Upon checking the character screen, a new item entitled [EX Occupational Liberation] had appeared in the section of the occupational framework that had become the only one left.

"Hey, what's going on...?

Until now, only basic positions should have been chosen within the framework of senior, combined and basic positions.

That is what a new option is being created this time as an EX profession.

Besides, it was the third frame that became the last one I could choose.

I'm curious why this happened.

I'm so worried.

I thought about that and I immediately tried to check the [log], but the [log] I was hoping for doesn't have any description of liberation.

What the hell is going on?

Until now, all bonuses, as well as events related to the functionality of the app, were kept in [logs].

Even so, this time there were more items without any foretaste.

"I mean, interference from being beyond the power of the app..."

From what I've been through, I guess that's what this is all about.

And seeing through my guess like that, the smartphone got a single email.

"Whoa, whoa. That's not possible. Why are you texting me?"

'Cause you do.

This city should now be completely isolated by the Nine-Tailed Genius, because the hypothesis is correct because electricity is not passing through and trying to use a search site from a smartphone does not connect to the internet.

Even though it is, I get an email for some reason.

So this is it?

I wonder if it's finally the one called face-to-face with the interferors in the app.

Even though I was suspicious, I finally opened my email in anticipation of having a connection with someone related to this app.

[From the Creating God of the Beginning]

To you, the brilliant Creator.

The other world is always taken care of.

I am the…, no, creator of a multitude of worlds, called the [Creator of the beginning] of this earth.

Would I be your senior if I told you? [M]

I know you're confused by the sudden, but I need you to calm down.

First, let's talk about the purpose of this email.

That would concern you, too, about the liberation of the EX profession and the request from me, and finally, the warning.

On the emancipation of the EX profession.

You can say this is an apology from me.

I was inherently responsible for everything when it came to managing singularities on this planet.

In spite of this, I am truly sorry that my junior year has caused you to wear one of the peculiarities, the butt plush regarding Nine Tails.

In consideration of this, I was allowed to free access to the privilege, the EX vocation, which the other [Creator God] would not otherwise have.

This won't even be Even as a consideration for the job, but please make the most of it as a means to get through this predicament for now.

The next thing you know, it's a favor from me.

Well, it's not like a favor doesn't go along with yours.

It'll be somewhat difficult, though.

... Specifically, please solve the problem of the Nine Tails, the God of the Land, just like the peculiarities of the other worlds you created.

You have made loving solutions in the world you have created.

I've seen it.

Unlike the other gods of creation, your way.

All the chapters were fantastic, a really great way to end them.

So please, can you show me [true creation] again this time as you think it is and that it cannot be reached by violence alone?

... That's all I'm asking.

And finally, I'll give you a warning in consideration for this favor. [M]

It's very important, listen to me.

─ ─ ─ There are other [creative gods (players)] looming in your world.

Good luck, then.


This is you.

Did you say that your concern is finally embodied?

Well, naturally, when this app got into my hands, I knew that the producer would have the equivalent.

However, I also thought that there was no one else with an app in this world because there were no prominent fighters who could wield their power as creative gods (players) cultivated in the other world.

But what if that premise was limited to this planet, the Earth of our time?

In other times and on another star, it is not surprising that the right of the Creator God, called App, exists in another way.

Furthermore, in the assumption of someone who had named the Creator God of the beginning or something, he says that in my world in the millennium, apparently another Creator God (player) contact is foreseeable for some reason.

"That's awesome. That sucks."

I don't know what kind of contact it is, but I guess this is how you've warned me because it won't be a Loc thing for now.

Sure enough, I don't even have time for Nine Tails unless you release me as much as the EX profession.

It would be something like whether you could finally get a connection between effort and consideration with this much preferential treatment.

Nevertheless, if this beginnings of the Creator God and the others care about me so much, I have no hands to not use.

If we move on to the chapter, we're going to meet somewhere, until we can use it as much as we can.

"So, what about this EX profession and his favor..."

You're free to do what you ask, so you can do exactly what you want.

There is no particular problem.

But honestly, I had to say that I was out of standard about the EX profession that I was looking at while I was thinking about it.

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