Isekai Ryouridou

The joy of reunion

"... After that, we cleared the rocks that blocked the way, rendezvoused with the other soldiers, disposed of the Hida eggs, and followed our way home."

Gazlan-Rutim closed the long, long story with such words.

It was late afternoon on the day the expedition returned to Genos. After I finished doing business at the stall, I let myself be interrupted by the village of Rutim.

Relaxing in the same room are the family of the main house of Rutim - Dan = Rutim, Ra = Rutim, Ama Min = Rutim, Zedias = Rutim, Zwei = Rutim, Aura = Rutim. Besides, it's me and Ey = Fa. I thought I was sorry to interrupt my family's unpretentious time today, but I still rushed out of patience.

Thirty-six hunters have returned to their homes with some injuries. The most sophisticated was Diehl-Diehl, who had broken a number of balustrades when he covered Gazlan-Rutim.

After that, Ravitz's elder brother suffered a laceration to the point of sewing on his head, but he seemed to enjoy a fruit drink every night on the way home, so there was probably no problem. Lyerfam-Sudra and Digdo-Lew were also slightly injured by a rockfall as they ran away from the crumbling cave, but they were told not to worry at all.

"Thank you very much for your hard work, Ghazlan-Rutim. I'm sorry I pushed you to the point of exhaustion.”

"No, fatigue hasn't completely healed in the last three days. Rather, running Totos is just so much more powerful.”

Gazlan-Rutim, who spoke like that, smiled calmly, as I knew, with a slight hint of colour.

Ama Min-Rutim, who was holding Zedius-Rutim, also smiled happily. And we, Dan-Rutim, were shining our eyes like children.

"But it was a strange thing to see!" What was the last damn monster? Was it a big snake with eyes as big as a human's head? "

"I don't know. Astrologer Alishna called her... the Shadow of the Evil God." The Evil God Cult said that by dedicating their lives, they seem to have revealed the shadows of the evil gods in this world... but it doesn't seem to make sense to us. ”

"Hmph! These damn people are ruining themselves again!" Are you sure you don't survive anymore? "

“Yes, Alishna assured me that. It seems that the faction that believed in the serpent god Kettleua in that land died without a single breath.”

Ghazlan-Rutim looked around at us with clear eyes as he spoke like that.

"In Genos, it seems that all Hida has been eliminated." I'm glad Hida finished in less than half a month. ”

"Hmmm! I told you that I was going to lay eggs in the river, so I carefully checked them out!" You can no longer see that figure around the forest! "

"It seems that the completion of the extermination of Hida was announced in the station town this morning." The Ghazran-Rutim people are back, so it's been such a commotion. ”

When I told him so, Ghazlan-Rutim smiled, "Oh."

"That was really a big commotion." It seems like the town is busier than it was on Easter... I think it was so enthusiastic that I couldn't beat the feast on the edge of the forest. ”

"Yes. That's all, everyone was upset by the calamity caused by the Evil God Order." The expeditionary forces that uprooted it have returned safely, so it must be a burst of joy. It's the same with me. "

Having said that, I decided to let you tell me the suspicions that were in my mind.

"But is Ghazlan-Rutim really all right? Somehow... I don't seem to be feeling well at all."

“Yes, there is absolutely nothing left of the exhaustion of the journey. However... the odiousness of the Evil God Order may have cast a shadow over my heart."

Having said that, Ghazlan-Rutim smiled even more harshly.

“I couldn't finally understand them. There may be things in this world that you can't help...... but I think about it thoughtlessly."

"Mindless?" Ra = Rutim opened his mouth with a grin. He was the elder of Rutim, with a white mustache hanging from his bun to his chest.

Looking back at the hawk's gaze, Ghazlan-Rutim responds "Yes".

"There are still several sects of evil gods hiding in this world. I'm sure I won't be able to understand them either... If I were to face each other, I would have no choice but to slay them as enemies. Why do we have to fight like that between humans who have received life on the same continent, Amsuhorn? That's why we have to be careless."

But you must be fighting with the people of the kingdom over the kingdom.

"Yes, but it was revealed this time that even the hostile eastern and southern peoples would have a hand in front of the Order of the Evil Gods." So far, the Order of Evil Gods has been recognized as an absolute evil. Also, I sincerely think that the existence of the Evil God Church is abhorrent. The people in the sanctuary who worship the same gods seem so desirable... only the existence of the Evil God Order can be abhorred. I feel sorry for it. ”

"... you must be too sensitive and too gentle in your roots, Gazran."

Ra-Rutim gave a soft smile on his tight face.

"In other words, you must be disappointed in yourself because you hate others." However, since this is the work of all humans, you don't have to worry about being sick. "

"Damn it! We don't have to forgive those who imitate us so badly!" If Ghazlan hadn't called himself "Gazran," I would have gone to the Crusade! ”

Dan-Rutim laughed at Gahaha and slapped his loving back.

"Besides, such anguish will eventually disappear!" Then even more so, you don't have to bother your head! "

“When will it go away? What does that mean?”

"I wonder if it would be a grief for them to wake up the gods?" But I'm not saying that the Daijin will wake up on their own! If they achieve their goal, they won't have a reason to do anything wrong! ”

"Oh, I see... but they may still hate the Four Kingdoms even when the Great Gods wake up." Then, I decided to manipulate magic to harm the kingdom. "

"You're the one who keeps struggling!" In that case, those who live in that era will have no choice but to bother their heads! That could be part of Zedius's role. "

And Dan-Rutim smiled melancholy, and poked Zedius-Rutim's cuddly cheek as he slept.

"If Zedius inherits your wisdom, I may be able to do well with the Evil Gods!" Or, if you resemble me, you will not hesitate to take my sword! No matter what, we could only defeat this calamity by fighting! Keep your chest up, there's no need to be reckless! The people of Genos are now blessing you! ”

"That's right. I agree with Dan-Rutim."...... Ghazlan = Rutim is really too sensitive, so I'm sure we can feel the heartlessness and pain that we don't understand. "

“No way,” Ghazlan-Rutim smiled shyly.

And stroke my beloved child's hair with the tip of his finger, like Dan = Rutim.

“I should be proud to be able to protect the lives of my loved ones right now. I'm sorry I brought up such a dark story.”

“No, I'm the one who's been stalking you so don't worry about it.”

Even the story of Ghazlan-Rutim alone made me feel that the horror of the Evil God Order was mixed. Gazlan-Rutim, who actually faced it, was devastated by its poisonous presence. Now, I wanted to spend a warm time with my family and relieve my tiredness.

Well then, it's time for us to--

And when I said so, the rounded sachi next to me shouted, "Naa", and the earthen Jilbe also barked briefly, "Wahu."

It looks like someone from the forest has come by in a wagon.

Ei = Fa, who was holding the sword, sharpened her eyes with her bare hands.

Dan Rutim said, "Hmm?" and leaning his head, he grabbed the sword and stood up.

"I wonder if it's the people in the castle town again." I'll see how it goes, so it's nice for everyone to relax. "

However, it wasn't until Dan-Rutim went out. The visitor knocked on the door of the main house in Rutim.

"Um! My name is Rico the Puppeteer!" Is Asta and Ai-Fa here? "

That nostalgic voice amazed me.

Dan-Rutim also said, "Ho ho!” he exclaims.

"Was it you guys!" I'm going to open the door now! "

When Dan-Rutim opened the door, it was lined with nostalgic faces.

Rico the Puppeteer, Belton the Guardian, and Van-Deiro. After confirming my figure from the side of Dan-Rutim, Rico immediately spread a glowing smile.

"Asta! You're safe!" I'm glad you're doing well! ”

"That's why even in the town, they said they were out on the stalls." I wonder if you're all right now, or if you're all right. "

When Belton put in the tea like that, Rico said, "Shut up!” He lifted his eyebrows. Even though Rico is very polite, Belton has no mercy.

"Ah, I'm sorry for the sudden noise!" I heard from the people who worked in the hut at Fa's house that Asta and Ai = Fa were here.... "

"Hmmm! Go up anyway!" After that, I'd like you to perform the puppet show again! "

Dan-Rutim received swords and swords from Van-Deilo and Belton, and invited three guests to the hall.

"It's my first time, Rico." It's been about half a year since the silver moon, I guess. "

"Yes! It looks like Asta and everyone around the forest are still the same, which is really nice!"

Rico seemed quite exhilarated. Looking at him, Ai-Fa nodded.

I'm sure you were upset to hear about the calamity that befell Genos somewhere.

"Yes, that's right!" I've heard stories all over town! The calamity that struck Genos was Hida! ”

"If it's Hida, that's right, humans won't be attacked." It's stupid that I rushed here in five days. "

Gazlan-Rutim reacted to Belton's words.

"Did you just say that it will be five days?" Has the story of Genos been told so far? ”

"Ah, yes, before that, we were talking in the villages of the free reclaimers."

When Rico repeated his words, we were beaten by new surprises.

It was said that Riko and the others had encountered the people of the Free Explorer who had been flooded by the river.

"Those people are going to flee into the open lands in the west." So it seemed like a bunch of monsters flew in the direction of Genos, so we rushed. ”

"Was that so?" I met people in the town of Jagal who had fled the village. ”

"Huh! So the hunter on the edge of the forest who was on his way to crusade against the Evil God Order was Ghazran-Rutim!"

Rico is Rico and seems to be stuck in another surprise.

Well, when Genos arrived, he was worried that the station town would be overrun by expeditionary triumphs. This was quite a strange fate.

"Well, that means that it was the Evil God Order that sent Hida to Genos, and Gazran-Rutim and the others went to Jagal to crush it, right?"

"Yes. Did Rico and the others originally know about Hida? It looks like Belton just said that.”

"Ah, yes. It's just a fairy tale... but it's a terrible gateway to Hida!" This is the Evil God Sect! "

And then, after a scream of indignation, Rico tilted her head adorably.

"But why did the Order of the Evil God do such an imitation?" I've heard that the Evil God Order is hiking in the mountains and immersing itself in the rituals of sacrifice. "

"This time, the faction had a grudge against Genos." In the red moon, the party that was in love with Genoso was swept away, so that's the return. "

"A Catholic of the Order of the Evil Gods to Genos?" The Order of Evil Gods is evading the City of Stones, so I don't think they'll ever get close to it..... "

Apparently, Rico, who was curious, was not convinced by the explanation.

Ghazlan-Rutim smiles at the falconry and begins to explain the calamity of the Red Moon in a polite and polite manner. As soon as he heard that, Rico finally glowed with curiosity.

"I see! You found a girl with magical talents in the northern reclaimed lands, and a party of the Evil God Order went to take her!" So, when I stayed in Genos on the way back, the girl ran away and made a big fuss... what a dramatic development that girl was hanging out in Asta's wagon! "

"That's why you can't tailor a puppet show." If you treat it like an evil god sect, it's too dangerous to do anything about it. "

When Bertone clutched his mouth on the top of the Buddha, Rico grabbed his lips and said, "I know."

"But it's amazing how much disturbance has been happening during the six months I've been away from Genos!" After all, Asta is destined to follow the dramatic life! "

"No, I didn't do anything personally, just because Genos was in a complete disaster this time." I had a terrible experience with Ghazlan-Rutim and the others who went on the expedition. "

"That's right. I'm sure it was tailored to be a puppet show... but I can't deal with the Evil God Order anyway." If we were to perform a play in which the Order of Evil Gods would be subdued, we would be targeted..... "

Rico sadly dropped his shoulder.

Seeing that, Dan-Rutim laughed loudly.

"There's no need to make such an abominable story into a play!" Then it would be much more fun for Asta and Tour-Din to be recognized as the best places in Genos! ”

Ai Fa seemed to have stopped Dan Rutim, but Rico had already said, "What?" My eyes were shining.

"Recently, the Prince of Jagal held a tasting party in Genos!" So Asta and Tour-Din, who had won so many victories, were recognized as the best places in Genos! ”

"Prince of Jagal? Tasting? What kind of story is that?"

As Rico pushed himself out, Bertone pulled his head wrapped in the adorable curls.

"That's why it's so quick to put your hands on a new play." Instead, you're training for a new play and preparing for a puppet costume. "

"I know!" But it bothers you! Maybe someday that story will be tailored to a new play! ”

Rico and Belton began to gaze at each other like puppies feeding each other.

Then Ama-Min-Rutim, who was silently watching over the place and its owner, shouted.

"You just said you were training for a new play." Maybe you've made a new play in the last six months? "

"Ah, actually, that's right!" Madual Blessing is such a wonderful fairy tale! If you can get a new puppet costume, I'd love to see it too! "

"If so, I'd like you to perform a different play for today!" Instead of a feast, it's just the right time! "

In the words of Dan-Rutim, Rico said, "Instead of a feast?” He tilted his head.

"Hmm! Now that we're talking about cancelling the feast in the castle town, we're doing the same!" You've been ravaged by the Dalai Mu, so you need to use your ingredients! ”

"Oh, is that so?"... yes, if you enjoy our play, I'd love to see it. ”

"It's settled! Now, let's light up the night in the village of Rutim!" Why don't Asta and the others stay in the cracks too? ”

"Oh, no. We've been taking care of you for half a month at the Luu house, so I'd like to spend today at the Fa's house."

After answering like that, I turned to Rico and the others.

"So, can we invite Rico and the others after tomorrow?" I'm looking forward to the puppet show, but let me know what kind of trip you've been on in the last six months. "

"Yes! Asta, please tell us more about the tasting!"

Rico's gentle smile was soothing the air even more.

After that, Ghazlan-Rutim, who had been sitting still for a while, also shouted.

"So, here's my suggestion... would you like to perform your play at the southern end of Dalai Lama?"

"The southern tip of Dalai Lama? Is it the area that was damaged by Hida?"

"Yes, it seems that the people who dwell there are still in the midst of grief. I think you can expect a reward from the castle town in the name of comforting it.”

Sautti's people are also cooking meals at the request of the castle town. There was supposed to be more or less a labor cost involved in the work.

"I'll take care of the negotiations with the castle town. With your permission, could you stretch your legs to the southern edge of Dalaym? Even a wagon takes more than an hour...."

“Yes, of course! If you buy our arm, we will be happy to sell it to you!”

"Thank you," replied Ghazlan-Rutim, with a very gentle smile.

Having just returned from his mission of crusade, Ghazlan-Rutim immediately took care of the people at the southern edge of Dalai Lama and made such a suggestion, sad for the existence of the Order of the Evil God.

(After all, Gazlan = Rutim is not worth it.)

With that in mind, I laughed at Ghazlan-Rutim.

Ghazlan-Rutim laughed even more gently when he noticed it.

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