understand."... Today, we have decided that guards will practice at the gates south of Dalai Mu, the post town, and the forest.Let's be a little noisy, but we don't have any security problems, so please do your usual stall business. ”

"The southern passage gate around the forest?Is it a gate built between the southern end of the forest and the road? "

“Yes, and I'm sure that's correct.”

Having said that, the messenger gulped down his mouth.

Ei = Fa gazed at her honest face.

“Is that the only message you have from Melfried?”

"No, one more thing."... the royals of the south are now staying at Genos Castle, so we ask that you take care not to create unnecessary misunderstandings. ”

Thus the young man of the messenger bowed down.

"That's all the talk from Lord Melfried.Now, if you'll excuse me. ”

When the messenger left the dirt early, Sun's men asked, "What is it?”he exclaimed.

"I had no idea what it meant... but what about the parents?"

"Hmm. Same goes for me. However, the nobleman Melfried has heard that his head is really cut off.Perhaps this short discourse also hides some great significance. "

Having said that, Sun's patriarch looked around at me and Ei = Fa.

Ai = Fa stares at me with her parents as she squeezes her face even harder.

"I felt something that caught me... but I couldn't see who I was."What about you, Asta? "

"Yeah. Maybe... I feel like I got it."

I sorted out the thoughts that came to my mind as I felt my heart throb.

"First of all, as you all know... even when the blue moon had a massive earthquake last year, there were guards exercises in Dalai Lama and the post town.It seems that the rescue efforts of the people who were damaged by the earthquake were also much smoother. ”

"Hmm? I don't feel like there was such a story."But at that time, we weren't involved in stall commerce either, so we just imagined what the city would be like. ”

"Yes. So this is a story that only I and Ai-Fa know... the day before yesterday, I was handed over the amulet of disaster relief by Alyshna."

Sung's men pulled themselves back in a daze, and Klua-Sun stared at me like she was eating me.

"A, Asta, does that mean... that Alishna was using the power of star reading to predict the arrival of earthquakes?"

"You didn't make that clear."However, if I had foreseen such a future, I would have reported it to my beloved Lord Genos... and said that he would be careful in secret. "

In secret?

"Yes. The king of Selva was evading the power of star reading and all that, right?"So, even if you predict a massive earthquake with the power of star reading, you can't even act on the surface.If the king finds out about it, the Genoese Marquis will be put in a bad position. "

The Temper of the King of Selva was also spoken of by Gemdo in the turmoil of the Order of the Evil Gods.Kurua-Sun, who seemed to recall it, bit her lips somewhat carelessly.

"That's why the Genesis Marquis sneaked out an unknown event called a guard exercise to prepare for a massive earthquake."The guards shouldn't have notified us of the situation, so everyone waited in Dalaym and the post town with their necks tilted... and there was a massive earthquake, so we were able to carry out rescue operations without delay. "

"I mean... this time, Arishna, the astrologer, saw some calamity."

With a tight face, Sun's patriarch asked like that.

I say, "Probably."

"So the last southern royalty is cloudless... Jagal is hostile to his Sims, so I'm afraid you're avoiding the power of Star Reading to beat the King of Selva."That's why I want you to be careful that you don't understand that we use the power of star reading to set guidelines. "

"But then, why don't you tell them that clearly?"... oh, even the guards weren't informed about the star reading prediction. "

“Yes, this is an important secret that only a handful of the nobles of Genos will know.That's why I must have bothered to stop listening in town. "

But you didn't tell Asta the truth last time, did you?

“Yes, Alyshna just sneaked me out, even if it was a story.So, I'm sure this time... Alyshna advised me to tell the people around the forest the truth?It was a very euphemistic phrase, but this is how I can easily guess... and why I deliberately sent an emissary to Fa's house. "

So why did Alyshna treat us like that - perhaps because of the imminent threat to the forestside settlement?This time, not only Dalaym and the station town, but also the southern access gate by the forest will gather guards.

Moreover, Klua-Sun predicts that the south side of the forest and Dalai Lama are dangerous.

When we arrived at one truth, we were the first to feel confused around the forest.

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