Isekai Ryouridou

Memories of Ghazlan = Rutim ⑤ ~ End ~

On the spot, there was a heavy silence.

It is no longer possible to understand each other through dialogue. Everyone was so convinced.

Alishna whispered sharply.

"The star chart was disturbed." Victory, inversion, ruin... it's a sign. "

"Now, that's enough talking," said Devias, putting his hand on the sword at his waist.

At that time, a number of shoe sounds approached from behind.

"Commander! Augus has been wiped out!" There have been some injuries, but no deaths! ”

The Platoon Leader's voice will tell you that.

Then the patriarch of the Order of Evil Gods laughed madly.

"If we were to be defeated even by Augus, our fate would be so much more... then we would have no choice but to sacrifice our souls to the god of life, Kettua, and purify this land alone..."

"Let's go! All armies charge!"

Under Devias' orders, all the soldiers and hunters set foot among the Muslims.

But before we got there, the Muslims sitting on the rug - with a black stone dagger taken out of their nostrils - poked their throats.

"We can't spoil anything...!"

The Patriarch of the Order of the Evil God did the same to himself.

In the cave, there was a thick smell of blood.

And the darkness around us turned into a myriad of snakes.

"Oh, what is it?" Where did these snakes come from! "

Both the hunters and the soldiers rushed to wield their swords.

Until then, we didn't sense any sign of the snake. It really seemed to me that the darkness had turned into a snake.

A swarm of pitch-black, gloss-free scales leapt at us from all directions.

Eventually, a snake came down from the ceiling and screamed at the soldiers.

Everyone has no choice but to defend themselves, with both Devias and Forta wielding their swords. Alishna and Klua-Sun were protected by Sun's eldest brother and several hunters.

"I can't stand this!" It seems that all the members of the Evil God Order have returned their souls, so there is no reason to stay in such a place anymore! "

Ravitz's eldest brother chanted like that, but the snake that attacked him from one day to the next couldn't help but move.

And then the inside of the cave started ringing.

"This time it's an earthquake!" If this is also witchcraft, I've seen it! "

"Hey, wait... what's that?"

Someone from the huntsman let out a confused voice.

I felt like I was gripping my heart with a cold hand, and I looked back at my side - and there I saw something strange.

It's two blue ghost fires floating in the dark.

It was about the size of a human head, burning in a round shape.

It's like a gigantic pair of eyes.

The moment I saw that shine, my whole body was standing upside down.

It's like you've seen something you should never have seen - and you're in such a daze.

I'm sure it was the same for the people around us.

Many of the soldiers were tied up in motion and screamed by the black snake that pierced the gap.

"... you really think the evil god has come back?"

Ravitz's eldest brother fired an arrow at you.

The arrows were sucked into one of the ghost fires - and at the same time, they roared like lightning. The caverns are ringing harder and harder.

Then something huge and black ran through the void with the same momentum as Gibba's rush - and it crashed into Ravitz's eldest brother's body.

Ravitz's eldest brother blows the contents of the quiver into the darkness. What attacked Ravitz's eldest brother - it seemed to me that it was a black snake's tail, much thicker than a human's torso.

However, the two ghost fires floating in the dark are bigger than human heads.

If that was really the eye, the body would be a giant snake with the head alone. That's all, my head refused to understand.

I wonder if my confusion has slowed my movements.

I was almost unconsciously defeating a swarm of black snakes, but I was delayed in detecting that a huge black object was approaching me.

"Watch out!", I'm pushed to the ground.

Instead, it was Deal = Die who was attacked by a black object.

"Deal = Die! Are you alright!?"

I rushed over as I turned away from the black snake that was about to swarm over to you.

Falling to the bedrock, Deal-Die groans as he holds down his chest. Perhaps you've been hit by a bullet.

"I'll be fine... Please do something to get rid of that monster... Ghazlan = Rutim will be able to do it...?"

When I lost my words, Ratz and Auro's hunters rushed over.

"We'll protect him!" You do something about that monster! That's not the kind of opponent you can do something about! "

Is it because I just figured out how to take care of Augus? Even the hunters of the Rats said so.

There, Lyellpham-Sudra rushes in.

"It's Ghazlan-Rutim. It would be extremely dangerous to turn your back on something like that and run away. I'll take over the role, so I want you to do something about it in the meantime."

That said, Lyerfam-Sudra rushed towards the blue ghost fire. I ran and shot an arrow.

The arrow followed the same trajectory as Ravitz's eldest brother and sounded like lightning again. After all, this was the scream of the monster's bitterness.

Something like a black storm immediately strikes Lyerfam-Sudra.

Lyerfam-Sudra avoided it with great agility.

"I see! You were mad at my arrow earlier!" In that case, it was worth the pain! "

At the same time, a new arrow was pointed at the monster.

Ravitz's eldest brother, who was bleeding from his head, shot the arrow he had picked up.

In addition, Lyerfam-Sudra unleashes new arrows. The monster got angry and started chasing both names with something like a giant tail.

"They're just imitators!" Do you think that just the two of you can do something about it? "

Diggdo = Luu, who gave up his sword, rushed to both names.

A black shadow hit you, too - and Diggdo-Lew slashed it back.

"Oh, you're as powerful as Gibba!" But as long as the sword isn't broken, we can do something about it! If you're confident in your strength, help us! ”

Dom's men led the way, and the big hunters rushed in. Hunters like Zaza, Jean, Mamme, and Gaz.

I thought I'd head there, too, but Ratz's crowd stopped it.

"You, put your head to work!" That creature seems to have a habit of making some kind of move! Wouldn't you be able to read it? "

He must have been a hunter's instinct and sensed it.

I turned away from the crawling black snakes and looked hard.

Certainly, there seemed to be some form of movement of the Great Serpent's tail.

Ryerfham-Sudra and Ravitz's eldest brother are similarly arrowheaded, but Ravitz's eldest brother seems more stubbornly targeted.

Moreover, among the hunters who rushed to the aid, only the men of Jean and Gaz seemed not to be targeted at all.

Lyerfam-Sudra, a crowd of Jean and Gaz. Common among the three is a torch. The other men had already thrown out the torch, but Lyerfam-Sudra was holding the torch with an arrow, and the men of Jean and Gaz were holding the torch so that they could count on the eyes of their compatriots.

"Fire... maybe that monster hates fire!"

When I spoke up like that, I said, "Fire!" There was someone who answered. It appears to be Devias.

"If it's a fire, it's burning red over there!" All right! Bring the fire to the monster if you can move! "

"Huntsmen, please fortify your soldiers!" Diggdo = Luu! You too, use the torch-- "

"Don't be ridiculous! What do you do when the shields are tightened up? Abandon such things, you too!"

Jean and the gang of Gaz men tried to throw away the torch.

There, Lyellpham-Sudra said, "Wait!”.

"Just throwing it away will be a big deal." If that's the case-- "

Lyellpham-Sudra threw a torch towards the blue ghost fire.

A torch is sucked between a ghost fire and a ghost fire - it screams like a lightning strike.

"This certainly seems to hate fire!" But we're going to need a lot of fire to get rid of this thing! "

"This one's got a sword, too!" Like everyone in the Evil God Order and the people in the Sanctuary, they may hate steel! "

Digdo-Lou answered, barking.

"Take down both fire and steel!" Gazran-Rutim, if you're done with your mind, do your best! ”

Got it! "As I responded, I was aiming for the ghost fire, not for Diggdo-Ru.

My flesh warned me not to get close to anything like that - no matter how much I hurt my tail, it wouldn't be enough to get rid of me. I had to set an example for the soldiers who were trying to carry the bonfire.

Then, as I tried to approach, a new black snake was born and emerged.

And now it's a snake as gigantic as a madam. His body was wrapped in black scales and his eyes were burning blue.

Oh, it's new again!

With such a voice, a new group of people came to me. These are the hunters, the blood of Souti.

When we were dealing with the Black Snake, the soldiers carrying the bonfires and the hunters guarding them approached.

Alright! I'll take care of the rest!

The men of Souti received one of the bonfires and threw it towards the ghost fire.

The cauldron is scattered as if it had hit a black wall, spreading red flames. If that ghost fire was the monster's gaze, it was not strange that its appearance was already lit by the flame - but the darkness around the ghost fire was too black to reveal its identity.

"I hate that monster!" Throw him all the flames! "

Devias' orders will cast the remaining fires one after the other.

Each time, the blue ghost fire flashed in agony and screamed at the sound of the cave.

"Fuck you!"

Diggd-Lou turned around and rushed toward the ghost fire.

I also slash the black snake and chase after it.

Every time I take a step closer to a ghost fire, my heart hurts to be pinned down.

It is as if my instincts as a living being are refusing to approach that being.

I'm sure Diggd-Lou would have felt the same way.

Still, we rushed to the ghost fire with cowardice, prepared to be a hunter.

The fiery flames are scattered throughout, covering the darkness around us.

Only around that ghost fire was the darkness of pitch black left.

Seeing the darkness as the head of a monster, we swung down our swords.

With a sticky response, the air shuddered - and I felt death.

The darkness has been trying to cover me and Diggdo-Lou.

Perhaps a giant dark snake opened its mouth, but since the inside of its mouth was pitch black, it only seemed to be covered in darkness.

I pushed my sword into the darkness just to make a last stand.

Diggd-Lou acted in the same way.

The scream of bitterness resounds again.

And I felt the weight on my shoulders.

Lyerpham-Sudra jumped on my shoulder.

Next to him, Ravitz's eldest brother was riding on Diggd-Lou's shoulder.

That's why they shot arrows at the monster's eyes from above our shoulders.

More screams than ever before shook the cave.

We fall backwards in a hurricane-like fashion.

Lyerfam-Sudra, who had stood on the ground in a single spin in the air, exclaimed.

"Arrows are not enough!" Slay that eye! "

However, the demon fire was rising high enough that I could not reach it even when I raised my sword.

Seeing that, Lyerfam-Sudra went round to me.

Realizing his intentions, I got up, kicked the ground and jumped on Lyerfam-Sudra's shoulder. Another kick on Lyerfam-Sudra's shoulder and a blue ghost fire looms in front of her.

It's a giant fire, bigger than my head.

There was endless hatred, and more madness than the hungry Giba, and hunger seemed to burn there.

I slashed the demon fire with every fear that flooded my body.

On the other side of the ghost fire, Digdo = Lou waved his sword.

The demon fire that was cut off was shattered in the darkness---

The cave finally began to collapse.

"Retreat! Help the wounded, retreat!"

Following Devias' voice, we set out for the exit of the cave.

In time, the swarm of black snakes had disappeared. Did you defeat all the black snakes, or did the black snakes disappear with the extinction of the ghost fire? - I had no way of confirming that, nor was I worried about such a thing.

Relying on the torch lights of several humans, we run through the sounding caves.

Even the unstable rocks were shaking heavily, and the soldiers were tipping over again and again.

With that in mind, as we headed for the exit - a shattered rock was finally pouring down from overhead.

Really, it's like a nightmare.

But when I saw the light of the exit on my way, and I thought that this nightmare would finally come to an end - right behind me, I heard the screams of the women.

It was Klua-Sun who screamed.

But it was not she who was in trouble, but her brother and Alishna. Sun's eldest brother, who was running with Alyshna in his arms, fell deeper than a human's back.

As I crawled to the ground and reached out, Sun's eldest brother put his hands on Alishna's sides and lifted her like a baby. So I managed to grab Alyshna's hand and pull her up to the ground.

"Alishna is fine now!" You too, hurry up! "

"No... it looks like I've been struck in the leg." You can't even wake up anymore. Before the cave collapses, you-- "

Before Sun's eldest brother could tell me everything, I threw myself into the bottom of the rift.

Just like him, I put my hands on both sides and looked up over my head, and I saw Diggd-Lou's old wounded face.

Well, if you lose your life in a place like this, your soul will lose its place.

I lifted up the body of Sun's eldest brother and entrusted it to Digdo-Ru.

It's not difficult for me to crawl up on my own. When he returned to the ground, Klua-Sun was taken by his brother, and Alyshna was crawling into the ground.

“What are you doing! The cave won't work anymore!"

And a huge figure leaped in from behind the lights. This is Forta, who was the first to escape. Forta rushed in a terrific shape, scooping up Alyshna without saying anything.

Diggdo-Lou lent his shoulders to Seung's eldest brother, and as he tried to reach the exit of the cave - several soldiers rushed from behind.

"No one else has escaped late!" Let's get out of here! "

It was Devias' voice. Apparently, he had only a few soldiers with him in his tail.

We got entangled and jumped into the light.

Then, the cave collapsed behind it, the moment it was enveloped by the refreshing sunlight and atmosphere.

The Evil Order's followers, the Augus' rodents, and the herd of black snakes - all of the bodies buried beneath the rocks.

Or perhaps that snake was a fleshless demon? We can no longer confirm that.

The outside world was quiet, as the turmoil of the past seemed to be a lie.

Since we marched early in the morning, we haven't even reached Jomtien yet. The sun floated on the east side, giving us a warm glow as if it were nodding over us.

"Hmm, it's finally over!" I still have the unpleasant job of finishing off Hida's eggs, but I'll leave that to you later! "

Devias raised his voice and flipped over the ground.

"The captain confirms the injured person by a roll call!" When you're done, give them the smoke to complete the mission!...... Sir Ghazlan-Rutim, I need you to confirm the damage. "

"I understand." At least it seems that no one has ever been so deeply involved in life. ”

The hunters around the forest were breathing roughly enough to beat the soldiers, but Deal-Die was the only one lying on the ground. I can't wait to make sure that his family, Len's men, were there to help him.

Then Sun's eldest brother hurt his right leg, and Ravitz's eldest brother had a deep laceration on his head, but no one else seemed to have had noticeable hand injuries.

"All the dark clouds have cleared... now it's all over."

Klua-Sun, who was holding back her brother, tweeted in a quiet voice.

Alishna, who had been carried so far by Forta's hand, responded with a quiet voice, "Yes."

"Star chart, right shape, I got it back. The end of the egg is about to be disposed of, but there is no longer a presence that interrupts it. The Order of Evil Gods that was nesting in this land has perished.”

"Yes... this is the right phase of the world, isn't it?"

It seems that Klua-Sun has lost the textile she was wearing from her head in this disturbance.

But she was not afraid of the wind, she was holding her head up.

Alyshna stares at Klua-Sun's face like that.

"... is the glow of the stars terrifying?"

"No... it's like the world is shining." There's nothing frightening about it at all. ”

Kurua-Sun, who answered like that, had a clear smile on her face.

And with the same smile, you look back at me.

"Ghazlan-Rutim, thank you for earlier. Thanks to you, my brother won't be able to return his soul.”

“No, it's only natural that we work hand in hand with our fellow countrymen. We were able to get out of this with the help of all of us here.”

"Yes," said Klua-Sun's eyes, slightly weeping.

So her silvery-gray eyes shined even more beautifully - but there were no shadows of anxiety or distress.

Is there already a hopeful end in her eyes?

But no matter what, even if I don't have the power to read stars, it's not difficult to live with hope in my heart. Why can't the people of the Order of the Evil Gods face the world with such warmth? - With such a sadness in one corner of my heart, I felt the compatriots waiting by the edge of the forest.

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