Isekai Ryouridou

Calamity Day (1) ~ Alertness ~

And that day -- the day of the blue month -- started with great anxiety and confusion.

As for the date, it was three days after the feast of praise, which was on a scale that would be remembered in the history of Genos.

On the day after the feast, as a temporary holiday, the business of stalls resumed from the 30th of the green month, and while dragging the aftermath of the festival, it was finally an arrowhead event that returned to daily life.

Specifically, nothing has happened yet.

It's just that Klua-Sun had an ominous dream - and Melfried's envoy told him that there would be guarding exercises around town and in the woods.

However, it was early in the morning that the emissaries of the castle town came to the edge of the forest, whether the sun would rise or not.No messenger will ever be sent at such a time unless there is much to be done.

After discussing with Sun's patriarchs at Fa's house, I-fa and I helped Fow's house to send a new emissary to the elders.I am your messenger to inform the chiefs of my views.

The day of the guards' exercise in the blue moon last year, Genos was hit by a massive earthquake.

At that time, Alishna had a verse that predicted the coming of an earthquake with the power of star reading.

And today, Klua-Sun is also having a nightmare that calamity is coming to Genos.

From the above, it is an unstable theory that some major calamity may erupt in Genos today.

However, this was supposed to be a completely different story about how to define the power of star reading.

If you think of the power of star reading as just a fortune-telling, it would be almost like the delusion of a madman.

However, if it was determined that the power of star reading was the ability of prophecy beyond human wisdom -- it should never have been a laughable situation.

The fact that Sung's patriarch and Klua-Sung were worried is one of them.Just having a nightmare is something that is not normally thought of as a guide for future actions.

But we already knew of the existence of Chill-Rim.

She was considered to have the most powerful star-viewing power, and was targeted by the Order of Evil Gods.

I can't prove to anyone that Chill-Rim really had that much power.

However, there are certainly people in this world who believe that it is true and burn one of the free reclaimers' settlements.The rest was supposed to be a problem on the receiving end.

"We are not in a position to believe in an unfamiliar stewardship of star gazing and star reading.But at this time--I wonder if I should learn from Lord Mulstein? "

Donda-Roux had spoken that way at the suddenly held council of chiefs.The chieftains, who were supposed to receive three couples in a row, gathered at the House of Ruu, halfway between their houses, for an extraordinary meeting.

Due to the distance between Zaza and Souti's house, the meeting began three hours after dawn.

And this time, me and Ei = Fa have been called to that meeting.Others were the patriarchs of the usual members, Ghazlan-Rutim, Bardou-Fou and Baym.

"What do you mean, you're going to learn Malstein? I'd like you to speak a little more plain language."

It was Graph = Zaza who met Hibisa in that way.

I don't think I'm in a bad mood when I get woken up early in the morning, but it's more powerful than usual.However, Donda-Ru, who was as powerful as that, repeated her words calmly.

"Since Mulstein is not allowed to value the power of star reading, perhaps he is considered to have been prepared on the surface with some unexpected faces?"We also say that we should learn from it. "

“How do you prepare for an emergency?If the earth trembles, what kind of calamity has not been revealed? "

If that's the case, we'll have to prepare for everything so that no matter what happens, you won't have to panic.

Then Dali-Sauthi, who was quietly listening to the exchange, spoke.

"So, what kind of unexpected face is it on the surface... after all, is it about the stall business?"

"Yeah, the Melfried ambassadors told me not to stop doing business at the stalls."...... all of this reminds me of when I was dealing with Cycléus. "

While retaining her calm expression, Donda-Lou's eyes were flaming.

At a time when we were dealing with Cycléus - when Zatz-Sun and Tay-Sun fled from the northern settlement, we were severely threatened by Cycléus not to stop doing business in the stall.

"It was probably the prospect of using the astas who worked in the post town to capture Zatsu-Sun with their own hands."But this time it's going to involve the honor of the royalty in the south. "

I nodded "Yes" as Dali-Saudi turned my attention to me.

"His Highness Dakarmas will be returning soon."In the meantime, you said you were going to buy street food every day.So, in fact, yesterday, people came to buy food. ”

Hmmm. If I suddenly rest from the stall, Prince Dakarmas will make a fuss.

Dalí-Sauthi, who had the most opportunities to face His Highness Dakarmas among the Three Patriarchs, said so with a bitter smile.

Of course, we can't send Asta and the others to the station town without escorting them, right?

"Hmm. The city will be overflowing with guards today."Since it is always the case that we increase the number of guards on such an unusual day, that's not always the case. "

Then Ai-Fa, who was silent and listening, said, "Let us wait."

"After all, will the business of the stall be decided in an uninterrupted direction?"For my part... I think we should put the safety of our compatriots first. "

Hmm. You still believe in the power of star reading after all.

From the shadow of the upper jaw of Gibba's fur on her head, Graph = Zaza attaches Eye = Fa.

Ei = Fa looked at it with determination.

"I myself don't value the power of star reading that much.However, if there is a slight risk of danger, we should try to avoid it. ”

"If you don't know the danger, you won't be able to prepare for it... Guzlan = Rutim, you don't have to say anything."

Graf-Zaza greeted him, and Ghazlan-Rutim nodded, "Yes."

"I am also not in a position to value the power of star reading.On the surface, however, if the policy is to be prepared for emergencies while maintaining a normal posture, I think we should also venture into stall commerce. ”

Ei = Fa looked slightly surprised at Ghazlan = Rutim.

Ghazlan-Rutim looks back at it with the usual gentle expression.

"Besides, I am also looking forward to the safety of my friend Asta...... Klua-Sun is in danger in Dalai Lama and the south of the forest, and the castle town has been told to send guards to the southern gate."Then it doesn't seem like the station town is too dangerous. ”

"Yeah, my family is still in the middle of a big anxiety."Even if you don't value the power of star reading, if you say that you will suffer calamity, you will care about it even if you don't like it. "

Speaking like that, Dalí-Saudi had a quiet power in his eyes.

"Regardless of the outcome of this meeting, I was going to leave my job as a hunter today and prepare for everything."Well, now we've got all the men up and ready for everything.Hopefully, I want to be home soon. "

"Recently, thanks to the hounds, every clan has had enough harvest, and once every few days they have a day off.I think we should tell all the clans to take a break from their hunting work today.And if nothing happens, we're just confused about the stellar readership. "

While saying so, Donda-Lou looked towards Graf-Zaza.

Graf = Zaza shakes his big shoulder.

"I have no objection to taking a break from hunting work."In that case, the rest is only about the stalls.If there is no danger in the station town, it would rather drive away unnecessary manpower and make the house thin. "

"It doesn't mean that there is no danger in the station town."Klua-Sun says that Genosity itself will suffer, and that Malstein will send guards to the stronghold town as well.... but it seems more dangerous in the south of Dalai Lama and the forest. ”

"Hmmm... it's really a bad idea to talk about what you saw in your dreams as if it were real."

Graf-Zaza bowed his head at the fur.

"Anyway, today has already begun."If a policy was in place, we should have informed them sooner.Do you mind if I accompany you to the station town from the clan involved in the business of the stall? "

"Oh, it wouldn't be that much of a burden if every clan were to accompany as many men as women."It's only my house that's casting more than two women at once. "

Having said that, Donda-Lou looked around at everyone present.

"Once again, we are not emphasizing the power of star reading."However, I fully understand that it is not a story that could be made a fool because it involves the people of the east, the people of the sanctuary, and the evil god sect.Apart from whether or not a disaster actually occurs, we will notify our families and fellow countrymen so that they can cope with any disaster as easily as possible. ”

With such words from Donda-Ruu, the extraordinary council of chiefs was to be closed.

Dalí-Souti and Graf-Zaza return to their respective homes in Totos' pairs with their children.When we were getting the wagon ready, Ghazlan-Rutim approached us with an unfortunate smile.

"Ai = Fa, I'm sorry about earlier."Please forgive me, I'm not taking Asta seriously. ”

"I've already been reminded of that in my earlier words."My thoughts would have been shallow. "

Ai-Fa looked back at Gazlan-Rutim with a slightly shrugged look.

Ghazlan-Rutim's gentle expression drifted into his eyes.

Of course, Ei = Fa will accompany you to the station town, right?

"Hmm. Donda = Luu also said that one of the hunters of the same house should accompany each other."Even if I don't, I don't feel like letting another hunter do the escort work in this situation. ”

"Please be very careful."I don't think there is any mistake in the view that there are few dangers in the station town... but I'm not worried about Asta either. "

"With that in mind, Ghazlan-Rutim can see the bigger picture in the sediment."I think it's quite an imitative behavior for me. "

“Yes, I honestly want to keep Asta locked up in my own house.However, A = Fa will be able to protect Asta in any situation.I think it's more difficult than ever to see Eifa in Asta's midst. ”

That's why Ghazlan-Rutim has been staring at me.

"Asta, please be careful."... we look forward to your safe return by the forest. "

"Yes, and please take care of Ghazlan-Rutim."

I don't know what to be careful about--and without knowing that, we ended up exchanging words like that.

After that, it became possible to prepare the stall for business.

However, not everything was as it should be.The men who accompanied him visited the facade's house in a general election, as they collected more numbers than the opening hours for their next job.

After all, it didn't create that much urgency for the people on the spot.

In any case, the root of the disturbance is the proclamation of star reading, and it is unclear what calamity will come.Rather, people seemed to remember a similar feeling of expectation, whether it was really possible to predict the coming of calamity.

"For us, reading the stars was a long way off.I didn't even see the daughter named Chil-Rim with my own eyes..... "

And the women of Phu said unto them thus.

Probably the majority of these people are also around the forest.It seemed that a difference in consciousness would arise between the person who actually encountered the disturbance and the person who heard it afterwards.

(But I'm sure this isn't about Chill-Rim, but about Dia.)

It was Chil-Rim who had the power of Hoshimi, but we did not witness that power.Rather, it seemed that Dia, who valued the existence of Chill-Rim, was enhancing the credibility of Hoshimi's power.

Hoshimi was originally a type of magic.

I am confused by my lack of understanding, but perhaps "star view" is a type of magic, and the modern technique that has it as its roots is "star reading".Forbidden by the laws of the kingdom is the sorcery of "Star View", and the existence of "Star Reading" is allowed - otherwise, the Sims would not have been able to read the stars much.

The root of the obscurity is probably the presence of Alyshna.

She is a star-reading magician, but she seems to have the power of star-viewing that doesn't stay in that frame.That's why you can see the stars of others naturally - it must be possible to discover at a glance that I am a "people without stars".

There must be plenty of people in your Sims who can read stars.

However, there was a very limited number of stellar viewers who could naturally see the stars of others - including Alyshna, Chill-Rim, and Lilanos of "Gamley's Seat".

Even so, it was Dia who clearly stated that the power of star vision was magic.

It's just magic, so it's not allowed to be exercised until the gods wake up.And the people of the sanctuary put an inscription of a seal to forbid it, and she revealed it unto me.

In other words, if you don't put the inscription of the seal on it, there is a risk that the power of star visualization will be displayed everywhere in the sanctuary.

And since the people of the sanctuary and the people of the kingdom were originally of the same family, it was my interpretation that Chil-Rim grew up surrounded by the dominant instruments of civilization that were considered to exist uncleanly in the sanctuary, and was endowed with the power of star-view as the ancestral return of mutation.

That's why I think.

Rather than Chil-Rim himself, I think people who are more involved with the people of Dia, Tia, and the sanctuary can feel the credibility of the power of Hoshimi.

Me, Ai-Fa and Ghazlan-Rutim have even set foot in Morga's sanctuary.I decided to spend the night with the weird and charming people who lived there.We were experiencing the peculiarities of the people in the sanctuary -- they might not have been surprised to use such a mysterious technique.

(If such wondrous people existed, wouldn't it be strange to think that such a wondrous technique as Hoshimi existed...?)

In any case, it seemed natural for humans who were greatly involved with the people of the sanctuary to have different impressions of the power of star viewing than humans who were not.

Although the people of Fou often kept the tier during the Easter Festival, she did not try to tell a lot about the sanctuary or magic, so the impact was probably minimal.

As a result, the kamado hut of the day was filled with enthusiasm similar to the festive mood somewhere.

Of course, being an innocent people on the edge of the forest, I do not disregard the warnings from the chieftains.Rather, he respected the warnings of the chieftains, so he seemed to remember a strange feeling that today there would be a commotion comparable to a great earthquake.

And many people turned their worried gaze to Klua-Sun.

The words of Sun's patriarch were also to be delivered to all his clans.Until now, only a few humans had been informed that Klua-Sun possessed the predictable power of star vision, so everyone had unexpected concerns and confusion.

"... are you all right, Klua-Sun? I guess I didn't get much sleep yesterday, so even if someone else took turns on the stall duty--"

“No, you can't throw out your role while you're causing this sort of fuss.We'll never bother you, thank you. ”

Today, more than ever, Klua-Sun was on duty at the stall.

Although Klua-Sun was behaving modestly, it was clear that she was experiencing a great deal of exertion.Others never tried to treat Klua-Sun roughly, but it seemed like they didn't know how to handle it.

Then, after just two hours, I'll finish my next job.

In the front, the huntsmen of the guards surrounded the cabin - in the circle, the families of the people of the Pharaoh's house bent over.

Huh? It's unusual for Sachi to be playing together.

The Sachi, who was sitting tightly on Jilbe's back, landed on the ground in a graceful manner when he saw me.

Seeing this figure, Ei = Fa also shouted "Hmph".

"It seems that he is going to accompany Hiccup to the station town."... after all, are you aware of the disturbing atmosphere here? "

"I see. I appreciate the sachi's feelings, but is there any danger?"

When I said that, Sachi screamed, "I'll come."

"There's no reason to be worried about human taste," he said.Well, he could've protected himself.As for me, I was wondering if I should take Jilbe with me... I don't know the true nature of the disaster, so I decided to leave it with Brave and the others at Fow's house. "

Yeah. It could be some kind of Cataclysm.

The nightmare of Klua-Sun was that an unfamiliar monster would exhaust the blessings of Genos, but it was only a metaphor or an abstract expression that could be undeniable.Klua-Sun herself had never dreamed of such a clear vision of the future that she could not make a decision at all.

Then, when we're loading our stuff on the luggage carrier, the Toole-Dinn in their wagon will come.Today's companion was the most ancient stock of Lidl, and one of the guards was his father, Zeidin.

"Good job. I wonder if I can use the Dinn's wagon today?"

"Yes, if you include the men, there will be four people, so we should also give out the luggage carts."...... Ah, Klua-Sun "

Then Tuul-Din rushed to Klua-Sun.

The little hand grabs Klua-Sun's hand.Once a member of Sun's family, Tuul-Din had a relationship with Klua-Sun from an early age.

"Are you all right, Klua-Sun?I've been worried about your story. ”

“It's okay, I'm really sorry I worried you.”

Klua-Sun slashed her silver-gray eyes and grabbed back Tuol-Din's hand.

Side by side, Zei-Din spoke to Ai-Fa.

"Din and Rid decided to accompany us.I don't think we should just protect our own family, but we should protect all the hunters and all the horses. ”

"Hmm, I was thinking that too.I would like to consult with the hunters of Lu beforehand "

The Kamado number for the station town is 8 people at each of the Fa and Lu stalls, and 2 people at the Din stall, for a total of 18 people.Today, an equal number of hunters accompanied them as escorts.

It is worth noting that my brother Mora-Naham is accompanying me as a pair of Marfila-Naham.

And today, Faye-Behm will also be on stand duty.The pair was the eldest brother of Baem, who was also present at the feast of praise, and it seemed that he was calling out to Mora-Naham.

(In times of crisis, I hope the ties between the clans will deepen a little.)

Then, as we headed to Luu's settlement, there were some unexpected people waiting for us.

Yamil-Lay, who was on duty at the stall of the Pharaoh, and his patriarch, Lau-Lay, stood arrogantly.

Oh, yeah? Maybe Lau-Ray will accompany you as an escort?

"Hmm! I'm the one who deserves to live in the same house to escort my family Yamil!"

Because there are many people involved in the stalls, even the blood of Luu, I was asking in the morning how about Yamil-Ray to take over the duty of the other Kamado.I received a reply that it was unnecessary to notice that -- by the way, when the head of the family first applied for an escort role, it was a rare sight to see these days.

"After all, this time, it will be a fuss of star-reading?"Well then, I was hoping that he'd be a little more attentive!Well, even without it, I'm not going to change the escort role! "

"Why am I so carefree?"Please don't say out loud what you don't understand. "

"After all, you were distracted by the results of the star reading, and you were shedding tears!"... ah, it hurts! Don't twist your ears! "

It was more than a year ago, but Yamil-Ray said that Lilanos had read the stars in "Gamley's Seat".

Releasing the ears of the parents, Yamil-Ray snorted, "Hmph" as he put his arms together beneath his rich breasts.

"Whatever happens, it's unlikely that any other clan member would be able to offer themselves as an escort to the parents of the main house."If you do something wrong with Ray's house, you'll get a backhand punch. "

"I used to be an escort too!"Ray has a lot of reliable hunters, so even if I'm away, I won't be in danger! ”

Speaking of which, in the past, the trio of Rud-Lou, Sin-Lou and Rau-Ray was a classic member of the guard.

And today, the three of them seemed to be mixed up.The reason for this is that Limi-Lou and Lara-Lou were included in the stall duty.

In addition, Joe Lang was part of the escort group.

Originally, a hunter from Sudra should have joined as a pair of Yun-Sudra, but Joe-Lan himself begged to be replaced.

"I'm not worried about Yumi in the post town!"I promise you that I will never take the role of a second guard, so thank you very much! "

Lyerfam-Sudra accepted Joe Lang's words.Besides, Sudra has a small number of hunters, so why don't you think that the blood orchid will give you strength, and that's how Burdoo-Fow handled it.

However, Jo-Ran is the only exception, and other clans appear to be accompanied by close relatives as escorts.Lara-Lou and Sin-Lou may be due to the closeness between individuals rather than lineage, but they are still cousins as status.Another pair of mimes was still hosted by the same house, Zeda.

Even the hunter's party is never that pressing.

However, there will be no one who is alarmed.They would have acted as escorts, prepared to do everything in their power to protect their precious compatriots, even if the star reading did not suggest any danger.

So we fled to Izakaya Town, surrounded by reliable hunters.

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