Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu

33 unintentional strike

"I'm sorry... Mineco doesn't really believe in humans..."

Sironeko, who nurses her, gives an excuse for Mineko's behavior earlier. I told him I didn't care, and I observed the state of the laying minnow.

Although the cough is subsiding, the breathing is rough and the complexion is not excellent. It is certain that the disease is progressing considerably.

"... hey, what if I told you that maybe you could cure that disease... what would you do?


When I asked him that, the silo cat that looked back at me in a huge shape grabbed me.

"I can do that!? Please!! Please help Mineco!!

The face grabbing my clothes and pleading was different from the face of the brave Beast warrior who just fought me. All I have now is the face of a pure girl who thinks of her family... I've only seen the same thing as this once before.

"Please Yuki!! Help!!

"- - Oh, I'll help you..."

There is a perfect overlap between childhood taming, which once relied on itself for help, and what Cironetto looks like today. I stroked one of those heads to reassure him and stood on the Minneko's pillow.

Slip your hands on a beautiful deco with no acne and explore the origins of the disease that erodes its body.

"Light, reveal evil beings - -" Analysis of Light (Blake Light) "

With chanting, it unleashes the magic of examining the health of the Lord. You better do what you can when you can afford to chant. Because you can expect it to work better than no chant in anything.

(... hmm?

I tried to shed light on magic and blood streams flowing through my body and reach the source of the disease, but I never see anything. I mean... Overall, something like a black one erodes my whole body, but it exists all the time, and I didn't see the big book at all at the heart.

(This feels... Shit, are you serious?)

It's not easy to get sick when you're eating minerals. More Dos Black and Dirty... Fuyuki's - -

"- -" Magic of Spells (Karst Magic) "

"Hey, wait a minute! That's..."

"What kind of spell magic?"

"Spell Magic" - - A unique magic with a serious effect as a true winter brave. Simply contact the subject to give him the "Curse" that he has created. The types of "curses" vary, from curses that bind movement to those that erode the body like a disease.

Although it is not possible to use it continuously because it is universal and therefore uses a large amount of magic as a cost, there are extra advantages, including its disadvantages.

Once you curse it, you have little more means to break it. If we gather dozens of light magic specialists and keep doing purifying magic for all of us, we might be able to figure it out...

"Son of a bitch... give me the pills. Isn't it you who caused the disease... Shironeko, show me some mineko pills"

"Here it is..."

The vial I was given contains a number of black grains. When I took it out and smelled it, it smelled the same as Zheng Yu Maru, who I used to take care of when I was in Japan.

"- - That's a round positive dew 0, you lick it!!

I'll throw the vial in your hand outside. It popped out of an empty window, and at the same time I couldn't see it, there was the sound of Paris and glass smashing.

"Hey... are you okay!? It's a Minnesota medicine..."

"That kind of thing is a medicine that works against disease! Curse doesn't work at all!

The curse sucks, especially if you should never just eat the Winter True Curse. If I take it, at the end of the day, I get ravaged at will of my body, which I can no longer move.

Leviath, who has turned his blame eyes, also silenced when he heard the word "curse". This guy doesn't seem to know much about the Curse, but he seems to have figured out the dangers from the point of view of me disturbing him so much.

"Oh no... what have I been following that guy for...?


There is no word I can do for Shironeko.

I found that what I thought was good didn't mean anything, even if it wasn't an enemy. I didn't need to bother getting the pills. I was just getting my meds, and Mineco didn't help me...

Now that I know it clearly, Sironeko hands on the bed where Mineko sleeps.

I couldn't see her crying even now, and I turned to Minneko again.

"Ji... can...?

A sironette with tears in her eyes turns to her gaze.

I stroked the head again and laughed twice so I could feel safe.

"Oh, leave it to me."

I took my hand off my head, and I put my hand in the void.

"-" - "Big Eat" "

All of a sudden, the space breaks.

From holes empty in the void, a disastrous magic blows out, filling the room.


Influenced by its magic, Leviath and Sironeko's body collapsed on the spot.

It means there's too much exciting magic blowing out on both of us.

Outdoors, magic would not have happened because it would have spread, but the magic in the hatred room is easy.

The disastrous magic that has blown out in large quantities hits indoors, making the two look pale. These guys are in danger if we don't end this properly.

"Hey, come out."

From the holes in the void, a pattern of swords suddenly popped up. When I grasp it and pull it out, the magic buildup inside is pulled by the cheats and the knife, forming the shape by becoming the blade part of the unselfish (...) knife.

The accumulated magic takes shape and becomes the opposite shallow blade. Black magic swirled around it, covering the entire knife.

What we have here is not evil, but simply (greed), but the appetite of the Holy Sword (Hungry Fang) of the "Different Shapes", who just wants to devour everything.

Those who are unfamiliar with the lust of profusion recognize this lust as alien and unconsciously cause a rejection.

Now Leviath and Sironeko are exactly that, and my body wants to unconsciously get away from this knife.

I'd like you to be a piece of magic that is this lust if you can, but even Leviath, who has seen it several times, is this zama, so it's all behind you for now.

"It's - - it's mealtime."

I stab the Big Eat deep into the body of a miner. There was no feeling of piercing the meat, and my knife easily poked at her body.

Shironeko has opened his eyes and looked at me, but I eat the curse as it is (...).

Whenever the Minneto curse fades, the belly of the "Great Eat" swells. My mouth (...) swept around every corner of my body, eating up everything in the curse.

"Big Eat"... The official name "Hungry Fang" eats everything in the same sense as it seems to be said many times (...).

From inorganic to organic, from gaseous to liquid, from magic to spiritual power... that's to life -

I knew I wasn't going to like it.

Seeing my holy sword chew away without a tough curse, I think I'll make it.

It's unreasonable. Whatever comes in front of me, I'll eat it up. This can be called an unreasonable chunk.

Do you deserve to use this guy, who is righteous or evil but eats regardless, for once summoned to me as a brave man...?

- - Well, I'll use it.

It's stupid not to use what you can use, it's treasure rotting.

How dare you be a brave man?

How did you know it was inhumane?

"- - You have the irrationality (power) to push your will through, what do you do without using it? We have to swing more freely!

"... I can't believe I'm remembering the words of this cursed person here..."

The face of that dude's daughter bastard, who has the same irrationality (power) as me, comes to mind.

But at the end of the day, from the top of my head to my toes, I ate up the curse without one left, in order to give him a bubble of grin that I couldn't eat.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Wow... my body is light..."

"How's it going?

"It's awesome. I feel like I'm getting a lot of strength all over my body!

Minutes after that. The complete eating out of the curse halted the phenomenon of the weakening of the Minneto's body. He regained some of his fallen health by giving him a healing potion, and by the time it was no longer bitter to get up and walk around, he seemed to have recovered.

"Great...... mineco...... really...... ugh"

"Ah, already! Don't cry too much, sister!

An invigorated mineko starts stroking and refreshing the head of a silonette who cries with joy.

I knew no matter how you looked at me, my sister and I would look the other way, but why don't we just go in there?

"Good luck."


Leviath has lined up next to me and put in words of labor.

He subtly takes my hand and adds his own magic to the magic he lost about half of it.

Warm magic poured in and the colour of fatigue, which was slightly in its comfort, flew away somewhere.

- - This time, I let the "Big Eat" eat the curse, and what a burial of his belly until about the sixth minute. I guess that means his curse was strong and deep-rooted.

It was quite helpful to make up for the excess with half my magic, but I may have to put in place curse measures again.

"Big Eat" … Besides the price of not stopping until you are full, "Hungry Fang" has the effect of losing it when you are full.

Naturally, I'm so full of bellies... I can't pack it any further.

Given this weakness, it would mean that you could eat a curse of this magnitude up to twice at most.

In just a few minutes you will be hungry again, but assuming you were in battle, there is certainly no such respite.

As long as there's some way I can avoid the curse, it's a solution... well, it's not that sweet.

"- - You don't have to think about the little hard things right now... What do you say, Shironeko, now you don't have to hang out with the Winter True Bastard anymore, and you're not going to attack us anymore, are you?

"Yes... Gu Gu... thank you so much..."

He strokes his back with a crying, thankful Shironeko, while Mineko says, "Okay, okay."

Now these guys will be able to live together again. Hopefully they won't use me by freaks again...

Whatever it is, we can go to the Beast King. I'm a little tired, so I'll leave tomorrow or...

"- - You're in trouble, it's the air that makes me say how to settle one case like this..."

"Huh!! Sister, it's dangerous!!


In the corner of my sight...... only for a moment, I saw something flying in.

There are more than one of those things that glow black. They strike silonettes and minettes in the form of complete unintentional strikes.

Fatal surprise that either me or Leviath couldn't even react for a moment.

Still reflexively I shake my arm and bounce off some of that stuff. Something bumps into each other, and it sounds like metal.

My consciousness is more suited to the rest of it than the sound of it.

There was a complete blind spot from Sironeko, barely visible to Mineko and so on.

Mineco thrusts Siloneco's body. Something toward them coincided with the moment Shironeko fell to the floor...

- - - I stabbed him deep into the chest of a mineko (...)

"- - Whoa!! Outside!!

I scream unexpectedly. I was totally surprised by the distraction, and not least I was upset.

Something black flew out of the window, jumping out of there.

It was an action to keep me from shooting the second wave, but fortunately it didn't.

It was still far from noon, on the soil lit by the sun that hadn't climbed to the top.

"Hey... are you kidding me? What's all this noise?"

"Exactly? Oh, Shironeko couldn't be finished... he said it had to be done quickly if it didn't help..."

A woman in a black robe answers. I tie my hair behind me like I layered black on black, and I have dog ears on my head. His mouth is hidden with a black cloth, and his face cannot be confirmed.

"I hate you so much that you are our Lord's beloved...... as far as I am concerned you are going to go jealous and crazy...... I would like to restrain and take you because of the Lord's command"

"Who gets caught black onna. Tell the Lord, I'll distort that woman's face into a gutter, so wait."

"... Foreword withdrawn, let's just say it hurts so much that we don't know the prototype before we take it"

A woman takes off her robe and shows her the whole story.

Footwear like netted tights in a black outfit, the cloth that had hidden its mouth seemed to be tied behind its head, with the excess cloth flowing backwards.

This is familiar in Japan... isn't it?

"- - [Kunoichi] Cloinu... come"

Race specializing in assassinations and espionage transmitted to Japan - - Ninja

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