"That... me..."

"Hey, you're up."

In the morning air, the silo cat that was shaking on my back wakes up. I looked around with my sleeping eyes, and when I knew I was being carried by me, I looked at those cute eyes to the limit and stiffened after a bickering reaction.

"Why... you? What happened to the battle..."

"Win or lose is your loss. After you passed out, you let me know some of the circumstances. They have a sister for everything, don't they?

"... are you going to get your hands on my sister!? That's all - uh-huh."

"Just calm down because I won't?

Leviathan, who was walking beside me, holds down Shironeko, who was about to ramble. I'm holding this guy's leg, too. I squeezed my arm tighter and fastened it tighter.

Siloneko, held down by tough force, seemed to understand that he was no match for boulders, gradually pulling power out of his body.

"What are you going to do with us...?

"Nothing. I'm not doing anything. Or is that it? You want me to do something about it?

"Don't be. Shh! But I aimed for your life..."

"Oh, you know what (...)"

If you say "such a thing" that you've been targeted for your life, Shironeko will have a visible and depressed look after he opens his eyes for a moment.

"My raid, etc... I mean I wasn't scared enough...?

"Hmm? Oh, well, yeah."


Hey...... that wouldn't be such a depression...... I think I'm sorry too for being so clear......

There was no way I could say a word of encouragement from the person who made Sironeko start releasing an even darker aura, and Leviathan with a shuddered face went into the follow up instead.

"... this guy is out of standard for a lot of things, so don't worry about it?

"It's... I know..."

I know - - when I hear that word I whine with a sigh of "still?"

"Shironeko, we're not going to fight unless you do something any more. If you're going to do it, I'm going to hang out with you until I'm satisfied... but it would be helpful if you didn't wake me up."


"Well... for once we've been targeted for our lives. I'd have been hurt if Leviath had, anyway. Given the danger, there's no way we're gonna let him get away with this."

In a slightly threatening way, I thought I'd freak out a bit, and Shironeko has looked at me with a strong willed eye. I told him I couldn't beat him because I felt like he was no match for strength.

"I said hey, that means only physical. I won't waver violence... but I want you to answer my questions honestly. I don't want any more, okay?

Shironeko snorts and prompts me ahead.

"All right... let's get straight to work. I want to hear about the parent balls that are threatening you guys. What's his name... what?

"... that man... was called Thoma by his people. I wasn't that close to those people myself, so I don't know exactly..."

To the name that popped out of her mouth, I accidentally drop my shoulders disappointingly. We've both been gazing at me for what we've obviously lost our tension.

"What the hell is wrong with you?

"No... I'm just depressed that my worst predictions have come true"

Tia, Elka...... you guys were right. Grayne, he's alive, and he's building a weird organization and he's after me. What do you guys think I can do this ahead of me?

The faces of the three offerings that would be doing well in Distinian country by now come to mind. I just want them to stay on my side right now...

"I'm almost desperate already... but I ask just in case. What did he look like?

"Because you're wearing the same black robe as us... I don't even know your face. But it's small. The line is very thin, like a girl. Oh, my voice seemed high too..."

Oh...... definite. The slightest hope that people might be different is shattered. No... but I didn't know you were really alive... I just stabbed a stop with this hand, and I still don't know how it feels.

What originally possesses the Holy Sword gains immortality as it increases its power. Even if it is fatally wounded, it instantly regenerates before the lights of its life go out, leaving it unrelated to the concept of life and the existence of the disease.

Game braves come back to life even when they die, right? It's like that one.

But there is a way to kill such monsters.

That means that holy swordsmen fight each other, that is, between brave men - -

"Holy Sword" can be broken by "Holy Sword", and when broken, immortality disappears from the owner. It's like being disqualified as a brave man if you change the way you say it, which means you can't start over even if you want to be a brave man in the game. I'm not sure what the principle is, but for now it seems that the Holy Sword has considerable power in this world. That's... to the point of leaving people unrelated to death...

But this story… there is one obvious contradiction, including the Winter True story.

Fuyujin and I fought each other with the Holy Sword. And my ability to kill him means that Fuyuki's "Holy Sword" was indeed crushed by my "Holy Sword".

I remember the feeling that Big Eat poked him in the heart... the feeling that took his life...

"- Setsu, are you okay?

I come back from the vortex of thought to reality with an anxious Leviath voice. While reflecting lightly on what worried me, I pushed everything into the corner of my memory that I couldn't help thinking about at the moment. How he came back to life is behind us, I'll finish what's in front of me for now.

"Oh...... I'm fine"

"Yes... Oh, isn't that the Cironeko house?

In the direction Leviath pointed back to the usual atmosphere, there was a house built with Potsung. It's a little off the city. It's surrounded by trees and it feels undeniably a little isolated.

"That's it, there's my sister too..."

"Phew... are we finally here"

When the sky began to bring firm blue after the morning burn, the three of us arrived at Cironeko's house.

◇ ◇ ◇

Head to the front door of Shironeko's house and knock on a door made of wood. No reaction.

"I think my sister is asleep. It's time to get up soon."

"Right. Well, you can come in, right?

Yes, sir.

Sironeko down from my back unlocks the door, opens the door and the three of us go inside. It's a house that didn't have a very new impression, but not enough to claim that it's nicely tidy and narrow inside is a cramping of things.

Observing the house as kyorokyo, something moved around the bed in the back at high speeds - -

"Mine - -"

"Get away from your sister, human!!

Something that blocks Shiloneko from trying to say something and moves at high speeds... No, a brunette cat girl wiggles her sharp nails up and jumps at me.


Suddenly, my thoughts stopped for a moment, but my instantly reacting body grabbed my swinging arm down and succeeded in paying my feet and assembling it on the floor. Weigh lightly and deprive the body of its freedom.


"Calm down, Minneko. They're not bad people."

When Shironeko tells him to teach this assembled girl, the strong power he has resisted weakens.

"... if your sister says so..."

"Is this your sister?

"Yes, this is my sister Minneko."

No, I don't care how you look at it, Shironeko is my sister better... shouldn't this go into it? When I look at Leviath, she shakes her head silently. I see, not feminine.

"I'm sorry, I put you up like this... whoa"

Make sure the resistance is completely gone, and I'm retreating from the top of the minerals. No more restraints. She stood up paying off the dust of her clothes.

"I'm Setsu, this is Leviath."

"It's a mineco. Sironeko, it's your sister's sister. - Go-ho! Gee ho!"

On the way to introducing himself to each other, suddenly the mineko held his chest down painfully and collapsed from his knees.

Yes, I was, and I'm sure this guy has a weakening disease and...

"Minneko!! Because it's rampant! I'm resting in bed right away!

"Oh, sorry Goho... sister... Goho..."

Shironeko lends Mineko his shoulder and lets him lie in the back bed. The painful look began to fade gradually as she was given water to cough up bitterly.

"... is this more progressing than I thought...?

"Well... with that amount of exercise..."

Look at the minerals lying there. We say.

Shironeko, desperately nursing her, who still has a slightly bitter expression. If you look at me like this, I'll just...

"You have to move..."

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