Isekai Ryouridou

Calamity Day (2) - Arrival

As expected, the post town was overflowing with guards.

On the spot, there was a much more pressing air than in the forestside settlement.

"After all, on the same day last year, that 'Amsuhorn turnaround' happened."It would be natural to have a bad feeling about it. "

Milan = Mas, the [Pavilion of the Tail of Kimus], said so at the top of the Buddha.

Milan-Mas, who has lived in Genos for many years, says that there is no reason why there was an event such as a guards exercise in the town other than that day last year.And it shall come to pass, that the people of the city shall be driven with anxiety.

"Normally, the guards are puffing up the air."Then even the people of this town will think that there is something here. "

That's what Milan-Mass said.

Even the guards working at the end have not been informed of a case of star reading.If so, it seemed to them that they were also distracted for the same reason as the people of the city.

(If you ask the guards, they will suddenly announce that they will conduct a major exercise the day before or the day before.That's why last year it started to make such a fuss... that's why I'm worried about you.)

But it would be better if it increased vigilance.

There was no need to be vigilant because I did not know what calamity would befall me.

(But what's going to happen?)

Klua-Sun said she felt a "black dragon" beyond the dark clouds.

No one knows if it is also a metaphor for the Cataclysm or if there are real criminals who want to bring calamity to Genos.However, the fact that Klua-Sun was deliberately questioning the Evil God Order was alarming to me.

Indeed, Chil-Rim once called the group that took him the "Ash Dragon."

If being a dragon was one of the constellations, I wonder if this time the person holding the "Black Dragon" star was the real culprit -- I didn't think so.

However, without the power of star reading, we can only see with our own eyes whether a calamity will erupt in reality.

With that kind of preparedness, I decided to work on my stall business.

When you open the stalls as usual, the customers are very enthusiastic.

I was totally stirred by the commotion this time, but only three days have passed since the glorification feast.The tasting that I and Tour-Din won was also new to my memory, and the reputation of the forest people's stalls was in the vortex of the eel.

In addition, only the people who experienced last year's devastating earthquake in Genos were anxious in the station town.Customers from distant places who didn't know the situation bought the food with the usual cheerfulness.

"However, it's unsettling to see so many guards out there."I don't know if it's an exercise, but I want you to pull back quickly. "

There were not many customers who talked like that.

The guards are patrolling the streets.Just like last year, guards are being mobilized on the streets connecting Dalai Lama to the bunker town.

"The last time the guards were driven out like this, it was the blue moon, wasn't it?"I want the days to pass safely without anything happening. "

Dora's dad, who held her precious daughter's hand firmly, said so.

Failure to reveal the circumstances to such people is extremely guilty.

But again, we're just imagining things without being told what's going on.The conclusion that was drawn was that “something really could happen,” so it might not actually be much different from the people in the town.

For Arishna saw the great earthquake with the power of star reading, and she made no plain it.

Since the King of Selva hated the art of star reading, this was a helpless story.

(But if the power of star reading is so great, it might be wiser to use that power to protect the country.Is that how Sims incorporate star reading into national politics?)

I thought about it that way, but it was quite a shame.After all, Alishna's grandfather was exiled because he saw the lord's bad future.

If you've been banished from all of your Sims, not just your hometown of Ji, you'll need the permission of the King of the East.If so, even though the stellar reading technique is allowed in Sims, it may have been firmly separated from national government.

(After all, as a kingdom, you can't just let go of the star reading that makes sorcery your roots and welcome it.)

I somehow remembered a bit of loneliness.

The King of Selva hated sorcery, and he could not appreciate the results of the Star Reading, because he felt that everything was rooted in the division between the people of the Kingdom and the people of the Sanctuary.

In addition, the existence of the Evil God Order is also included.

They say that the civilization of sorcery is the right thing to do, and they are a group that is trying to destroy the civilization of the kingdom.While the people of the sanctuary lived in seclusion and awaited the awakening of the god Amshorn, it was said that the Order of Evil Gods was forced to shake the god and dream of the renaissance of the magic civilization.

I heard that magic was once abundant in this world and that a magical civilization had been built.

So the magic of the earth has withered, and the people have built a new civilization of stone and steel - only some people are awaiting the awakening of the gods as a people of the sanctuary.

It must have been an inevitable fate in itself.

But after about 600 years, maybe something's distorted?The symbol should not have seemed to be an evil god sect.

Vermes said this was the right fate.

When the gods awakened, the people of the kingdom and the people of the sanctuary gave us such hope that a new era would arrive in which two civilizations met again.

When that era arrives, it is now that we can join hands with the Tiers.

Even Chill-Rim will be able to live without anyone's eyes opening.

And --- it was the existence of the Evil God Sect that was trying to overthrow such hope from the bottom up.

They hate the civilization of the kingdom because of their magic.That's why I was able to imitate you so badly to get Chill-Rim.

I wonder if the Evil God Sect was making such a fuss this time -- whether it was wet or wet, I couldn't get rid of such anxiety.

"...... Master Asta, I'm glad you're so strong."

That kind of word brought me back to reality.

Automatically doing the stall work, I find there the figure of a large young man who can swim with his eyes wide open.It was none other than the Guardian Militia, who was suspended from duty.

“Welcome, are you off to work today?”

He is doing his duty in the castle town, where his shoulder wounds can hardly be healed.Recently, we were often invited to the castle town, so we often met Gardell.

However, he replied with a soft voice, "No..."

"Well, I was actually scheduled to work today... but I made a false declaration that I was not feeling well, and I was forced to take a leave of absence."

"False declaration? Why are you doing this again?"

"That's right... there was such a disturbance last year when the Guardian Militia exercises were conducted like this, right?"That's why... I'm worried about Asta-sama... "

I was dumbfounded by those words.

Thankfully, this young man doesn't know his heart at all right now, but strangely, he seems to care about my end.The reason for this is not clear, so I was quite surprised when I did this.

"But today, you seem to be bringing more huntsmen than usual."I'm sure this won't be my curtain.... I mean, I'm sorry I can't help you now that I'm out of style.Please don't worry about me, and encourage me to work. "

Then Gardel bought some food and retreated to the Blue Sky Cafeteria.

Ei = Fa, who was sitting by my stall, was approaching me with a wandering face.

"It looks like that guy is still the same."I don't think I'm lying to you that I care about Asta's safety... but I can't help but calm down because I don't know what's inside me. "

"Yeah, I feel that way too."Well, as long as you care about me like that, I appreciate it. "

"...... you're the most attractive person I've ever met."

And finally, it was Ei = Fa who whispered and left it like that, stirring my heart.

"Ah, Yumi! It's so nice to finally meet you!"

And now, Jo = Lan, who was waiting behind the next stall, rushed in with such a voice.

Yumi, who was trying to buy the food from your stall, looks back at Jo-Ran in surprise.

"Ah, what are you doing here?"Wasn't the role of Ryada-Ruu and Barsha the most recent guard? "

"No, we were also driven out today because of this noise in the station town."Well, I volunteered myself. "

While speaking like that, Joe-Lan laughed more clearly than ever.I must have been relieved to see that Yumi was safe.Yumi's face turned red again after this ambush.

"You mean the guards?"It's not like the guards are causing the earthquake. "

"No, not the earth is trembling, but there is a possibility of another calamity..."

"Jo-Ran" and Yun-Sudra, who worked at your stall, stretched out a smile.

Joe-Lan looks at Yun-Sudra and Yumi as he feels like a soothed dog.

"... In this case, it makes you feel very incapable of being a town person.I hope you can give Yumi a wedding soon... "

"Ah, you're not slapping me in the middle of the day!"

“No, I know. I'm going to wait until all of Yumi's remnants are gone.We need to deepen our ties with Samsung and Syl as well, so that we can allay our anxieties..... "

"Hey, hey, guys! I said shut your mouth!"Yun-Sudra, cook for two!We got out of business, too, so we need to get back! "

"Huh! Is Yumi leaving already?"... what should I do? I'm not allowed to leave this place. ”

"There's nothing you can do about it!"You're always weird, but today is more than usual! "

Yumi walked away in anger.

This will be part of the evil that has befallen the people of the city.Joe-Lan was watching Yumi's back as he dropped his shoulders.

With Jomtien approaching, our stalls are getting busier.

If you don't even care about the number of guards coming and going, it's as usual.Sachi, who had accompanied me to the crack, had also been yawning at my feet.

"Excuse me, I'd like your food in this dish for six people."

And that's how the voice of the clear and tense boy told me.

He is a boy who serves as the small surname of His Highness the Dakarmas.Since yesterday, these people have been visiting for street food.

There are several nieces in the same shape, and they are buying all the food.It was watched by southern martial arts officers in plain clothes who stood out from the crowd.I didn't realize how busy it was, but there must be a fine Totos car parked at the entrance to the town.His Highness the Dakarmas had bought a quantity of food that could not be eaten alone with Princess Dershare and had it transported to the castle town.

His Highness Dakarmas has already declared that he will return within ten days of the feast of praise.

Princess Dershare told me that she would stay in Genos to learn cooking techniques - and finally, the day of farewell to the cheerful prince is approaching.

(But... if Genos were to suffer a terrible disaster today... would His Highness Dakarmas still allow Princess Del Share to stay?)

If this was a natural disaster such as a major earthquake, it might not be a hindrance.

However, if it was a man-made disaster brought about by a malicious person, it seemed normal to think that we could not keep our precious daughter.

(I think I'd better do that for your own safety... but Princess Dell Share will be disappointed.)

When I thought like that, another group of familiar people arrived.

He's an architect, led by Baran's darling.

"Hey Asta, this is a funny commotion today."I don't want to, but I remember last year's earthquake. "

Ardath laughed cheerfully and said so.

Even if we come to the same conclusion as the people of the town, the generous personality of the south will spill it out.The other faces were always touching each other, and their eyes were shining as they tried to fill their bellies with which dish.

"The people in the town are frightened to think they might get another earthquake."Well, Asta's house has just been rebuilt, so don't worry, but don't hesitate to let me know if you have any problems. "

“Thank you, and please be careful.”

"Yeah. Whatever happens, there's no such thing as a fool falling off the roof."Because we're usually concerned about that kind of thing. "

The cheerful smiles of Ardath made me feel the same as Joe Lang.

No matter what you say, the concealment does not stop you from feeling guilty.If the people we were close to were to suffer any actual harm, we would feel even more guilty.

(I'm sure Mulstein has a feeling that he can't compare to this.)

Malstein, the lord, is in a position to hide the truth from all the territories.

Still, Malstein is mobilizing his guards to prepare for everything.They were trying to protect the Reigns from Selva's king.

(If only Alyshna and Klua-Sun's predictions were out of the question... would it be possible for Klua-Sun to miss Alyshna's star reading anyway?)

Klua-Sun is doing her job by my side.On the surface, it was calm and he did his job well.

But she must be as worried as I am.If a calamity occurs, it will prove that more predictive power has been shown to me than ever before, and if a calamity does not occur, it will only leave the awkwardness of disturbing people's hearts and minds unnecessarily.No matter how she fell, her mind should be far from peace.

(The only salvation was that Chil-Rim had left Genos.I wonder if it's time to join up with "Gamley's Seat".

And when I had such a thought - Sachi said, "Nah!And I ran up my back, and I = Fa said, "What's that?”he exclaimed tightly.

I noticed that all the hunters around me were looking in the south direction.

And even in traffic, about half of the people are looking in the same direction.

Sachi, who had my shoulders on a stepping stone, was groaning in the depths of her throat.I'm sure she's looking in the same direction as everyone else.

I looked back to the south and saw something unexpected.

Klua-Sun, who worked next to her, sheds her wooden plates on the ground as she squeezes her sad voice, “Oh...”

”Oh no... this is what I saw in my dream...”

Klua-Sun dreams of dark clouds breaking into Genos.

Sure enough, dark clouds and all sorts of beings were spread across the sky.

The clear blue sky is engulfed by dark shadows from the south.

It was as if the rainy season had come again - no, it was a pitch-black dark cloud that was hard to see even in the rainy season.

"Well, what is it?" Is it going to rain heavily?Or maybe it's Kaminari...? "

When I snorted like that, Ei = Fa answered "no" in a harsh voice.

"That's not a cloud."I still don't know what shape it is... Klua-Sun, did you dream that Genos would be attacked by a horde of monsters? "

Klua-Sun shook her head weakly and almost crawled into the spot.

Ei = Fa grabbed her arm with a powerful fingertip.

"Hang on! You were right to say that a disaster has arrived!"...... Asta, put out the stall fire- "

Ei = Fa's voice was overshadowed by the screams echoing from the passage.

The people lined up in the stall are cracked like Moses' Ten Commandments.From that gap, I was able to find the presence that made them scream.

"W-what the hell is that...?"

It was Levi who worked at the next door stall that crushed him like that.

There's no word for me.It seemed that the brain was refusing to recognize the meaning of the object that was there.

An extremely creepy creature is crawling through the stone streets.

A large hind leg folded into a ku-shape on the elongated torso.

Four front legs with fine thorns.

Two tactile sensations grow in the head, and the eyes are mesh-like compound eyes.

It was not falling apart, it was like a bummer.

However, the size can be as large as 50 cm or more.It was a lot bigger than the sachi in my head.

The surface of his body has an ominous black shade.

In the mouth on the underside of the face, something like a fang grown sideways was meshed with the chin.

I can't read my mind from the double-eyed gaze of what it is like to be pushed by people's gaze of fear and confusion.That inorganic atmosphere of refusing to communicate with others threatened my reason above all else.

"...... Asta, stand back."

While grabbing my arm, Ei = Fa whispered like that.

When I lost half of myself and tried to obey the words...

"Wow, ahhh!" With the beastly scream, a huge figure leaped under the giant bump.

It's a girdle.

Gardel, who had already finished cooking, rushed out from the direction of the Blue Sky Cafeteria.

In his hand was a chair with stumps used in the cafeteria.

And Gardell took the chair and smashed the head of the giant butterfly.

The blow shattered the head of the giant butterfly, and the black mucus scattered through the streets.

Still, Gardell swung down the chair twice or three times and continued to wield his power until the giant butterfly was gone.

"Lady Asta, please run!" This is not the only monster! "

Such a fussy girdle was in the shape of a frenzy, and it was a monster because of the fluttering bodily fluids.

And---Gardell's behavior pushed the frightened people into a state of panic.

"Damn it! I'm causing an unnecessary commotion..."

Ei = Fa almost held my body with one arm and ran his gaze around me.

Then, Jo-Ran, who had the eyes of a hunter, covered Yun-Sudra's body and said, "I = Fa!It's called. "

"From behind, I feel an unfamiliar sign!"As he said, there isn't one monster! "

"I know. I thought I should leave the cargo bay, but now I can't even run Totos."

Then, Rudo rushed towards us, who was humbled by Rimi = Ruu's small body.

"Hey! I don't want to see you waiting!"Kamadho, throw them all on the luggage carrier! "

"Hmm. But it looks like the monster is hiding in the bush."With this street, you can't even keep the wagon away from the bushes. "

"Still, it would be easier to protect it by packing it in the luggage carrier!"They're attacking humans too! "

Looking at it, Rudo = Ruu was sweeping with the opposite hand, and his blade was wet with black mucus.

"But one of them is a big enemy!"Besides, that's not a lot of flow!Most of them tried to get down on the ground even further ahead! "

I accidentally looked up at the southern sky in the face of a terrible chill.

The black shadow that covered the heavens disappeared as if it were an illusion.But that fact made me even more confused.

"I can't believe it... the shadows were all a herd of giant slugs...?"

"What? Is that their name?"Anyway, they all fell to the ground while we were making noise....... I think it's going to be a bad thing around Sauti's settlement. "

The blessings of Genos are being consumed from the south.

When I was reminded of the meaning of Klua-Sun's prophecy, I felt my spine freezing.

"Anyway, you guys stay locked up on the luggage carrier!"I won't worry about Sutti until I get through this! ”

Rudo! Tara and the others must come too!

Rudo = Ru was holding Rimi = Ruu and pulling his brother's clothes around his chest.

With the eyes of a hunter in his eyes, Rudo-Lou spilled white teeth in his usual expression.

"Of course. Don't worry about it, little Limi."... now, don't hold back!Let's get rid of all the monsters and get back to the forest! "

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